1. Following Trump's positive speech extolling America and what has been achieved, will Pelosi's act of ripping up the speech send a negative message to...

  2. WHERE IS EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW ? There are over 100,000 employees in the Justice Department .  Most of them are career Democratic Activist...

  3. "COME ON MAN" A Biden Presidency would be compromised from the start.  Joe, the working class Irish Catholic boy from Scranton PA. sold his soul to...

  4. BLOOMBERG MAKES TEN'S OF BILLIONS BY SUCKING UP TO CHINA Bloomberg has a conflict with China if elected. _______________________________ Trump "America First" vs. Bloomberg "China First" and "Makes...

  5. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/08/world/americas/venezuela-oil-maduro.html   To Survive, Venezuela’s Leader Gives Up Decades of Control Over Oil Faced with a severe economic crisis, the country’s leader, Nicolás Maduro, is letting foreign...

  6. Like King Solomen Angela Merkle tries to "cut the baby in half" The pressure is on. The U.S. and China are Germany's two largest markets.  They...

  7. Giuliani has hard evidence on Hunter Biden. He claims Justice Department is investigating if Joe Biden involved. Justice Dept Attorney General Barr acknowledged they are...

  8. Don't know how many of you caught This article about a Harvard professor caught taking money from the Chinese (and likely passing them info).  Quote U.S. officials have...

  9. https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2020/02/07/people-grieving-furious-china-admits-botched-case-whistleblower-doctor/ ‘People Are Grieving and Furious’: China Admits it Botched Case of Whistleblower Doctor 3

  10.   Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz of Rosemont Seneca LLC *. Ukraine *. China *. Federal TALF $130,000,000 2009 loan with profits diverted to Cayman tax haven. Thats $130...

  11. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/53jazk/i-accidentally-ate-the-worlds-most-illegally-trafficked-animal Probably very tasty if you're the type that like pungent flavored meat.  

  12. None of my usual comments or excerpts.  Just read it.  Or maybe just read 1/1024 of it. Elizabeth Warren Transferred Oil-and-Gas Investments to Her Children...

  13. Here's a prediction I made elsewhere in 2016, so I may as well put it up here.  It was after Trump won the election....

  14. Jumping in. Charts look good. Earnings look good. Price to book low.   In 4.2. Fuck INO (lost a quarter of my profits from INO...

  15. Oil Price article says it all Just read this article and it neatly summarizes a lot of things we've been discussing in disparate places.  Wonder if...

  16. A "Madagascarian?"  Also, how do you tell apart a person from Botswana from someone from Ghana? I mean, I can tell apart a Frenchmen from a...

  17. Co-owners Hunter Biden  and Chris Heinz established Rosemont Capital in 2008 while Joe Biden was VP and John Kerry was Secretary of State.  Over...

  18. Bullet point summary below, more details of each item in the link.  Pretty amazing how often oil is the key windfall that got totally wasted by grossly incompetent and...

  19. This ones especially for @Marcin2  With China closing the gap on the US as the world hegemony, which type of hegemony model will it choose? Benevolent Coercive or Dutch...

  20. Has anyone noticed that POTUS Has changed how he is handling the press etc? His communication if far less typical Trumpesque he is appearing...

  21. Trump signs USMCA, 'ending the NAFTA nightmare'; key Democrats not invited     https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-usmca/trump-to-sign-north-american-trade-pact-at-white-house-key-democrats-not-invited-idUSKBN1ZS0I5  

  22. The UK has decided to let Huawei continue to be used in its growing 5G networks - but with restrictions.   Link to the article: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-51284393 But some...

  23. Britain, Boris Johnson, allowed limited share of Huawei in British 5G, but only in non-core infrstructure.

  24. Full article: Legal chaos in Poland deepens, posing major challenge for EU https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jan/24/legal-chaos-deepens-in-poland-in-new-challenge-for/     The right-wing populist governing party has tried to take control of Poland’s court system...

  25. From the Financial Tribune, a non-governmental newspaper in Iran. Amusing that this Iranian business broadsheet is hoping for Trump to fix Iran's oil curse. Will Trump...

  26. 12 Oct 2019, I posted my prediction Trump would capitulate in the so-called trade war. Of course, certain members here derided me for this...

  27. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3046175/tsai-ing-wen-says-beijing-must-face-reality-taiwan-independent Tsai Ing-wen President of Taiwan, tells Beijing that the must face reality. Taiwan is already independent. She was just re-elected by a wide majority....

  28. Each country plays what it thinks would be the most effective strategy in achieving its goals. Trade conflict moved into technology conflict.

  29. Which by the way, includes China, Persia, India, England, France, Russia and (eventually) the U.S.  Along with a bunch of other countries and empires. Even oil...

  30. https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/opinion/article/3046429/indonesia-stands-china-natuna-islands-can-japan-come-rescue Indonesia and Japan are arguing with China about their outlandish hegenomy  in the South Pacific. Vietnam, Taiwan, The Philippines and others are also players....