1. NASA’s Opportunity rover is silently marking the 15th anniversary of its touchdown on Mars. The spacecraft hasn’t been heard from since a global dust...

  2. The billionaire entrepreneur and engineers at his private spaceflight company SpaceX have designed a “kid-size submarine” that they say could help with a harrowing...

  3. The robots at the Enjoy Budapest Cafe can do it all - they can serve up food and drink, tell jokes, dance with the...

  4. The world's first rechargeable proton battery has been created and demonstrated by a team of researchers in Australia. The current battery, which is now...

  5. Tesla has raised prices on its Model X and S cars by over $20,000 in China, making it one of the first U.S. carmakers...

  6. Dutch start-up Lightyear claims prototype can be driven for months without charging. First  batch of 10 Lightyear One cars will be released in 2019...

  7. The Democratic Republic of Congo may soon, if approved by the Senate, more than double the tax mining companies operating in the country pay...

  8. (First one who says "Musk cries conspiracy, hehe" gets a free drink of their choice. Virtually.) As published by CNBC: From: Elon Musk To: Everybody Subject: Some concerning...

  9. "Bulbous" blue bus could soon become a regular fixture on China’s roads. One hundred of the self-driving buses have so far trundled off a...

  10. Scientists have injected RNA from a trained snail into an untrained one and it had displayed trained behavior. Scary or promising? Or both? Also,...

  11. Defence giant China Electronics Technology Group Corporation claims to have created a quantum radar that can detect stealth fighter jets from great distances and...

  12. While the public grumblings over whether Elon Musk is qualified to lead Tesla, have been growing in recent weeks in the aftermath of the...

  13. This thermal resonator generates electricity by harvesting energy from changes in temperature and it could power gadgets for years. The power source relies on...

  14. Volkswagen AG will announce that it plans to invest $340 million to build a new sport utility vehicle at its Chattanooga, Tennessee, plant in...

  15. Fiat Chrysler is seeking a merger with Renault that is valued at more than $35 billion. Fiat is reportedly proposing an all-share “merger of...

  16. Things are moving fast for Tesla’s Gigafactory 3 project. In a new regulatory filing in China, Tesla revealed its plan to produce two models...

  17. Tesla has placed a request with the Trump administration to get an exemption from the new 25 percent tariffs on some Chinese-made products for...

  18. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tesla-china-hongkong/tesla-car-catches-fire-in-hong-kong-parking-lot-media-idUSKCN1SK0G1 Second explosion in a month. Batteries or the word of the week: sabotage?

  19. Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other internet companies must show the European Union within three months that they are removing extremist content more rapidly...

  20. One of the most notorious gas-guzzling brands of all time, Hummer, is reportedly being considered by GM for an electric reboot. Hard to imagine.  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-17/gm-is-thinking-about-building-an-electric-hummer 

  21. GM cutting hundreds of salaried workers in Georgia, Arizona, Texas and Michigan at its IT centers, according to lawmakers who have been briefed on...

  22. "While China continues to dominate the microchip space..." would be more accurately worded "While Taiwan and South Korea continue to dominate the microchip space..."....

  23. This world's largest supplier of car parts has announced a development breakthrough for diesel vehicles that radically cuts nitrogen oxide emissions to 10 times...

  24. I was very surprised to read that Tesla's planning to launch toe Model Y next November. hey haven't even ramped up the Model 3...

  25. International Solar Alliance is the future. Australia is world leader in that sector. It would be interesting to know if  ISA will provide expertise...

  26. When you are a CEO at an automaker, you generally drive a vehicle made by your company. It was the case of Opel CEO...

  27. Drool! https://jetsonaero.com/

  28. Last month Tesla announced it would close all of its retail store, which would freed up money to allow for a 6% reduction in...

  29. When Tesla announced its Gigafactory 3 in China earlier this summer, there was a big question mark around the financing for the massive new...

  30. The accelerating demise of diesel, long used by carmakers to boost fuel-efficiency, is undermining their plans to meet looming EU CO2 goals and avoid...

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