Tensions: U.S., Japan, India and Philippines Challenge Beijing With Naval Drills In The South China Sea
In fresh show of naval force in the contested South China Sea, a U.S. guided missile destroyer conducted drills with a Japanese aircraft carrier,...- Pavel Replied
- 8 replies
Former United Nations Scientist says the UN is lying about Global Warming and Sea-Level changes
https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/31472-un-ipcc-scientist-blows-whistle-on-un-climate-lies Interesting read, and good video in which he explains his points.- Illurion Replied
- 24 replies
Iraqi parliament votes 170-0 to end US troop presence
Iraq's parliament held an extraordinary session on Sunday and voted to end the presence of foreign troops and to lodge an official complaint against...- Marcin Replied
- 13 replies
Oil Wars Desperate Nations
Are there any expected military or para-military uprisings from oil dependent countries desperate for relief from depressed oil prices worldwide?- Rd407 Replied
- 4 replies
Never underestimate or discount the courage of Americans
In this time of national trauma and self-doubt, and noting the comments of @Ward Smith in another thread of mine on fuel demand destruction,...- american heroism
- france
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- Jan van Eck Replied
- 9 replies
Trump Bans Americans From Investing In Chinese PLA-Linked Firms With Executive Order
Trump Bans Americans From Investing In Chinese PLA-Linked Firms With Executive Order https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/trump-bans-americans-investing-chinese-pla-linked-firms-executive-order Quote President Trump is pushing his war on Chinese tech and military-linked firms straight through...- Tomasz Replied
- 16 replies
China Threatens to Throw America into Coronavirus
https://nationalinterest.org/feature/china-threatens-throw-america-mighty-sea-coronavirus-130877 China Threatens to Throw America 'Into the Mighty Sea of the Coronavirus.' Also see China Stories https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wb2YoQGpSWTz32ljsiA_ey6FLVqc2Dpe7Fnpiqn9lBs/edit#- china
- coronavirus
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- ronwagn Replied
- 13 replies
“COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity” 33 minutes by Corbett Report
Released on September 11, 2020 – This 33 minute Corbett Report video is one that everyone should see. Transcript and references in show notes.- Tom Nolan Replied
- 6 replies
Putin Warns Europe of "Counterstrike" Risk If U.S. Deploys Missiles
President Vladimir V. Putin warned that if the United States deploys new intermediate-range missiles in Europe after withdrawing from a nuclear treaty prohibiting these...- Pavel Replied
- 16 replies
China to Impose Dictatorship on Hong Kong
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-52762291 Time for a real trade war with China. RCW NPC: China moves to impose controversial Hong Kong security law- china
- breaking treaty agreement
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- ronwagn Replied
- 1 reply
"Troika Of Tyranny"- US Vows Tough Approach To Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba
The United States imposed new sanctions Thursday on Venezuela and Cuba and promised additional penalties against Nicaragua as the Trump administration laid out a...- PavelP Replied
- 23 replies
Who killed JFK and other stories
My first and last post under this username. I used to post a lot here a few years ago but gave it up as...- register now Replied
- 1 reply
Pierre Omidyar Co-funded Ukraine Revolution Groups With US Government, Documents Show
EXCERPT the American government – in the form of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) – played a major role in funding opposition...- Tom Nolan Replied
- 18 replies
Is Libya the current Iran for oil markets?
Since end of last week Libya has been a little bit of a headache for oil markets as 2 of its ports have been...- jose chalhoub Replied
- 10 replies
(Un)expected: Trump Says Saudi Prince May be Behind Khashoggi Death
U.S. President Donald Trump, in his toughest comments yet, said Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince bore ultimate responsibility for the operation that led to Jamal...- trump
- saudi arabia
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- rainman Replied
- 14 replies
Sharp, concise, correct argument for ending lockdown
https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/494034-the-data-are-in-stop-the-panic-and-end-the-total-isolation The numbers back it up. He is also correct about the best strategy for long-term protection of the elderly. Pass this around!- TooSteep Replied
- 15 replies
Hot Summer: Amid US Tension, Iran Builds Fake Aircraft Carrier To Attack
As tensions remain high between Iran and the U.S., the Islamic Republic appears to have constructed a new mock-up of an aircraft carrier off...- francoba Replied
- 2 replies
The power of propaganda has no boundaries: Which country has larger territory US od China
Test yourself give the answer, even better give arguments for your answer. question is by no matter political. if no right answers will provide the one...- Marcin Replied
- 25 replies
Climate Change Hell?
So a Pope who believes that Hell does not exist walks into a bar to preach about Climate Change to Oil Executives. < insert punchline here > Pope...- climate
- climate change
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- Tom Kirkman Replied
- 12 replies
Pakistan Vs. India: Hatred And Intolerance Are Coming At High Level
India on Thursday urged Pakistan to review its decision to downgrade diplomatic ties over the withdrawal of special status to Kashmir, saying it was...- damirUSBiH Replied
- 11 replies
How The US Quietly Lost The 1st Amendment
While many would argue that Americans' First Amendment rights have long since dwindled from the liberties initially granted in The Bill of Rights, a decision... -
What China is Learning from Russia's War in Ukraine and its Consequences
https://www.theepochtimes.com/preserving-overseas-assets-causes-woe-for-the-ccp_4460847.html What China is Learning from Russia's War in Ukraine and its Consequences RCW A man looks at information posted on a bank door showing how...- Ron Wagner Replied
- 14 replies
Greta Thunberg vs Canada
Greta is once again telling (not asking) the Prime Minister of Canada to cancel the Trans Mountain and Keystone XL pipelines. Here she is, bashing...- Junior Geo Replied
- 3 replies
Passerby doused with flammable liquid and set on fire by peaceful protesters
Unarmed passerby in his t-shirt was engaged in heated argumentation with group of protesters as he was against them vandalizing a shop. Video shows...- Marcin Replied
- 18 replies
Contradictory: Euro Zone Takes Step To Deeper Integration, Key Issues Unresolved
European Union leaders took a step toward deeper euro zone integration on Friday to help prevent future crises, but deep disagreement left key issues...- 50 shades of black Replied
- 11 replies
Mutilated Cows and Hilarious Americans
LOL I really shouldn't find this funny but it is just because of American reactions. You guys have a serious 'alien/conspiracy/cult' problem haha. I...- if in doubt
- say its aliens
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Migration From Eastern Europe Raises German Population To Record High
Germany’s population reached a record high of more than 83 million people last year, largely because migration, most of which came from eastern Europe,...- pinto Replied
- 10 replies
Peak Populism Or Peak Globalism?
Amusing article which is pure propaganda of course. Last week George Soros rose from his casket to give an interview with, of course, The New York... -
China Declared Its Russia Friendship Had ‘No Limits.’ It’s Having Second Thoughts.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-russia-xi-putin-ukraine-war-11646279098 China Declared Its Russia Friendship Had ‘No Limits.’ It’s Having Second Thoughts. Xi Jinping wanted Vladimir Putin to join in a united front against the...- ronwagn Replied
- 20 replies
"The First Casualty of War Is the Truth – The Current Western Propaganda for Ukraine Is Epic in Scale "
'Question All Of It' - The Current Western Propaganda For Ukraine Is Epic In Scale https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/02/26/the-first-casualty-of-war-is-the-truth-the-current-western-propaganda-for-ukraine-is-epic-in-scale/ https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/question-all-it-current-western-propaganda-ukraine-epic-scale The First Casualty of War Is the Truth – The...- Tom Nolan Replied
- 21 replies