1. As never before, Pakistan with former cricket star Imran Khan (new PM) has a chance to separate army influence in public and political sphere,...

  2. https://www.cijn.org/venezuela-petrocaribe-and-the-orgy-of-corruption/. Hello everyone, wanted to share with you my recent interview for a media institute in Trinidad on the corruption surrounding Petrocaribe and PDVSA...

  3. According to Reuters Agency, The World Court  told Britain to give up control over the Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean, and said it...

  4. If you've been paying attention you might have picked up on the irony that Turkey now appears the most powerful country in Europe thanks to the refugee...

  5. ... or it may not, given that the frontrunner in the July election has softened a bit. Would be interesting to watch, though, what...

  6. Former British leader Tony Blair said there was a 50-50 chance of another Brexit referendum as Prime Minister Theresa May will be unlikely to...

  7. Trump: US will shoot Iranian gunboats 'out of the water' With geopolitical tensions at an extreme level with Covid-19 and the oil price war, is...

  8. There is no doubt: everything that happens in the Gulf doesn't t smell good. The escalation between U.S. and Iran has got a new...

  9. Turkey expects its allies to help set up a “safe zone” in Syria along the Turkish border within a few months, otherwise it will...

  10. The United States could soon freeze preparations for delivering F-35 fighter jets to Turkey, officials told Reuters, in what would be the strongest signal...

  11. @CapEconEmerging reckons that oil will stay at $60 at least until end of the year. I wonder how many share that position? Further, and moving...

  12. What’s an organization designated as a terrorist group in the U.S. and Europe supposed to do when it comes to raising funds? Think cryptocurrency....

  13. Seoul says the two Koreas have agreed to have their athletes march together during the opening and closing ceremonies of the upcoming Asian Games...

  14. The European Commission says it wants to speed up the process of inclusion of six Balkan countries as members of the European Union: Albania,...

  15. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/09/11/putin-lukashenko-to-talk-integration-amid-belarus-protests-a71419 No real democracy or republican form of government can survive without honest elections. RCW   Mass demonstrations  Lukashenko, in power for 26 years, has vowed that he...

  16. MSM has anointed FAUCI as God.  He is the sole determinant of who, what and when the U.S. economy can open.   The recent increase in...

  17. The rival Koreas announced Monday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in will meet in Pyongyang sometime in...

  18. Interestingly an important part of relevant oil and gas producing and exporting countries have and will be carrying out presidential or parliamentary elections this...

  19. The United States on Friday announced criminal charges and sanctions against nine Iranians and an Iranian company for attempting to hack into hundreds of...

  20. Iraq goverment is under new challenge. Western allies wants to see pro iranians Shi‘ite militia commanders out of game.  They are openly loyal to...

  21. Baghdad’s Green Zone has been a barometer for tension and conflict in Iraq for nearly two decades. The 4-square mile (10-square kilometer) heavily guarded...

  22. Presented without comment, for your consideration, here is an article from Iran Front Page: New US Sanctions on Iran Threat to Petrodollar US President Trump’s decision...

  23. The wrecks of vehicles used by Islamic State militants as car bombs and other metal debris left by the war in Iraq are now...

  24. Major headlines and CNN is all a-titter!  Trump's ex-attorney brings nothing new, except for testimony that he never saw anything that he could relate...

  25. Boris Johnson resigned from the U.K. government, tipping Prime Minister Theresa May deeper into crisis and increasing the chances she’ll face a leadership challenge...

  26. Angela Merkel bowed out as leader of her Christian Democrats on Friday with an emotional speech to her conservative party as it met to...

  27. Volkswagen is not prepared to cover the full cost of hardware retrofits for older diesel vehicles in Germany, a source at Volkswagen said, contradicting...

  28. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/chinese-tech-giant-huawei-helps-to-persecute-uighurs-7dfcb56nw UK members of Parliament are alleging Huawei persecutes Uiguyrs and has developed a monitoring system to enable persecution. Persecution? Where's the proof? This is yet another reprehensible propaganda attempt...

  29. https://thefederalist.com/2020/06/23/its-time-for-republicans-to-stand-up-for-america-already/ "The United States of America is starting to resemble a Target in Minneapolis, overrun by lawless mobs and left for dead by the very...

  30. MONOPOLY – Who owns the world?  reveals what entities do own and control all the Big Corporations and Media conglomerates.  Think about this when...