1.                       .

  2. Well, they don't actually indicate that.  But what they DO indicate is that Joe Biden's standing, according to the polls, is higher than Barrack Obama was at...

  3. Nancy Pelosi is seeking to invoke the 25th amendment. If you believe the fake news polls Trump is down 15%. If Democrats were confident...

  4. Zeihan points to the ongoing transition in supply chains moving out of China, the boomer retirement date of 2022 where more boomers are retired...

  5. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/OPEC-Oil-Demand-Will-Grow-Until-Late-2030s.html Pasted the article I am referencing. Opinion: OPEC thinks oil demand will grow until 2040. I would agree with them except for this thing called coronavirus. Oil...

  6. A clear victory of truth for the Trump/Pence campaign.  

  7.                           .      

  8.         .

  9. .

  10. This gives a brief overview on why we see different directions taking place across the world.  

  11.  WARNING: This article is for any intellectually honest individual who doesn’t mind challenging themselves with information that may give them a reason to think outside of...

  12. Gee.  What happened? 

  13. Is there a person on this planet that could have done all these  in such a short time?  in the USA.  Let the discussions begin? ...

  14. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/09/23/what-russia-doesnt-get-about-germany-a71527   What Russia Doesn’t Get About Germany Moscow has repeatedly rejected any responsibility for its most contentious actions. As a result, Berlin’s trust and willingness to...

  15. https://www.projectveritas.com/news/ilhan-omar-connected-cash-for-ballots-voter-fraud-scheme-corrupts-elections/ September 27, 2020 Ilhan Omar Connected Cash-For-Ballots Voter Fraud Scheme Corrupts Elections: 'These Here Are All Absentee Ballots...Look...My Car Is Full..." 'Money Is The King...

  16.                                  .        

  17.                                        .  

  18. .

  19. https://www.theepochtimes.com/beijing-has-no-way-out-of-the-crises-it-faces-chinese-scholar_3507024.html   CHINESE REGIME Beijing Has No Way Out Of The Crises It Faces: Chinese Scholar BY NICOLE HAO   September 20, 2020 Updated: September 20, 2020

  20. Another excellent treatise on Current events that ties everything up neatly with a silver bow.  Quote At this point in the global hysteria — increasingly mixed with petty...

  21. Our fears of a new Chinese famine appear to be closer than we thought.  The latest sustained and overwhelming flooding, coupled with a trade...

  22.                        .

  23. The on-going battle to get the bureaucracy under control: Top HHS official takes leave of absence after Facebook rant about CDC conspiracies (Excerpts) Some CDC scientists are...

  24. This would likely break the record for number of viewers.  

  25. The Perfect Solution To Remove Conflict Problems In The South China East Asia Sea It is too easy to solve the problems, conflict between nations...

  26. "Oh, great.  New testing technology.  We would have authorized Big 10 football in August if we had this technology." Yea right.   That's OK. Bottom line we...

  27. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/09/11/putin-lukashenko-to-talk-integration-amid-belarus-protests-a71419 No real democracy or republican form of government can survive without honest elections. RCW   Mass demonstrations  Lukashenko, in power for 26 years, has vowed that he...

  28. Looks like Biden will only answer: * Pre-scripted questions * Preselected journalist or Union members  * Reads preprogrammed answers fro a teleprompter You think Biden will expose his...

  29. https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2020/09/11/chinese-state-media-china-must-prepare-war/ Primary motive to scare potential adversaries and its own people while riling up the jingoistic. The actual effect will be to harm (even more)...