1. Harvard Scientists Are Really Launching a Sun-Blocking Geoengineering Experiment Okay, so it's just a test, on a small scale, they say. But this is how I...

  2. I'll have to take issue with this CNN 'expose' on unethical cobalt, which explicitly targets electric vehicles.  https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2018/05/africa/congo-cobalt-dirty-energy-intl/?iid=EL Child labor at artisanal mines in places like...

  3. "When the project wraps up as slated on April 30, 2024, it will seek to primarily achieve “operation at full load and production of...

  4. "As for the disturbance of the oil and coal markets by renewables, which seems to be the real beef, is this a new type...

  5. The German utility is launching a pilot project for the conversion of electricity into something it calls "green methane." I'm not exactly sure what the...

  6. Few days after President Trump slapped a 30 percent tariff on foreign solar panels, Energy Secretary Rick Perry announced a $3 million grant competition to spur...

  7. ...The heart of the issue (for those who need it elaborated) is this: the future of $90 trillion of energy infrastructure investments and the...

  8. China on Friday said it would promote using energy generated by the wind to help power heating systems during the bitterly cold winters seen...

  9. https://www.theepochtimes.com/worlds-biggest-battery-in-california-overheats-shuts-down_3998519.html It seems that batteries should be confined to smaller uses until their flaws are actually fixed! Automakers can't even get their small batteries to...

  10. A special announcement for those lamenting the imminent demise of the Tesla California investments:  Tesla has taken delivery of the world’s biggest casting machine and it...

  11. This from the Spectator Index, World Bank data: Share of electricity produced from oil, gas and coal in 2015. Indonesia: 89% Australia: 86% Netherlands: 82%...

  12. EXCERPT - The social cost of carbon, a measurement in dollars of the damages supposedly caused by releasing a metric ton of greenhouse gases,...

  13. Europe’s 2nd largest auto market, France, saw passenger plugin electric vehicle market share of 10.5% in August 2020, a 4× growth in share from...

  14. This giant battery cost $66 million and it reportedly already made up to $17 million during the first 6 months of operation. It is...

  15. https://news.yahoo.com/china-says-developed-countries-lack-political-climate-goals-083243079.html As the West bends over backwards to adopt renewables, China demands billions and burns more coal than the rest of the world together. Xi continues...

  16. Well? Eni's working on one with MIT scientists and apparently there are nuclear fusion startups (whatever will they think of next on planet Startup)...

  17. Musk blames Model 3 production hell on robots on CBS This Morning. Now says humans are underrated.   Is this softening the blow for missing Model 3...

  18. Elon Musk is suggesting that the new version of Tesla’s solar roof tiles will be even less expensive and it will roughly be the...

  19. I've been mentioning for sometime about the excessive weight of some of these virtue signaling performance EVs. ( 2 tons plus ) Physics seems...

  20. Nearly half of Australian major companies are taking their operations off-grid by installing large solar power and battery storage systems. Capacity of Australian businesses to generate...

  21. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Why-2030-Isnt-The-Magic-Year-For-Electric-Vehicles.html#comment_added This article brings up a lot of valid points IMHO. I did submit a comment regarding the lack of consideration of natural gas vehicles...

  22. A Nobel Prize winner says it might be possible to cut the lifespan of radioactive waste to minutes. Here. Now that wouldn't be very...

  23. The output from the UK wind turbines has plummeted from 14.3 MW to just 4.7 MW recently, when there is a widespread concern over...

  24. Notation:  If you are unfamiliar with the World Economic Forum and its projects such as The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, "Pandemic" Event 201 of...

  25. https://johnssolarblog.com/f/the-world-of-used-solar-modules-is-like-a-tidal-wave-now For various reasons, panels from utility solar farms become 'surplus' and are available to smaller scale users. Some of it is due to 'act...

  26. https://www.wnd.com/2021/01/electric-car-driver-discovers-fast-charge-costs-gas/ I would show a Tesla, but this is what was with the article. What do you think. Will we end up paying as much...

  27. According to the relevant study, over $1 trillion has been invested into renewables industry worldwide. It has created around 10 million job opportunities. By...

  28. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-02/ucl-flb021320.php At 88 Wh/l, this has roughly the energy density of lead acid batteries, but can be recharged in seconds.    

  29. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/09/02/la-times-tesla-residential-solar-panels-bursting-into-flames/   LA Times: Tesla Residential Solar Panels Bursting into Flames 208

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