1. The Washington Post report trying to control the narrative. .  More cover-up just like Comey covered up for Hillary Clinton. Washington Post trying to vilify...

  2. Yet there is still people on the stock boards backing the truck up to buy them     CVE, CNQ they are half the...

  3. From the Financial Tribune, a non-governmental newspaper in Iran. Amusing that this Iranian business broadsheet is hoping for Trump to fix Iran's oil curse. Will Trump...

  4. So Sir Kim Darroch resigned due to Trumps ego being hurt, I think US politics has really stooped to a level beneath being referred...

  5. WASHINGTON (Reuters)  - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that China’s treatment of Muslims, including the Uighurs, in western China was...

  6. "Trump slapped $34 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods last week with another $16 billion coming later this month. China retaliated with equal tariffs....

  7. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-19/report-militarization-north-australia-must-win-war-against-china Also see Australasia https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H6rUh_HB-e1FclQqbfMxTOr9yQlHInniZ3tr10n2PMs/edit Militarization Of North Australia Is A Must To Win A War Against China, Report

  8. " .  .  .  Biden (Joe) raised eyebrows when he shrugged off concerns over the China threat. “Come on, man,” Biden said. “I mean, you know, they’re...

  9. You can only have 2 out of 3 : 1. COVID-free society 2. Functioning economy 3. Livil liberties (democracy) So we have : 1. Chinese model: 1 & 2....

  10. Same status quo as before. Just like the new NAFTA deal. No major changes.  Trump will sell it as a big victory.  A good thing...

  11. Letters Editor The Jerusalem Post   Sir:   Proposed Title:  Might Iran Attack on US Inauguration Day?   Your pages have rightly covered the threat of Iran seeking revenge for the...

  12. Antifa is being subdued finally it seems they have finally created enough outrage within the traditional liberal community. https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle-mayor-to-make-city-budget-changes-for-black-communities-in-response-to-chop-protests/281-de995e1b-27fc-4089-bb9e-e68b389901a6#:~:text=SEATTLE — Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan,that left...

  13. While it will mention all the criminal acts that took place with FISA warrant it might say they don't rise to the level of...

  14. A CIA employee who lodged a whistleblower complaint over President Trump's request that Ukraine investigate former Vice President Joe Biden has a "professional relationship with...

  15. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Iran-Hopes-Iranian-EU-Oil-Trade-Mechanism-To-Start-Working-By-Year-End.html#join-discussion A breaking news article that shows what Trump's the greatest mistake of his presidency will be using the $ as a weapon and that it...

  16. In command economies with 5-year plans, this is not a good sign. More power for Xi? Or, liberalization and reform?  What're your thoughts?  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-01-09/rare-schedule-changes-suggest-major-china-policy-meeting-is-near?utm_source=google&utm_medium=bd&cmpId=google

  17. Wolf Blitzer angry with Senator. Wolf acting out of his form. https://www.infowars.com/rabid-wolf-blitzer-flips-out-on-rand-paul-for-standing-with-trump-questioning-u-s-intel/ Swap creatures in their habitat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiUWtQCndNQ

  18. It totally stops, apparently. 

  19. Don't expect any good news next week when the IMF holds its annual meeting and releases its latest World Economic Outlook report due on...

  20. In the early days of the crisis, Gov. Cuomo decided that New York was entitled to ALL the ventilators in the US stockpile. Eventually these were...

  21. If true, this has enormous geopolitical implications, especially with regards to Iran / Saudi rivalry.  And OPEC. Top Saudi Diplomat to Israeli Paper: ‘Age of...

  22. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-12-14/china-threatens-germany-with-retaliation-if-huawei-5g-is-banned China is Germany's largest market for Car Sales.  

  23. Why European Islam’s current problems might reflect a 100-year-old mistake A fascinating take on Europe's Islam problem as the author calls it and some insight...

  24. Avenatti found guilty of extorting Nike. Damn , such a promising candidate. He was the early runaway favorite in 2018. We could have won back the...

  25. Today, Venezuela is set for another nationwide wave of protests called by interim president Juan Guaido in order to call and demand the allowance...

  26. And declarations of national emergency to get something he wants?  Just wondering.  

  27. Trump signs USMCA, 'ending the NAFTA nightmare'; key Democrats not invited     https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-usmca/trump-to-sign-north-american-trade-pact-at-white-house-key-democrats-not-invited-idUSKBN1ZS0I5  

  28. I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Fauci  .  .  but   * This is the same Dr. that told us in January that...

  29. Ukraine sent $4.8 million to Chris Heinz and Hunter Biden's Rosemount.  Hunter received $871k . WHERE DID THE REST GO ? "He also noted that...