1. "A team of Chinese engineers has developed a hybrid solar cell that can produce electricity come rain or shine, using the triboelectric effect to...

  2. Not A Fan Of Saudi Arabia’s Anti-Democratic Policies? Drive Electric! Now that's one cunning slogan. Beautiful.

  3. attorneys at the U.S. International Trade Commission are arguing that their recommendation to impose a tariff on foreign solar cells - something President Donald...

  4. The US is dominant in the sectors of biomass, gas, geothermal, nuclear, ocean, oil and wind power generation projects. Brazil leads in the sectors...

  5. Pope Francis will meet with top executives in the oil industry and major investment firms next week at the Vatican to discuss the global...

  6. big electric company jumping on the renewable bandwagon, to sink $13 billion into renewables. The sector players that are not interested in the renewable...

  7. https://mobile.twitter.com/IdaAuken/status/1163873544658403329 Short version: Wind is better than coal.

  8. SoftBank is planning to develop a $1.2 billion solar plant in Saudi Arabia, despite facing growing scrutiny over its investments in the kingdom. The plant,...

  9. India is trying to protect its local solar industry, or at least the Finance Ministry says so, with a proposal for a 70% duty...

  10. SunPower stocks hasn't done well since the announcement of tariffs on imported solar panels, and now it's trying to get the Trump admin to...

  11. https://www.theepochtimes.com/net-zero-plans-to-decarbonize-economy-madness-claims-engineering-expert_3358591.html   Here is a rational look at the Green Energy plans of the anti carbon bunch. What do you think? RCW   Net-Zero Emissions Plans for Economy...

  12. A recent thread put this on my mind. The earth has limited resources, some, much more limited than others. For the health of the...

  13. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/startup-hydrogen-breakthrough-may-life-220016923.html   Startup’s Hydrogen Breakthrough May Give New Life to Coal Plants     Swati Pandey Thu, August 18, 2022 at 5:00 PM     (Bloomberg) -- A small Australian research lab tucked...

  14. I haven't jumped on lithium yet, but probably should have, so it's my New Year's resolution. I think it will be hard for anyone...

  15. Dutch engineers build world's biggest sun-seeking solar farm A pretty cool idea.

  16. Sounds like a sci-fi movie, Chinese drone maker EHANG has posted footage of the latest test flights of its EHANG 184 passenger-carrying all-electric autonomous...

  17. Solar investments last year accounted for more than half of the total new investment in renewable energy. Solar is really booming and I bet...

  18. Thousands of wind turbines from Germany to the U.K. are set to grind to a halt next week, cutting electricity supplies at the same...

  19. More than 40 retailers and consumer goods companies have pledged to eliminate single-use plastic bag use by 2025, replacing it with biodegradable, recyclable or reusable alternatives....

  20. Qatar opened up its first EV charging station--the first of nine.  How realistic is their target of having between 2% and 4% of all...

  21. In reading about all the cities facing major water crisis, I'm wondering how far we REALLY are in the desalination tech game...it used to...

  22. “The power grid will probably cope, because even though the number of electric cars increase, electricity consumption is increasing at a slower rate. Even...

  23. https://www.iflscience.com/environment/north-sea-rocks-could-store-months-of-renewable-energy/ "As always the problem is money." Indeed. Such a cool idea, though.

  24. The region was long the country’s smallest solar market, in part because state regulators argued it was just too expensive. Now that prices have...

  25. I wonder when the great unwashed masses will finally get fed up with the constant brow beating by the Green Team, the never ending...


  27. BP: Plastic ban 'could have unintended consequences' Well, everything has unintended consequences, doesn't it? But they do have a point. The question, I guess, is...

  28. https://www.news24.com/Green/News/climate-activist-greta-thunberg-is-time-2019-person-of-the-year-20191211 THUNDERBERGS ARE GO.......  

  29. The renewable energy is challenged with finding ways to store it on days when there's no sun or wind. German technology company Sonnen is...

  30. The Netherlands authorities will unseal bids to construct  two 350 megawatt offshore wind turbines, hoping at least some of the bids will be for wind...

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