1. With the holiday weekend getting underway, gas prices are climbing toward the three dollar mark for the first time in four years. Regular gas...

  2. dear forum members, allow me to introduce myself, my name is elie nammour, and I wish I can have your support to find out some...

  3. I've alluded to this before: but it seems others have also been thinking similar thoughts.  Perhaps Trump is trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone... ...

  4. Can anyone please tell me what the heck is a "safe climate" ?  And "climate justice" ? New York City officials declare climate emergency The New York...

  5. China comes to rescue of international oil & gas.  Weird. China’s Oil Thirst Draws an Armada of Tankers (Bloomberg) -- As Chinese oil demand rises to...

  6. https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/aramco-could-face-weeks-restoring-full-production-capacity-specter-100-oil-looms                 - Full Article   With the Saudis now racing to restore full oil production to normal levels as...

  7.  by Tyler Durden, Mon, 09/16/2019 - 08:30 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/houthis-say-its-not-over-saudi-facilities-still-within-range-iraq-denies-its-territory                 FULL ARTICLE   - Despite US officials repeatedly over the weekend claiming they were...

  8. Like i said in an earlier post, certain countries may circumvent OPEC and purchase oil directly from Iran, or others. Could oil hit $50...

  9. Putin is likely laughing his butt off at this news.  MbS may need to rethink his grand plan of an Aramco $75 billion cash...

  10. T.M. vows to end all plastic waste by 2042. It includes "plastics-free" aisles in supermarkets and tax on takeout containers.  Is this realistic?

  11. Four of the top ten are in the telecommunications sector which has always been fueled by massive debt bubbles.  It's funny how people want...

  12. Dodgy Demand Data? The Oil Price Collapse Conspiracy By Alex Kimani - Aug 07, 2022, 6:00 PM CDT WTI oil prices have given up nearly all...

  13. Christiana Figueres, formerly head of the U.N. Climate Change Secretariat when the Paris accord was reached by almost 200 nations in 2015, told Reuters...

  14. Hi!   Here are my thoughts on oil prices for 2019 (short term). Would love to have your thoughts on it. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4231469-will-oil-prices-rise-2019

  15. Nicolas Maduro has had state oil firm PDVSA buy foreign oil worth US$440 million and sell it at below-market prices on friendly credit terms to...

  16.   "And 21 other attorneys general across the country are joining Knudsen in a lawsuit challenging Biden’s move." "Interstate and international commerce, according to the Constitution,...

  17. An Interior Department advisory committee voted unanimously to cut the royalty rate that oil and gas companies pay for offshore drilling in federal waters. The...

  18. The left wing L.A. Times is complaining because the Port Authority has approved natural gas trucks to relieve local air pollution from diesel trucks...

  19. Oil prices are sitting well above the $100 mark and show no sign of falling back any time soon, but that doesn’t mean that...

  20. The west Texas drillers that drove the shale revolution have overwhelmed the region’s infrastructure with oil production -driving up costs, depressing regional oil prices...

  21.     .

  22. Fatih Birol, executive director at the International Energy Agency, said for Bloomberg,  "oil demand is still strong and OPEC should "think twice" before cutting...

  23. Saudi Arabia Lays Down the Law to the Oil Market     (Bloomberg Opinion) -- Saudi Arabia called out the cheats at yesterday’s OPEC meeting — the countries...

  24. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  25. Oil markets stand at a very interesting junction. Prices can go anywhere from here. I believe that we might be overestimating the effect of...

  26. Since long its been talked in oil and gas world and markets and geopolitics about any potential chance of Russia becoming member of the...

  27. A new coalition in support of offshore energy exploration and development was launched Wednesday by a national oil and natural gas industry trade association. Explore...

  28. China imported Iranian crude oil in July for the second month since a U.S. sanctions waiver ended, according to research from three data firms,...

  29. Presented without comment, for your consideration.  Season with salt as necessary. 19 Banks Merge, Etihad, Mubadala Can't Pay Back Debt, Aramco Can't Pay Salaries, UAE/Saudi Halt...