1. World Oil Award 2018 Winners Honored at Houston Gala Baker Hughes is doing well, I see.

  2. The high US dollar is hurting oil buyers and users all over the world. A stronger local currency is what the likes of India...

  3. With the impending U.S. sanctions against Iranian oil less than a month away, it appears that Iran is already preparing to divert much of...

  4. The world’s biggest independent oil traders are deeply divided over the crude price outlook as the start date of sanctions on Iran’s energy exports...

  5. Title says it all, want to know what your thoughts are about recent price movements after EIA reported an 8 million barrel crude build. Yes...

  6. North American O&G industry faces $240B of maturities through 2023 @Tom Kirkman, don't you just hate being right?

  7. Chevron is bailing on Noway, to go where the getting is good. Higher margins in the US shale patch, here we come! https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-chevron-norway/chevron-becomes-first-oil-major-to-exit-norway-idUKKCN1MK1K9?il=0  

  8. So many good observations in this article yesterday from Nick Cunningham. It's wonderful to see that some people understand what is actually going on...

  9. I'm starting to feel like a kid just before Christmas.  Petronas is generally fiscally conservative.  Last I checked, they budgeted for oil at $66...

  10. Mixed signals coming from the UK. Costs are down to $15 a barrel but now they're set to rise. Big Oil's leaving but that's...

  11. HI Friends   My take is oil will be range bound say 70-76  for Wti through out the year , Seem like all risks are factored...

  12. Presented without comment, for your consideration.  Season with salt as necessary. 19 Banks Merge, Etihad, Mubadala Can't Pay Back Debt, Aramco Can't Pay Salaries, UAE/Saudi Halt...

  13. This could be a good first topic. Enjoy the report on IPCC's Web Site here Or Read an article about it here Pure fun reading and a predicted +...

  14. Gasoline prices are up about 30 cents a gallon for the average American over the past year. At about $2.80 a gallon, gasoline is...

  15. Opinions among the big guys in the industry seem to differ. Some say it will bring prices down by a couple of dollars and others...

  16. After US considering to use SPR as alternative Iran Oil supply,will this impact to anchor the oil price below $100.

  17. Vice President Trump announces what is a complete reversal of Obama's foreign policy toward China. They are now seen as our foremost world adversary...

  18. Though I am not an expert in predicting oil prices I believe that roller coaster ride of oil price may culminate in oil price...

  19. Way too much hysteria lately about impending U.S. sanctions against Iranian Oil. The more Iranian oil is removed from the legal markets under sanctions, the...

  20. American foreign policy is shifting toward regime change. Will we forge ahead or stick with inaction?  https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/us-policy-venezuela-formally-shifting-toward-regime-change

  21. $32B Worth of Oil, Gas M&A Deals in 3Q Breaks Record Drillinginfo reports that the US saw a 250% increase in mergers and acquisitions activity...

  22. A growing need for more plastics and petrochemicals in the developing world will be the leading driver of oil demand, outpacing planes, trains and...

  23. Interesting article, good insights by the author.   Why The Saudis Can’t Keep A Lid On Oil Prices Saudi Arabia is incapable of offsetting all of Iran’s...

  24. The U.S. State accused OPEC of hiding 1.42 million bpd in spare oil production capacity, S&P Global Platts reports, citing a statement sent to...

  25. Lots of oil-related news coming out of India today (and this week), folks. India is feeling the weight of the higher oil prices and...

  26. Union minister Nitin Gadkari Thursday said the country is facing lot of "economic crisis" due to crude oil imports and need to reduce imports...

  27. Its time now to boost african economics to start operation of Oil production instead everyday to support them with some Aid why dont we...

  28. Generally most data shows that Saudi Arabia has a "proven" 260 billion barrels worth of oil reserves.  Aramco mentions they could have up a balance of 400 Billion...

  29. Yeah, I know. This is like posting a topic about the illuminati or whatever's hot in conspiracy theories today. Still, I noticed a couple...

  30. Eagle Ford - update through June 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions...