1. Just came across this today. I have a not so sneaky feeling we're about to see a GIANT backlash from the CCP and some...

  2. We've argued at much length about hydroxychloroquine on this site. I said it was effective and was wrongfully shouted down by the usual members...

  3. https://www.theepochtimes.com/china-trade-war-against-australia-backfires_3674931.html China Trade War Against Australia Backfires One of our top allies is standing up to China. RCWJanuary 27, 2021 Updated: January 27, 2021   BY REUTERS   January 27, 2021 Updated: January...

  4.     This article stating that repealing the "Carried Interest" tax loophole will cost 24 million jobs is such a bunch of bull.   Then it goes...

  5. Tom Nolan Here:  Again, I want to make it clear that I intentionally don’t vote, because the entire system is broken.  I am neither...

  6. What's worse is McConnell and Republican Senators never even questioned Blinken's China connections.  Mitch McConnell can't.  The House of Representatives commenced an investigation into the...

  7. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-22/parler-s-new-partner-has-ties-to-the-russian-government?srnd=cybersecurity&sref=RzXyyOXY When you can't deal with American censorship any more, give Russia a chance!

  8. Now Joe Biden is about to stop new leases and all drilling on Federal land . Alaska will be one of the states effective by...

  9. 400k dead.  And rising.  

  10. So: who here is for executive orders, and who here is against it? 

  11. Having recently read the General's book titled "It Doesn't Take a Hero", this story was a great follow on.  An interesting thing about Stormin'...

  12. First Primary Challenger https://www.cbsnews.com/news/liz-cheney-gop-primary-challenge-house/    And other problems https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/21/liz-cheneys-problems-pile-up-461218  

  13. Russia now a net food exporter (overall - not just wheat), first time since Bolshevik management lost it that status in the 1950s.  

  14. Yup, it looks to be so. FOREMOST SHIPPING COMPANY the Choa Family Shipping Company. It's not the LEFT vs RIGHT anymore.. It's now INSIDERS vs OUTSIDERS Choa's family...

  15. What say you ? The recent Republican Party confab in Florida last week showed a split party.  This was represented by the speeches of two...

  16. Will fiscal policy like this work or simply delay the inevitable and exacerbate the econmic crisis  ? A question for open discussion I would love to hear your opinion.  

  17. If this is true you will see the end of OPEC and the start of an oil price war. Untold damage on many fronts.  According to...

  18. Let's begin this exciting thread with His inauguration, shall we?  As the most popular President in the history of the United States, it promises...

  19. It's no longer Left vs Right. It's Insiders vs Outsiders. United States of America Land of the Greed , at the expense of the working folks.  It...

  20. So now we have a serious clash between richest man in China founder of Alibaba Jack Ma  who is under investigation allegedly on the...

  21. IN a move that appears to be mirroring the Left in the U.S. at this time, the Chinese CCP has found it easiest to strip...

  22. https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2021/1/13/us-unveils-plans-to-counter-chinas-rise-in-asia How will the Biden administration deal with world trade? Will he balance India and other countries to compete with China? RCW   US unveils plans to...

  23. Article about Wyoming GOP.  Liz will likely move on to be a CNN Contributor as have Chris Christie and John Kasich. https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/1005694/1   Reasons for Wyoming GOP...

  24. Mob before the Constitution ? The Mob and Democrat legislators  promised riots before the election if Trump won. (Isn't that considered insurection)  Every major city...

  25. Letters Editor The Jerusalem Post   Sir:   Proposed Title:  Might Iran Attack on US Inauguration Day?   Your pages have rightly covered the threat of Iran seeking revenge for the...

  26. CNN Management stands behind Tapper's disgusting behavior. Representative Brian Mast (R-FL) lost both his legs during service to his country and Tapper questions his commitment...

  27. Wyoming GOP Rips Liz Cheney over Impeachment vote.  https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/1005694/1  Maybe she will run as a Democrat in 2022 or join Chris Christie and John Kasich...

  28. The "White House" YouTube Channel - 5 minute message from The President  

  29. Wyoming GOP  Rips Liz Cheney over impeachment vote. Maybe she will run as a Democrat in 2022. https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/1005694/1  Odds are Liz joins Christie and Kasich and...