1. DUBAI (Reuters) The British-flagged Stena Impero tanker sailed out of Iranian waters on Friday, the owner said, after it was detained in July during...

  2. Fantastic news for Brasil's slightly bewildered oil plays, Brasil has finally cottoned onto the fact that if they dont move and get this nasty...

  3. As a reader and not a contributor in the past, I am curious as to what price per barrel processors and pipeline operators can...

  4. I hope you can appreciate the satire. It exemplifies the dichotomy of the two worlds in the Middle East.  It shows the riches and wealth...

  5. Demanding a $2 Trillion valuation is absurd.  This entire Saudi Aramco IPO is a farce.  The boy who cried wolf / the leader who...

  6. A multitude of Western MSM headlines blame Trump for falling oil prices.   Here's one that doesn't: Oil Declines as Saudi Arabia Restores Capacity Ahead of Schedule (Bloomberg)...

  7. Despite Bankruptcies, US Shale is Not Doomed     Despite Bankruptcies, US Shale is Not Doomed While news of bankruptcies among U.S. onshore exploration and production (E&P) companies...

  8. Brent crude oil is projected to hit a value of $185 per barrel in 2050, in 2018 dollars, in the high oil price case...

  9. Canadian company ships solid oil sands bitumen to Chinese refinery   A Canadian company has loaded a test cargo of solid bitumen onto a vessel destined...

  10. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration imposed sanctions this week on Chinese tanker companies for alleged involvement in the transport of oil from Iran,...

  11. Experts question how attacks were so precise.  They knew exactly what to hit.  Saudis need to explain  https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/17/saudi-arabia-has-to-explain-how-its-oil-assets-in-abqaiq-were-attacked-says-ex-us-diplomat.html Also, If you overlay GoogleMap on dramatic photo of billowing smoke...

  12. The latest offering in the popular pick-up truck segment is from Chevrolet, with a fairly hefty truck, 7700-lbs towing capacity, fitted with a 4-cylinder...

  13. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  14. All end-use sectors will see energy consumption growing through 2050, according to the IEO2019. The industrial sector—including refining, manufacturing, mining, construction, and agriculture—will account...

  15. Despite what CNN tells you, there is much more to global oil & gas than U.S. fracking and the Saudi Aramco IPO attack. No, oil &...

  16. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/US-Shale-Wont-Go-Bankrupt.html Rystad again throwing numbers out like its gospel, and all this is all relative to which hard number, the price of oil...? It amazes me how fickle these...

  17. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  18. The Saudi excuse is the defense system was looking the other way. EVEN THOUGH THE U.S. MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DETERMINED THAT THE PREVIOUS ATTACK ON...

  19. Once again “OIL” combined with political bluster and a provocateur has the world is in turmoil and everyone is hoping that somehow a peaceful resolution...

  20.       Yesterday's drone air attacks on Saudi Arabia's oil facilities are threatening to disrupt the status quo of the world's oil markets and push the...

  21. Where oil rigs go to die @Rasmus Jorgensen, @Douglas Buckland, some others whose names I've regrettably misplaced. Nice read for the weekend

  22. Here's a surprise, not the 3 months, then 1 month like they said. Shocker. Oil too is likely to catch a bid after the WSJ...

  23. Saudi say 15 buildings hit .  Not if look at this picture it's outside complex and mostly desert. Your U.S. military said the first drone...

  24. Current news regarding Saudi Arabia and the oil production attack…   This is a good read.   September 19, 2019 – Zero Hedge Pepe Escobar: “How The...

  25. Sweet crude used to be the desired darling of the crude oil trade with demand exceeding supply which would result in higher prices while...

  26. I know that ARAMCO is supposed to stand for ARabian AMerican Oil COmpany. However I don't see where the "O" for oil is included in...

  27. If Saudi Arabia and other neighboring countries succeed in replacing Iranian oil in world markets and if the nuclear deal does not continue ,...

  28. Canada may hold the world’s third-largest crude reserves, but that’s little help to its largest refinery after a weekend attack disrupted production in Saudi...

  29. So on Sep 17th the fed did a $75B repo which was only subscribed to $53B but the day before there was no problem. ...