1. .

  2. Shell Eyes Looming UK Fuels Ban     (Bloomberg) -- Royal Dutch Shell Plc expects the U.K. can end the sale of gasoline and diesel vehicles in...

  3.                                 .

  4. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/calm-storm-oil-markets-190000470.html https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/The-Calm-Before-The-Storm-In-Oil-Markets.html The Calm Before The Storm In Oil Markets By Tom Kool - May 03, 2022, 2:00 PM CDT U.S. Gulf of Mexico sees burst of drilling...

  5. Tesla Unplugged: In Singapore, It’s Just Another Unwelcome Car     Around the world, Tesla Inc. is a welcome symbol of what can happen when high-tech meets...

  6. We have been discussing this on OP for the past two years, and a common phrase was the the LTO sector was "an unhealthy...

  7. The Latest: Death toll rises to 73 in Mexico pipeline blast https://www.apnews.com/1c106a2272dc413db4e11db6fc2361c2 Oil and natural gas pipelines are often at risk due to tapping by criminals...

  8. I had previously predicted that the Canadian government would end up pushed into building internal domestic refining capacity instead of shutting in WCS oilsands...

  9. .

  10. If oil were to remain low priced long-term, is this a major worry for EV companies? What if it stays at $30? $40? Will...

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ_NlnmPQYk Does Toyota Know Something That We Don’t? (This gives the pros and cons of Ammonia for ICE fuel) RCW

  12. HELLO ALL!!   So with the recent spay between US and KSA....many observers have started to talk about, once again, a three digit oil if US...

  13. Greetings! I need some assistance with an issue that I have recently encountered. While domestic oil production is projected to grow to more than 2...

  14. Opec, Russia and allies have agreed to extend record oil production cuts until the end of July, prolonging a deal that has helped crude...

  15. From comments made by Iran's OPEC governor: "Some producers have limited production capacity. Therefore, they may be faced with lower demand for production, while on...

  16. Ukraine importing around 60% gas from Russia.Therefore Putin could not take any gas from Ukraine.Always check the data.

  17. Way back when I was at University where I was a math major, my class used a classroom shared with some 500+ level economics group. We...

  18. Enbridge asks Canadian government to support oil pipeline in dispute with Michigan     CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - Enbridge Inc asked the Canadian government on Tuesday to...

  19. So You Think We’re Reducing Fossil Fuel? — Think Again If you think we’ve been doing a reasonable job of curbing fossil fuel use, you are sadly...

  20. Much has been written regarding the impact on the industry of the IMO-mandated bunker fuel regulation change. Many workable solutions have been presented that...

  21. .

  22. Oil demand needs to halve, gas use must drop by 10% and coal use needs to be all but eradicated by 2050 to achieve...

  23. I have commented ad nauseum about my view that $70.00 Brent seems to be the optimum, sustainable, suitable, long term balance between *most* oil...

  24. This is not accidental.  This is bad news. Saudi Arabia is apparently seeking an economic battle with the world and specifically against the U.S. The time era of...

  25. Quickly, they're releasing the results of the independent audit later today. Last year "sources" had them at 270 billion barrels. Anyone willing to bet...

  26. https://www.iea.org/commentaries/electric-cars-fend-off-supply-challenges-to-more-than-double-global-sales Note: Hybrids will play a big role in sales for the U.S.A.  Projections may be overly optimistic.  Large vehicles are not included. They burn the most...

  27. Is the Shale Revolution Here to Stay?   Critics of the U.S. shale industry question its staying power. By Xander Snyder - May 15, 2019       Summary U.S. shale oil is a booming...

  28. Today energy market analyst and fiction writer Irina Slav join us to discuss her recent article, “Burn, Hollywood, Burn!” We discuss the shady, well-funded...

  29. This headline made me chuckle audibly  ( hey, I'm easily amused... ) And Just Like That, Everybody Stopped Talking About $100 Oil

  30. heh heh, it's always a pleasant surprise when stumbling across someone else who has similar contrarian views on oil & gas, renewables, climate panic,...