1. Is this the start of production halts because of covid?  This says Petronas evacuated their staff  because of COVID-19.  https://www.arabnews.com/node/1642621/business-economy

  2. Iraq is angry with the Saudis for raising production without consulting with OPEC. It's also angry with other producers: "Producers who are or are not...

  3. Iraq's oil ministry said the nation would reduce its petroleum products imports by 25 percent as crude oil refineries are being rehabilitated following fighting...

  4. Iraq's oil pipeline now complete as of April, which brings the oil to its southern ports, and now Iraq is looking to build up a...

  5. While everyone's staring at Iran, neighbor and former enemy Iraq has hit a record production rate if we are to believe the oil minister....

  6. Iraq, OPEC's 2nd largest oil producer, wants to build new refineries as its oil processing capacity was severely curtailed by damage to its largest...

  7. An Iraqi delegation will travel to Washington to ask the Trump administration to allow it to ignore some sanctions against Iran, its neighbor and close...

  8. Iraq, the second largest producer in the OPEC has had to limit output in line with OPEC’s commitment to cut output by about 1.2...

  9. propaganda

            During the Iraq protests their were signs and chants saying “ no blood for oil “ but after oil companies...

  10. And in other news, the Middle East continues its cheery holiday tradition of merrily celebrating with good cheer and camaraderie.  Oh wait.   Iraqi Protesters Shut Down...

  11. Please note dear Greta's charming reaction. What do you think, will the Irish leave fossil fuels in the ground, switching to 100% bicycles and...

  12. The following October 25th (Sunday) article by Irina Slav is a good read.  In fact, it has circulated to not only Yahoo Finance but...

  13. VIDEO DESCRIPTION:  Irina Slav, a freelance writer in Sofia, Bulgaria, writes about energy for Oilprice.com and on Substack at Irina Slav on energy. In...

  14. Smart move; logical thinking. Irish government votes in favour of future Oil & Gas exploration "Ireland’s Government have blocked a bill that would have banned future...

  15. How It Started and How It's Going"Hold them liable for what they have done ... when they don't want to deliver, put them in...

  16. The U.S. Shale Oil industry is reluctantly waking up to a few doses of reality.  What goes up eventually comes down.  The beer is...

  17. Title says it all, want to know what your thoughts are about recent price movements after EIA reported an 8 million barrel crude build. Yes...

  18. https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1181121.shtml https://web.archive.org/web/20200304173405/https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1181121.shtml Autopsies show severe damage to COVID-19 patients' lungs and immune system, according to a doctor in Wuhan reached by the Global Times, who called...

  19. I think so. You have probably heard the adage, "There is a reason for Everything".  Humans have an intellectual curiosity . . . we want...

  20. $100 oil isn’t necessarily a good thing for the U.S. shale oil industry, several U.S. oil industry executives said this week. $100 oil could...

  21. Seen a lot of articles which on their own flip flop through the text and certainly contradict a previous article just the word “could”...

  22. After shrinking consistently for months, global oil stocks began rising again at the start of this year. The IEA, OPEC and the U.S. Energy...

  23. I have seen many comments on this platform regarding a volatile market being good for business, is this the common perception?

  24. IS THIS WHY AFTER 20 YEARS THE U.S. IS STILL IN AFGHANISTAN ?  Will the U.S. expend $Trillions and sacrifice thousands of life's in Afghanistan...

  25. I'll just leave this here: recent articles about the shale sector emerging from the pandemic stronger than ever before and $100 barrels of shale oil just on the horizon...

  26. CEO Bob Dudley no longer sees U.S. shale being the swing producer he thought it would be. Could this be smokescreen for soaring, record shale...

  27. It’s seems to be the case that the lag price between Brent and WTI is growing shorter. Traditionally Brent carried a premium because it...

  28. The policies and decisions made in California, the 5th largest economy in the world, may be putting the U.S. at a national security risk....

  29. 23% of the Canadian workforce gone, so far Quote This is the latest sign that Canada’s oil and gas industry has a long way to go before...