1. Senior Iranian figures said on Wednesday that Syria was a top foreign policy priority and American troops should withdraw, as planned by U.S. President...

  2. 400k dead.  And rising.  

  3. https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/opinion/article/3046429/indonesia-stands-china-natuna-islands-can-japan-come-rescue Indonesia and Japan are arguing with China about their outlandish hegenomy  in the South Pacific. Vietnam, Taiwan, The Philippines and others are also players....

  4. Praise your illegal chief of failure. This shit is totally illegal.    

  5. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Wednesday, without providing evidence, that U.S. national security adviser John Bolton was leading a plan to invade the...

  6. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/08/28/remoaners-completely-lose-it-over-brexit/   Delingpole: Brexit Is Happening. Savour Those Remoaner Tears! 1,242

  7. Anyone watching the spreading protests in Iran? This could spiral dangerously. They started out protesting rising prices but now it's turning into a general...

  8. I don't know about you, but the trial is fascinating!  While the outcome is more-or-less predetermined, it is fantastic that the entire world has...

  9. Why doesn't the USA just pull all of its troops out of the middle east?

  10. There have been signs of change coming since Trump rightly refused to go to war with Iran over their shooting down an unmanned U.S....

  11. Is Saudi Arabia in cash difficulties?  Could be.  The Kingdom has a huge contract for what is known in military-speak as "light armored vehicles,"...

  12. The founder of Extinction Rebellion has ambitions to upend the UK’s financial system after her organisation targeted the City in two weeks of London...

  13. This was all Trump had to do to win reelection easily: [Make this speech in March] "Ladies and gentleman, Democrats and Republicans, our country is facing...

  14. new normal gleichschaltung or the storming of the reichstag building-on-29-august-2020/ Quote On March 21, 1933, the Nazi-controlled Reichstag passed a law making it a crime to speak...

  15. Donald Tusk and the Remainers seek a Jan 31 extension. France wants a shorter extension. Jan 31 is counterproductive. In the misguided belief that extension after extension...

  16. Presumably bolstered by the fiery claims of Greta Thunberg and the general theme of Climate Week, people on Twitter have been declaring that capitalism threatens...

  17. There has been much recent hype around the issue of Iran, but an all-out war remains unlikely. Militarily, Iran would be hard to dominate....

  18. https://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/13560   OPINION: China Challenges Russia by Restoring Chinese Names of Cities on Their Border While proclaiming its support for Russia, is China capitalizing on Moscow’s weakness to...

  19. https://www.google.com.my/amp/s/amp.dailycaller.com/2018/03/13/bernie-sanders-karl-marx-quotes

  20. https://www.theepochtimes.com/as-flooding-reaches-new-record-in-china-officials-warn-that-worse-is-yet-to-come_3469653.html How much have you heard about China in our media?   Chinese Officials Warn That Worst Yet to Come as Flooding Reaches New Record BY EVA FU   August 20,...

  21. Editorial in The New England Journal of Medicine.  Lead author is Andrew Fauci.  Article posted in full for those who refuse to click the...

  22. WaPo OpEd:  The latest GOP nonsense on Texas shows us the future Republicans* want *Some Republicans anyway, in the Delusional Trump wing of the GOP (see my...

  23. Curious to see what others would think it Russia decided to take out the oilfields of Saudia Arabia and Kuwait. They are not members of...

  24. NEW YORK (Reuters)  -  A federal judge on Monday said eight years of U.S. President Donald Trump’s tax returns must be provided to Manhattan...

  25. We all know that we need to listen to the Doctors, not the Billionaires, not Big Tech and sure as heck not the politicians. ...

  26. Most companies do not allow employees to campaign at work for obvious reasons.  Employees are supposed to be working not arguing about politics or...

  27. Just after on Friday Pentagon leaders presented Trump with numerous "military options" for a response to Iran following last week's twin attacks on Saudi...

  28. Federal Reserve officials raised fresh doubts on Wednesday about the durability of the U.S. recovery, while new business surveys highlighted developing risks from the...

  29. I know that people in the West think that the Russians unreasonably support Putin, so let me describe the situation so that it becomes...

  30. Can anybody translate this into plain English? JOE BIDEN: “We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the...