1. With all the problems Kalifornistan has right now, this makes perfect sense… Not Gruesome Newsom's new ploy to distract voters from the swirling cesspool that...

  2. See attached PDF report from Raymond James research. Sorry, no link. Here's the intro: ============ Energy Stat: Getting Our DUCs in a Row. Why the EIA DUC Count...

  3. Nasty oil spill in Mauritius.  As if the cessation of tourism weren't enough, if they don't get this one cleaned up pretty quick, tourists...

  4. Many things indicate that oil prices should increase in 2020: Many of the points listed below were already trending this direction through Q4 2019 which,...

  5. If anybody here hasn't heard my hundreds of ad nauseum comments this entire dang year about my hope for $65 oil [Brent] for 2018...

  6. The U.S. leads global petroleum and natural gas production with record growth in 2018     https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=40973  

  7. Why on earth is the absolute religious dictorship which owns Saudi Aramco still considered our 'ally' ? The justification given for Saudi Arabia lowering oil prices to...

  8. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-10-09/california-moves-toward-ban-on-gas-lawnmowers-and-leaf-blos He should be more concerned about sprinklers right now! How popular will this be? RCW

  9. When I look at the charts,  I filter out the noise, (greed, fear and uncertainty), this is hard to do, but someone has to...

  10. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-10-27/world-awash-in-oil-as-u-s-sees-its-shale-boom-barreling-ahead Shale companies like Conoco, EOG, Occidental, Hess, EXXON, Chevron, or Continental, etc have cut rigs avg of 30% and increased production. Small players are...

  11. The BC/Alberta war over Kinder Morgan’s trans mountain pipeline wages on, with Alberta now ready to lay down the gauntlet to force BC’s hand....

  12. Welp, it's been a few weeks since my last gentle reminder nudge about the inexorable, incremental, slow-moving financial tsunami that is the PetroYuan. Ignoring it won't...

  13. Most of you would have see n this right? It goes with a whole slew of announcements about e-car makers cutting back on production...

  14. Hello All My name is Mahmoud, I am new here.. i am happy to join you all ☺️ I've been appointed to a new position (Sourcing) in...

  15. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/map-daniel-yergins-sobering-smart-110105377.html Here is a man who can give an intelligent and honest forecast for the future of energy sources. RCW   'The New Map': Daniel Yergin's sobering...

  16. The Permian Shrugs Off Below-Zero Natural Gas Prices in Texas English Español عربي Français By Tsvetana Paraskova - May 01, 2024, 5:00 PM CDT Natural gas prices at the Waha...

  17. This announcement was back in May 2019, when Trump unleashed the policies for American Energy Dominance  SHARE FACT SHEETS President Donald J. Trump Is Unleashing American Energy...

  18. About an hour ago, I posted a comment in a different thread.  This was before seeing this new, lead article on Oil Price main news...

  19. The policies and decisions made in California, the 5th largest economy in the world, may be putting the U.S. at a national security risk....

  20. Yes, this is about oil & gas.  Or more accurately, the Elite EU leader's persistent plans to dismantle the fossil fuel industry, while increasing their...

  21. Today Trump moves ahead with a promising therapeutic that could control the virus by summer. When Trump first asked about the availability of HCQ +...

  22. With U.S. sanctions having successfully reduced Iranian oil exports to near-zero, one might think that the Islamic Republic would be on the brink of...

  23. When the rolling blackouts were happening in California, they decried it was due to "peak demand" and wildfires, and the negligence of the utility...

  24. Ah yes, wonderful idea, injecting religion into both the oil & gas industry and the climate change panic industry. The Pope is religiously shutting down dissent...

  25. Can someone explain this for me? I am repeatedly told here that oil is a clean source of energy and it is in the...

  26. Bankruptcy in my opinion if oil prices settle lower at around $50. Even at current levels they would violate their bond or creditline convenants. Leverage...

  27. Trump Hit Iran With Oil Sanctions. So Far, They’re Working. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/19/business/energy-environment/iran-oil-sanctions.html Comment: I wrote few weeks back that September will be a bearish month for oil...

  28. Experts question how attacks were so precise.  They knew exactly what to hit.  Saudis need to explain  https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/17/saudi-arabia-has-to-explain-how-its-oil-assets-in-abqaiq-were-attacked-says-ex-us-diplomat.html Also, If you overlay GoogleMap on dramatic photo of billowing smoke...

  29. Oil Industry Experts Say Shale Will Rise Again     (Bloomberg) -- The American shale industry shocked the world with its rebound after the 2014-2016 bust, setting records for...

  30. https://world101.cfr.org/understanding-international-system/building-blocks/european-union-worlds-biggest-sovereignty   BUILDING BLOCKS The European Union: The World’s Biggest Sovereignty Experiment Countries fight to protect their sovereignty. So why would they willingly give it up? Last Updated February 14,...