1. Mexico's drug cartels, it would seem, are now moving in on oil after the crackdown on drug lords. Gotta diversify ... Great story on...

  2. Mexican light crude is being kept at home, limited how much is available for export. Guess who's gonna fill the gap left int he...

  3. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-oil-exploration/mexico-must-double-oil-exploration-spending-to-halt-output-fall-pemex-idUSKCN1M82VN?rpc=401& I guess it's better than nothing, but Mexico's decade+ oil production decline is unlikely to be saved anytime soon by upping spending now. Also saw...

  4. Mexico is on the verge of becoming a net oil importer, and it is a classic case history of what I call “Net Export...

  5. Please allow me to highlight (in bold) a few bits from excerpts from this Bloomberg article below. Perhaps then you will better understand why I worded this thread title...

  6. I watched Michael Moore's "Planet of the Humans" movie and found it very interesting. It showed that many of the so called green environmental energy...

  7. LNG Terminal to Nearly Double Middle East Import Capacity   (Bloomberg) -- Kuwait aims to open what will be the Middle East’s largest import terminal for...

  8. Interesting. What a surprise! https://www.fxstreet.com/amp/news/wti-jumps-35-to-53-on-gulf-of-oman-oil-tanker-explosion-201906130657 Surprise! Prices slide, tankers explode.

  9. Total’s CEO names his top risk for oil markets – and it’s not what you think Setting aside the clickbait headline, I think the Middle East...

  10. The inimitable @Mike Shellman writes again. Worth paying attention to. Cartoon Of the Week In spite of higher oil prices, rising natural gas prices and much higher well...

  11. The latest musings from the unique voice of Mike Shellman. If you are in the oil & gas biz, and you haven't heard of Mike,...

  12. https://thenationalsentinel.com/2019/01/05/military-called-on-by-venezuelan-parliament-to-restore-democracy-after-declaring-maduro-presidency-illegitimate/ and this: https://news.yahoo.com/latin-american-nations-call-venezuela-201715879.html and this: https://news.yahoo.com/mexico-urges-regional-bloc-not-meddle-venezuela-000809686.html   Interesting. will the people finally stand up ?

  13. Brazil's Bolsonaro mulls military appointee to run Petrobras -report And people thought Obrador would be a problem.

  14. I read the article ‘Millennials Really Do Ruin Everything, And Big Oil Is Next’, by Julianne Geiger, this morning. Apparently, once again, the message...

  15. Pulau Bukom (Singapur)  is the largest wholly owned Shell refinery in the world in terms of crude distillation capacity. Seventeen men have been arrested...

  16. One have to admire China for taking advantage of the situation... To be fair, 20Mbbl is ~2 days worth of crude imports to China. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-22/millions-of-barrels-of-iranian-oil-are-piled-up-in-china-s-ports Tankers are...

  17. WCS not looking pretty these days.   check out the comparison with WTI  

  18. I'm interested in talking with Oklahoma mineral rights owners about  all aspects of owning them. Leasing, permits, info on whats going on in Oklama,...

  19. Researchers develop miniaturized nuclear magnetic resonance for oil and gas exploration Donhee Ham, Gordon McKay Professor of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, has been awarded...

  20. More of the same.  Doesn't look like anyone cares.  Business as usual.  A significant portion of the ARAMCO IPO buyers were individual retail buyers using money...

  21. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said U.S.-imposed oil sanctions are putting pressure on the embattled Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who the U.S. is trying to...

  22. The price of crude oil dropped slightly this week, although the real factor behind it is debatable. At present, it is as if the...

  23. https://www.sbs.com.au/news/us-rebrands-fossil-fuels-as-molecules-of-freedom It's not an Onion story, there's a link to the press release. Ingenious! Statoil ain't got nothing on the DoE when it comes to...

  24. I remember a lengthy piece Jan Van Eck wrote on thorium reactors a little while ago and I have to admit, I was fascinated. ...

  25.   "And 21 other attorneys general across the country are joining Knudsen in a lawsuit challenging Biden’s move." "Interstate and international commerce, according to the Constitution,...

  26. I mean, more grim that it already has. Moody's says high oil prices cannot offset the drop in production, and inflation of 4,000% expected...

  27. I am sure that anyone who has ever dealt with cleaning out storage tanks can easily understand what a massive problem the SPR is...

  28. Only going to get worse. ME countries can't pay social stipends, grow economy and build a viable military as price of oil decreases.   Possible that future...

  29. I thought that this was an interesting read. In an effort to forestall the avalanche of responses showing how incorrect this article is, let me...

  30. Really getting tired of the Mainstream Media's never-ending onslaught of  COVID  DOOM  PANIC  DEATH  DISASTER  PANDEMONIUM  hyperventilating, being inserted into every damn story. Western MSM...