1. Saudi Aramco has converted into a joint stock company and this is a pre-step in process for a Saudi IPO. Aramco's IPO will comply...

  2. Sharing this because I was one of the sources of background information for the author of the article.  We had a nice chat for...

  3. Heh heh, this amuses me in so many ways. Note the last bit of the excerpt below, which San Francisco oil haters are gonna hate: U.S....

  4. Looks like KSA has given DT some of his own medicine, after the weak sanctions or the way DT back peddled on Iran and slapping...

  5. Sinopec to substitute Iran crude with Saudi grades: exec   China's Sinopec plans to substitute Iranian crude with that of grades from Saudi Arabia and other...

  6. They're probably praying for more. I won't be taking part in any discussion on this topic (Russia threads tend to always deteriorate quickly into verbal ugliness) but...

  7. Iran’s exports of crude oil were higher than expected in January and are at least holding steady this month, according to tanker data and...

  8. The Trump administration imposed sanctions in late September on Cosco affiliates for allegedly transporting oil from Iran, a move that caused huge increases in...

  9. The U.S. government will not ensure sale of its oil to India at cheaper rates as the commodity is controlled by private companies, U.S....

  10. Santos board unanimously rejected Harbour unconditional offer of $5.25 USD/share; ends talks. https://www.santos.com/media-centre/announcements/santos-rejects-harbour-proposal-and-terminates-discussions/

  11. Soooo, two more provinces have joined in the shin-kicking between Alberta and B.C. Saskatchewan is on Alberta's side, planning its own oil export-cutting legislation...

  12. Saudi Arabia considers disbanding oil production cartel OPEC amid growing pressure following Trump criticisms and Jamal Khashoggi murder And that's just a day after I...

  13. Here. What's another hundred billion, right? 

  14. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the cleanest oil producer of them all?" "The Kingdom of Good Oil." "A comprehensive Stanford-led analysis in Science finds that Saudi Arabia's crude oil...

  15. What is most troubling to me is Trump letting Abdulaziz get away with this.   He had to respond in kind Stop the Saudi dumping oil...

  16. The irrepressible Mike Shellman has another update over on his Oily Stuff site.  Worth reading Mike's views if you follow the U.S. Shale Oil...

  17. Saudi Arabia says it will be the last man standing when the world finally weans itself off oil. And it doesn't expect that to happen...

  18. Still trotting out that overhyped $4 trillion valuation for the Saudi Aramco IPO valuation that perpetually never happens.  "Hopium" is perhaps the correct term for this...

  19. Saudi Arabia and allies can replace lost Iranian oil The US said on Monday that it won’t extend the sanctions waivers for eight countries importing...

  20. In a series of tweets - six exactly -  the Indian oil minister thanked the Gulf states in general and Saudi Arabia in particular for...

  21. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are set to resume oil production at their shared neutral zone next year, according to Japan’s Toyo Engineering that is...

  22. These Gulf countries have attracted forein workers with the "no-tax life" promises for a long time, but the government now wants to increase their revenues...

  23. A benefit of having cash in your pocket is the ability to buy when investors are fleeing. It's not just J. Paul Getty and...

  24. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4333579-contrary-to-assertions-saudi-arabia-cant-endure-30_00-oil-for-long Contrary To Assertions, Saudi Arabia Can't Endure $30.00 Oil For Long

  25. An easier solution might be to greatly reduce cash to the over 15,000 royal princes who do precisely nothing but get lavish welfare from...

  26. Saudi Arabia is now comfortable with Brent oil prices rising above $80 a barrel, at least in the short term, as the global market...

  27. Why on earth is the absolute religious dictorship which owns Saudi Aramco still considered our 'ally' ? The justification given for Saudi Arabia lowering oil prices to...

  28. The Saudis completely exit their $1.2 billion share in Canadian Suncor. Instead, they're piling into video games for the future. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4866o-Abck    

  29. This is ... disconcerting.  Is this a bizarre idea of MbS to corner the global oil majors?  Taking a cue from CCP - style infiltration...

  30. Saudi Arabia is planning to pump a record amount of crude in July, embarking on one of its biggest-ever export surges to cool down...