1. As the Corona Virus continues to impinge on world trade, in a variety of ways, I would like to ask for opinions regarding the...

  2. How the U.S. Could Lose a Tech Cold War I didn't even know there's such a war going on but that's just me. Interesting stuff.

  3. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Pyongyang on Friday, saying he expects North Korea to be ready to “fill in some details” of...

  4. I hadn't noticed, but apparently, MBS has not been seen in public since April 12. Speculation abounds, with Iran quick to start a rumor...

  5. Hooray!  US President Donald Trump has said he recognises Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó as interim president. It came minutes after the 35-year-old declared himself as...

  6. Does anybody have a current list of Antifa members? Complete with residential addresses? I think that in an effort to ‘get to know one another’...

  7. South Korea has sent 1 billion won ($893,239.96) worth of sanctioned material to North Korea, customs data showed on Friday, raising concern ties with...

  8. In his New Year address on Tuesday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un warned he might take a “new path” if Washington maintains sanctions...

  9. President Trump on Wednesday said that he wished he had picked someone other than Jeff Sessions as attorney general, renewing a slight of the...

  10. This is a well-thought out article, IMO.  I had not thought about the full geopolitics of Uranium.  At least, nowhere near THIS deep! Let's hear...

  11. What happened with the scandal over Qatar earlier this year, also happened to Lebanon's PM, Hariri, and it's all about Iran. Hariri is back...

  12.   Susan Rice, Obama’s NSA claims this is another Russian meddling in US election. Russians want Trump to win, among chaos and obvious diversion from current...

  13. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-politics-univision/venezuela-to-deport-univision-team-after-maduro-shown-garbage-eating-video-idUSKCN1QF05F   This is not good for Maduro at all......... Univision Reporter Jorge Ramos is a "Trump hater",  and even HE thinks Maduro should go.......   Ramos apparently asked...

  14. Trump administration slaps sanctions on Saudis over Khashoggi's death Well, they didn't implicate the big Kahuna, but I guess it's something. The Trump administration on Thursday...

  15. A complete and serious analysis of India today: India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi described his first term as “filling in potholes” — shorthand for addressing...

  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5iSmSbLa40 RUSSIA - Turkey & India Stop Buying Russian Oil as USA Increases Crackdown on Sanctions Summary and conclusion at 20:25 Russia has had to reduce production...

  17. Soo, the "Davos of the Desert" began today and I've been hanging around in Twitter only to read that while it started with a...

  18. Since 2000, at least half of the world’s fastest-growing economies have been in Africa. And by 2030, Africa will be home to 1.7 billion...

  19. North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and Chinese President Xi Jinping came to an understanding on issues discussed at a summit of the two leaders,...

  20. It looks like Joe Biden is breaking the Logan Act.  Sorry Joe, it's Leavonworth for you!  

  21. In a message to China and Pakistan, India shot down a satellite with a missile today. This gives the India the capability to cut...

  22. Jumping in. Charts look good. Earnings look good. Price to book low.   In 4.2. Fuck INO (lost a quarter of my profits from INO...

  23. Trump's environment chief Scott Pruitt thinks it is. 'We know that humans have most flourished during time of warming trends' said Pruitt. But do...

  24. Starting next week the Muslim sultanate of Brunei will make gay sex and adultery punishable by death. Theft will be punished by amputation of the...

  25. It's hard to believe China would storm Hong Kong to put down the protests given the repercussions it would have for its economy, unless...

  26. IMO, Trump has to much riding on this "summit" to come out looking bad. And quite frankly so does Putin. The Russians have never...

  27. martial

    Is Uncle Sam Busy Mobilizing his Military Machine and Personnel For imposing a Martial Law across US?  Is Uncle Sam expecting or more accurately planning for post...

  28. Russian President Vladimir Putin blamed political ructions in the United States for difficulties in arranging a summit with President Donald Trump, in remarks broadcast...

  29. I am quite surprised at the reaction and geopolitics of the 2019 attack on Saudi Facilities. The oil industry needs to revisit the 2019...

  30. Financial risk, poverty and pollution are China's biggest enemies at this moment. With all wealth this country owns, China's debt now stands at roughly...