1. Just wait until governments *rescind* subsidies for EVs and decide to tax electricity for EVs in the same way they tax gasoline and diesel...

  2. An Oklahoma judge has slammed American Electric Power for basically trying to get the go-ahead for the Wind Catcher by cheating. She said they've...

  3. https://archive.ph/PDwx0 ESG Investing Is Heading for a Reckoning, Says One Veteran Manager Lisa Pham Mon, June 6, 2022, 8:36 AM·2 min read     (Bloomberg) -- The ESG investment industry...

  4. The U.S. Grid Isn’t Ready For A Major Shift To Renewables By Irina Slav - Mar 03, 2021, 4:00 PM CST Join Our Community The blame game...

  5. https://www.science.org/doi/pdf/10.1126/science.abh4049 Starch + fatty acids (vegetable oils) + phenols (flavorings and odorants) + sugars (glucose, sucrose, etc.) = plant based food (cereals, fruits, and starchy...

  6. John Kerry: Green Transition Will Be Bigger Than The Industrial Revolution By Haley Zaremba - Jun 15, 2022, 2:00 PM CDT The global green energy transition...

  7. Australia’s Commodities Heartland Set for Major Hydrogen Plant   The desolate red sands of the Pilbara region in western Australia, home to most of the iron...

  8. Offshore Wind is becoming a BIG attraction. https://www.powermag.com/report-touts-huge-potential-of-offshore-wind/

  9. On Navajo land in Arizona, a coal plant and coal mine that have devastated the environment are being replaced by solar–with both enormous benefits...

  10. This article from 2014 should probably be a sticky for this Renewables sub-forum.  But that's just my opinion. This article is a brutally cold, hard...

  11. Musk shared on Twitter that Tesla Gigafactory 1 will be powered 100% by Tesla Solar by the end of 2019. The confirmation came as...

  12. A new article on oilprice: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Is-This-The-Cleanest-Energy-On-Earth.html discusses Geothermal energy. After first confusing ground-loop heat pumps with true geothermal, the article recovers and discusses geothermal rationally. One...

  13. Plants on Earth evolved at much higher CO2 than present (reason farmers using CO2 to boost growth in the green houses). It’s a friend,...

  14. Panels for sale within the US, warehoused in Miami. I'm not promoting any particular brand or business, therefore I'm not naming names.

  15. The Renewables Team..... Perhaps a baseload energy system like this may be worth some discussion? Below is a comparison of area required vs energy generated for wind...

  16. https://www.umass.edu/news/article/new-green-technology-umass-amherst  

  17. https://scitechdaily.com/co2-mitigation-on-earth-and-magnesium-civilization-on-mars-just-add-water/ Making methane and methanol from elemental magnesium, CO2, and water at room temperature and atmospheric pressure.

  18. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Chinas-Renewable-Boom-Hits-The-Wall.html

  19. From 'ZeroHedge', AKA Russian FSB:   Quote   Government policies incentivize utility companies to invest in expensive renewable energy projects, often at the expense of grid reliability and...

  20. Content for 'I told you sos': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSb-33aXK3E  

  21. The cost of car insurance for a Tesla ranges between $4,000 to $5,000 year. It's due to the high cost to repair when involved in...

  22. So how's that "renewable energy" Solar and Wind power working out this week for militant environmental extremists in the U.S. who demand to keep oil &...

  23. Those who are still trying to claim that offshore wind is somehow cheaper than other forms of energy, notably coal, despite all the problems...

  24. https://www.anakatawindpower.com/ Interesting. Formula One design comes to wind power. Winglets and aerofoils bring 10% performance improvements. Can be retrofitted to existing turbines with a payback...

  25. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/germanys-giant-windmills-wildly-unpopular-040002343.html Germany's Giant Windmills Are Wildly Unpopular

  26. China says it will lift the restrictions that require US EV manufacturers to have a local partner. read more here But Tesla also announced a model...

  27. The biggest expense related to our home is the electricity bill that comes every month.  I worked hard, we scrimped and saved, and we paid off the...

  28. Let’s give a big shout out to the government of South Africa which has managed to completely mismanage the country’s state-owned power grid over...

  29. Sweden introduced on Thursday a threefold tax on fossil fuels at local power plants with aim of spurring a shift to renewable energy. While Sweden doesn’t...

  30. See this video by Sabine Hossenfelder, a You Tube science presenter who explores the subject of H2 particularly in cars in some detail. I think...

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