1. By re opening some countries  there will be consequences oil might be peaking at the moment but I am short on oil opening gyms...

  2. Give that West Texas has defeated everybody else who has tried to squeeze some profit out of Midland Texas shale, I wonder how well...

  3. In an ideal new regime, how long would it take to get Venezuela's oil industry humming? What would it do to the world oil...

  4. This article is a bit feisty.  More than a bit, actually.  Pretty sure quite a few readers here will disagree. And that's perfectly OK.  Give...

  5. For me, this is the $64,000 question.  When I hear all the prognostications, I always wonder.  Thoughts?

  6. I've been seeing a lot of chit-chat about how much oil EVs could displace on various forums, but most of it is a collection...

  7. Quickly, they're releasing the results of the independent audit later today. Last year "sources" had them at 270 billion barrels. Anyone willing to bet...

  8. Generally most data shows that Saudi Arabia has a "proven" 260 billion barrels worth of oil reserves.  Aramco mentions they could have up a balance of 400 Billion...

  9. All the info they give about is proven reserves but I cant find any info about currently uneconomic ones. What is the amount of...

  10. Presented without my usual comments.  Recommended reading. How Oil Defeated The Nazis

  11. Here is a simple chart that shows the low made was made at about $72. It also shows the Trend line from the highs of...

  12. Does the world agree with Iran's oil sanctions ??? Oil exporting countries are seeking to stabilize high oil prices and importing countries are trying to...

  13. I've read some articles, still unsure on something. Use an oil deal between two companies as an example. Say you (seller) own leases that...

  14. There is some great insight on this forum and I am curious about something. Trump keeps himself in the news just about every day. He's...

  15. Bullish reasons for the cuts. Saudi Arabia cuts more than intended. Venezuela production declines Libya is a wildcard. Bearish reasons Global economy is showing signs of slowing. China's economy will...

  16. Not sure if anyone's been keeping up with Angola post Dos Santos era, but the new president is really going after the former ruling...

  17. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  18. Hint: do not wear an "I Love Canadian Oil & Gas" t-shirt.  Because apparently that is "hate speech". Posted in full below for those who do not...

  19. America isn't ready to ditch its pipelines in the name of climate change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-cxAVQvDOQ  

  20. With California's fuel costs among the highest in the country, the public did NOT vote for the SB1 tax that was added in 2017. This...

  21. I recently subscribe to oilprice yearly subscription at 09 Apr 2020. I would like to unsubscribe but not able to find anywhere in the website...

  22. To block a bot that is spamming a website forum, we can implement several anti-bot mechanisms. Below is an example of Python code that...

  23. President Trump's newest sanctions attempting to curb some $11 billion of crude exports from Venezuelan state-oil company PDVSA  to the United States this year has many...

  24. MASSIVE SUBSIDY $6 barrel oil to produce electricity, fill the tanks of their Maserati , and cool their buildings and homes.   Still can't see...

  25. In response to the corona virus, the feds have cut interest rates from 1.75% to 0.25%: https://www.axios.com/fed-cuts-interest-rates-zero-coronavirus-6bc5c3f0-16a4-4c18-8496-0493990a930a.html I can speak in detail about many technologies, but...

  26. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  27. Economically, Trade , Tourism, 360,000 Chinese College Students in U.S. , etc ? Will Europe continue to be China's obediant lapdog ?

  28. Hello, The Oilprice.com app has the previous 30 day history of Gulf Coast HSFO. Is there a more complete price history of this index publicly...

  29. The left wing L.A. Times is complaining because the Port Authority has approved natural gas trucks to relieve local air pollution from diesel trucks...

  30. API reports crude oil inventory draw of 5.17 million barrels. Expected -1.497 million.