1. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Big-Oils-Petrochemical-Bet-Has-Hit-A-Snag.html

  2. https://www.theepochtimes.com/chinas-largest-dam-on-the-brink-of-collapse-as-flooding-ravages-country-expert_3401097.html China and the U.S.A. both have a lot of problems right now. It would be better if they just got along and dealt correctly...

  3. This week the United Nations has been in the news as it held it’s 74th United Nations General Assembly Once again it was a circus where...

  4. Is the US government and the democrats overly reliant on China. Instead of traditional allies such as the European Union/UK/Nato/Indo-Pacific and the Gulf States...

  5. Interesting thread from LinkedIn  https://www.linkedin.com/posts/thesilentpartner_former-secret-service-cia-agent-issues-warning-activity-6619229553858535425-HRdS

  6. The idea of forcing China to change its' laws to stop forced technology transfer is foolish. You cannot change their behavior. However, we CAN...

  7. There was recently increased number of articles about Chinese human rights abuses and control over information and surveillance. Like in the title of the thread....

  8. Which countries pay the most to the UN?  The UN is funded in two ways—through mandatory payments and voluntary contributions. Each of the organization’s 193 members...

  9. Trump: US will shoot Iranian gunboats 'out of the water' With geopolitical tensions at an extreme level with Covid-19 and the oil price war, is...

  10. martial

    Is Uncle Sam Busy Mobilizing his Military Machine and Personnel For imposing a Martial Law across US?  Is Uncle Sam expecting or more accurately planning for post...

  11. http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/04/war-talk-against-china-is-crazy-and.html?m=1 Saturday, April 18, 2020 War "Talk" Against China is Crazy --- and Unjustified By Anna Von Reitz We have heard sabers rattling and all sorts of bombast...

  12. WASHINGTON (Reuters)  Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was believed to have been killed in a U.S. military operation in Syria, sources in Syria, Iraq...

  13. International reports as well as Turkish media has confirmed a mass ISIS prison break at a Syrian Kurdish administered camp following shelling on the area by...

  14. If you thought this year was bad, buckle up, because it looks like Canada has some BIG PLANS in store for the spring of...

  15. The latest non-news that everybody suspected but was never confirmed has just been confirmed. I wonder how this would sit with the rest of...

  16. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-42541515 Israel: African migrants told to leave or face imprisonment Israel has the most defended, most secure border in the world. The Africans claim to have...

  17. Good for a laugh, this one:  Recorded drunk outside a strip club, Netanyahu's son apparently talks about the gas deals Israeli closed, prostitutes and hits...

  18. U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said on Wednesday that naval mines “almost certainly from Iran” were used to attack oil tankers off the...

  19. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta said Friday he is resigning following renewed scrutiny of his handling of a 2008 secret plea deal with wealthy financier...

  20. In China, you must report the "truth." Or, you get disappeared! Well, maybe they'll let you leave and never return.  In America, the First Amendment...

  21. < *happy dance* > Shot across the bow.  MSM should freak out.  Waiting for criminal indictments. https://mobile.twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1196228039551725568      

  22. Isn't this scary to you ?  They are going after Trump, his family, his businesses and anyone that supports him.   They want to neuter him....

  23. China’s private companies have long enjoyed an edge over their state-owned peers, using “unscrupulous” tactics such as bribery, a prominent businesswoman said, at a...

  24. It was just about time to start talking about those waivers. Interestingly, the report on waivers comes after TankerTrackers has been reporting for days...

  25.   https://archive.ph/JhQ09Markets It’s ‘Foolish’ to Fight Dollar Dominance as Rally Picks Up Speed Surge in US currency has sent global peers tumbling this week Hawkish Fed bets, fear...

  26. https://triblive.com/news/world/not-a-wave-a-tsunami-italy-hospitals-at-coronavirus-limit/ The coronavirus outbreak tearing through Italy has turned a nation that usually donates medical expertise and equipment abroad into a country in need. Some...

  27. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3113444/coronavirus-italian-scientists-find-perfect-match-wuhan-strain Coronavirus: Italian scientists find perfect match of Wuhan strain in sample taken from boy.  Discovery made after researchers in Milan review blood tests taken...

  28. 49 new deaths in Italy today , 197 in total 778 new cases today out of 4000 people tested, 25%.!!!!! In comparison to population it is...

  29. Brussels has hit out at “finger pointing” and “threats” from Italy’s Eurosceptic government over a stand-off about the fate of 150 rescued migrants on...