1. As if we didn't feel guilty enough about our lifestyles degrading the environment, now the incredibly reputable Huffington Post lets us know that our...

  2. Here's the report. Not sure if it's surprising or not.

  3. From a recent article on this site: Battery Breakthrough Solves Major Electric Car Problemhttps://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Battery-Breakthrough-Solves-Major-Electric-Car-Problem.html I find this hard to believe. After all the millions of dollars...

  4. Brazil plans to add more solar to its hydro-dominated electricity generation mix

  5. We Shouldn't Be Surprised Renewables Make Energy Expensive Since That's Always Been The Greens' Goal https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelshellenberger/2019/05/27/we-shouldnt-be-surprised-renewables-make-energy-expensive-since-thats-always-been-the-greens-goal/?fbclid=IwAR2whcbvAD1DJ5a5q_pTAMbppzZndvBksnOdLRbgZknFV96J_rbSirHB4mk#39ed29c64e6d  

  6. https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/electric-power/053019-analysis-us-cities-claiming-100-renewable-power-may-quadruple-in-2019 Analysis: US cities claiming 100% renewable power may quadruple in 2019

  7. Malaysia is the latest Asian country after China and Philippines to reject rich countries' trash after becoming a dumping ground for plastic waste.   https://www.reuters.com/article/us-malaysia-waste-idUSKCN1SY0M7?utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+Trending+Content&utm_content=5cecf8d6c3070b0001dcd590&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter 

  8. Hello and welcome once again to Oilprice's latest contest, whereby one could win an amazing miniature barrel of black slime--perfect for nearly every occasion. To...

  9. “You can’t have renewables without reliable storage and the best form of storage is water.” I wholeheartedly agree with the first part of this statement...

  10. A steep decline in nuclear energy capacity will threaten climate goals and power supply security unless advanced economies find a way to extend the...

  11. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-05-27/australias-obsession-with-cheap-solar-derailing-market-insiders/11139856 "The ANAO found 1.2 per cent of rooftop solar installations have been inspected by the regulator. The regulator's inspections found that about one in six...

  12. Waste-to-energy plant in B.C. to handle disputed garbage from Philippines Only fitting.

  13. Panels for sale within the US, warehoused in Miami. I'm not promoting any particular brand or business, therefore I'm not naming names.

  14. One example of the often very poor justification, if not downright nonsensical argument, used to justify investment in renewables we need look no further...

  15. Automotive supplier Bosch has agreed to pay a 90 million euros ($100.21 million) fine for lapses in supervisory duties which enabled carmakers to engage...

  16. https://www.pv-tech.org/news/affordable-solar-plus-storage-hard-to-beat-for-coal And this: https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2019-05-21/why-california-nixed-a-natural-gas-power-plant-in-favor-of-batteries In other words, you only had to add storage and it took you long enough.

  17. Rally ‘Round The Circular Economy     Discarded plastics underscore both the problem and the opportunity       he demand for lifetime stewardship of products, including safe and appropriate end-of-life...

  18. It is amazing and you would have never guessed it... Here it comes... Consume less energy! In this case by perusing the services of the...

  19. Shell ‘to have commercial wind farms’ by early 2020s, project boss says   Oil giant Shell will have a number of “commercial offshore wind farms” that...

  20. California regulator threatens ban on gasoline engines I say do it. Take the experiment out of the lab. So what if it's the single largest...

  21. http://www.ngvglobal.com/blog/demand-soars-for-clean-energy-fuels-zero-now-program-0507#more-111648 Demand Soars for Clean Energy Fuels ‘Zero Now’ Program   http://www.ngvglobal.org/ngv-statistics/ Welcome to the NGV Global Statistics Webpage. Data is the most recent available. Best endeavours are used...

  22. Lets see what the future holds!!! They should drop the term "clean energy"... ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Solar Industry Lays Claim To The 2020s; Kicks Off The Solar+ Decade As...

  23. New York aims to fight climate change by creating green union jobs I love the new-job-creation mantra. Fit for every occasion, every party on the...

  24. They're calling it beautiful and are clearly very proud of hacking OMV's site to publish false info. I'm reminded of a book by Paul...

  25. Climate change is making the rich, richer. And what about the poor? Well you can guess. A new study  finds the gap between the...

  26. Just one marijuana cigarette creates over 10 pounds of carbon dioxide pollution, while entire kilogram produces a staggering 4600 kg of CO2 emissions to...

  27. This from the Spectator Index, World Bank data: Share of electricity produced from oil, gas and coal in 2015. Indonesia: 89% Australia: 86% Netherlands: 82%...

  28. Follow the money.  Combatting "Climate Change" is the new EU ponzi get rich quick scheme. This insanity is just a new twist to the ages-old political agenda...

  29. Of the R$11.8 (US$3) million that were supposed to be used this year by the National Policy on Climate Change to meet the commitments...

  30. Presented without comment.   The Reason Renewables Can't Power Modern Civilization Is Because They Were Never Meant To ... Now comes a major article in the country’s largest newsweekly...

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