1. Great article!  Three Thumbs Up ! ! ! Article points are summarized below, but please do take the time to read the entire article.  Below...

  2. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Truth-Behind-The-Torpedoed-Tankers.html  So now we have the 'truth' from some talking head on OilPrice.com. We don't have to look any further into the situation from either...

  3. An overview of some of the geopolitical aspects of international oil & gas.  Contains lots of documentation and links. tl;dr takeaway: ever-more oil and gas...

  4. “If you control the food supply, you control everything,” The UN envisions a global command economy Robert W Malone MD, MS https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/if-you-control-the-food-supply-you     I spent the afternoon reading the...

  5. It seems that Saudi Arabia is touting once more the imminent IPO of the state oil company. The announced great interest among investors puzzles me...

  6. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-10-16/selling-aramco-the-wall-street-a-listers-on-oil-giant-s-ipo For all the hatred against Saudi in these forums, every US bank/er is bending over backwards to sell their IPO. Nice 😉

  7. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/oil-markets-held-hostage-by-alleged-iranian-attack-on-saudi-facility-201736171.html https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-iran-saudi-oil-attacks-responsible-white-house Starting.   [Note to myself: stop being a f-ing day trader and buy oil and hold.  Back into UCO]

  8. How wise is selling off a significant chunk of the strategic petroleum reserve? Arguments for it include the fact that the US is much...

  9. There is a zinger of a very accurate point in this article (at least in my opinion, anyway.) Blame Oil For Our Trade Deficit With Canada Without...

  10. The World Implications of Falling Oil Prices: By: Mohammed R.Ishaq  Volatility and instability has always been a challenging element of oil market but has rarely been more...

  11. Total known reserves would carry world needs for next 70 years. That's assuming electric vehicles do nothing to decrease demand.   Plenty of Oil and...

  12. KAPSARC published an interesting perspective on the world oil market  this week--I encourage you to read it and would be very interested in hearing your...

  13. All end-use sectors will see energy consumption growing through 2050, according to the IEO2019. The industrial sector—including refining, manufacturing, mining, construction, and agriculture—will account...

  14. With the impending U.S. sanctions against Iranian oil less than a month away, it appears that Iran is already preparing to divert much of...

  15.   Bloomberg article - Sept 8. A meeting of ministers from OPEC states and their oil-producing allies will take place in Abu Dhabi this week. It...

  16. Hello, Just wanted to start a discussion on this topic. IEA reports huge draw of crude and it's leading people to believe there is a...

  17. When higher import duties are put on steel etc domestic steel prices will increase too. Mfg. costs go up and US consumer pays more...

  18. Despite the trade deal between Washington and Beijing signed on January 15th, with China promising to significantly ramp up purchases of U.S. Energy... "there was...

  19. T.M. vows to end all plastic waste by 2042. It includes "plastics-free" aisles in supermarkets and tax on takeout containers.  Is this realistic?

  20. The Permian Shrugs Off Below-Zero Natural Gas Prices in Texas English Español عربي Français By Tsvetana Paraskova - May 01, 2024, 5:00 PM CDT Natural gas prices at the Waha...

  21. Four of the top ten are in the telecommunications sector which has always been fueled by massive debt bubbles.  It's funny how people want...

  22. The current situation we are going through is without doubt a localised issue, sure we have seen the price of crude for both benchmarks...

  23. Personally, I wish the U.S. could extract itself from the endless morass that is the Middle East incessant religious and sectarian warfare. Wishful thinking.  Anyway, since...

  24. Without offering commentary on the rightness or wrongness of climate change, eco-friendly movements, renewables, and whatnot, I proffer this prognostication for your perusal.  A depressing...

  25. Libyan light, sweet crude is like US shale-produced oil, says Bloomberg. Not like oil produced in the Middle East. What OPEC likes is that...

  26. While not exactly a huge spill, this does not paint the petroleum industry in good light. https://apnews.com/article/environment-and-nature-california-wildlife-wetlands-oil-spills-05cbeb962f42ae50590715fb3546d56c You think by now we would have figured out...

  27. native americans behind Eagle Spirit Pipeline from Alberta to BC coast launched a gofundme campaign to pay to challenge Trudeau's oil tanker moratorium ac.

  28. Reuters reports today that workers are fleeing PDVSA in the thousands, running from Major General Manuel Quevedo, the new oil czar.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-oil-workers-insight/under-military-rule-venezuela-oil-workers-quit-in-a-stampede-idUSKBN1HO0H9