1. Any one here know about wti

  2. KIndly post poll and describe where oil can go for now . 

  3. Second job €48.20 fast2earn.com the fastest way to earn money online to client Femi. No doubt admin truly nice. Notice screenshot. Totally know elite. ...

  4. WTI is up 20% today. Isn't it likely to go back to negative in May as the contracts roll over again?

  5. Should I invest in oil..? 

  6. Trading was halted around 4:00PM today? I could not sell or buy anymore shares of my ETF. I wanted to close my position before...

  7. I m looking to buy stock on a barrel of oil going higher. I don't know what the symbol is . I just want...

  8. oil

    Main question, what is the bottom price of this all 1 barrel ent to -40 looks it stabalizes arround -3 +1? SO what could be a good...

  9. I’m completely new to this. I have $5000 that I want to play with and can lose (but don’t want to). What is the best...

  10. https://www.proshares.com/news/proshares_announces_share_splits_040320.html ProShares is reverse-splitting their long crude ETFs.  OILK, for example, is a 1:5 reverse split. Perhaps a good indicator of how low they expect fund...

  11. If it says that the Crude Oil Future settle on April 21st, what exact time and date does it settle? https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/energy/crude-oil/light-sweet-crude_product_calendar_futures.html

  12. Hello, I'm a uni-student who's just interested in getting some advice from some of the more experienced traders here as I've found myself in an...

  13. I want to invest in "crude oil" (as commodity, not in companies engaged in E&P or marketing) with a horizon of upto 5 years....

  14. .

  15. As promised, here's another dumb question. WTI, according to OilPrice.com and other chart sites, is down 70%. But WTI-based ETFs (USO, OILK, etc.) are down only...

  16. Hello, im new to oil trading, and I wanna ask a question that may seem stupid, but I couldn't seem to find a good...

  17. https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/energy/crude-oil/light-sweet-crude.html EDIT: Apparently if you own May contracts you do have to pay people to take it from you, like a badge of shame.

  18. Hi all,   clearly Oil will bounce eventually and happy to sit on something for a year or 2 as it has to go up. What...

  19.         .                             .

  20. Recently I bought a ton of oil stocks. Specifically CPE. Research leads me to believe that there wont be a positive turn until way...

  21. I recently purchased  a leverage ETF x2 Bull and was hopping to hold it for the long run when oil price will recover. Any...

  22. Hello.  I'm a relatively inexperienced trader who usually dabbles in NQ or ES contracts, but recently entered into some oil contracts (CL).  Just prior...

  23. Hi guys! I've never traded RBOB futures before so I have a question. There are seasonal requirements for gasoline RVP depending on the date of...

  24. Under which circumstances could ETF's such as USO break down completely? What is the likelihood of that happening? In other words, will USO just...

  25. Dear Community Users, Here again with another vital question regarding my interest in oil trading. I am only interested in physical commodities trading in particular...

  26. When the oil market is in Contango and the next month's contract is priced say $3 higher than the current month's contract with 10...

  27. Looking best ways to trade WTI  

  28. Is there something keeping WTI from dropping below $20? Despite the failure of OPEC and USA to significantly reduce output, decreasing storage capacity, and other...

  29. This morning on Oilprice the value of WTI is above 26 USD...on other sites, as Investing.com, is 18,37 USD...usually the difference btw various site...

  30. Will this oil gap close back down?