1. let's have some fun, shall we? What needs to happen -- plausibly, mind -- for oil prices to dive to $20 a barrel.

  2. Hello All My name is Mahmoud, I am new here.. i am happy to join you all ☺️ I've been appointed to a new position (Sourcing) in...

  3. Permian in for Prosperous and Bright Future     The Permian Basin’s future is prosperous and bright. That’s what the Permian Strategic Partnership (PSP) stated in its latest...

  4. Recently there have been those responding to comments in the posts 'Total Nonsense in Climate Debate' (Renewables) and 'Visualizing How Much Oil is in...

  5. After OPEC and Russia stepped up and made cuts, and the USA forced cuts in Venezuela and Iran at what point does the USA...

  6. The parent site Had this to say about Exxon getting kicked out of the DJIA Other sites like World Oil had longer more sanguine articles but...

  7. What do you guys think the price of crude oil (WTI) and natural gas will be over the next ten years? A range is...

  8. ...gonna need a serious charging station. https://newatlas.com/transport/world-first-battery-electric-locomotive-fuel-consumption-wabtec/  

  9. Bankruptcy in my opinion if oil prices settle lower at around $50. Even at current levels they would violate their bond or creditline convenants. Leverage...

  10. Yes! This news put a big grin on my face this morning.  Oil & Gas is neither dead nor dying, and the Oil &...

  11. Real Clear Politics Video https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/12/28/oan_news_report_court_filing_shows_hunter_biden_earned_156_million_from_ukraine_corruption.html    

  12. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-10-09/california-moves-toward-ban-on-gas-lawnmowers-and-leaf-blos He should be more concerned about sprinklers right now! How popular will this be? RCW

  13. Back in January 2018,  gasoline was $2.01 per gallon,  and has since risen to $2.79 here in North Florida.   However,  due to the current...

  14. EV forecasts being cut back yet again, as reality bites. Again, it must be emphasised, that no-one has problem with EVs as such. The...

  15. See attached PDF report from Raymond James research. Sorry, no link. Here's the intro: ============ Energy Stat: Getting Our DUCs in a Row. Why the EIA DUC Count...

  16. https://californiaglobe.com/fr/california-adding-5-temporary-natural-gas-power-plants-to-help-alleviate-energy-shortage/ Not mentioned is the loss of hydroelectric power due to all the major reservoirs being near empty. The increased power needs for electric vehicles,...

  17. Ukraine importing around 60% gas from Russia.Therefore Putin could not take any gas from Ukraine.Always check the data.

  18. NBC is generally always out in "left field," granted. This, however, is a good piece and worth watching:  https://www.nbcnews.com/leftfield/video/why-is-texas-burning-millions-of-dollars-of-natural-gas-a-day-1436078147715  For almost a century the Great...

  19. You sometimes see someone say some want war with Iran, or that the USA does. I can see why trump would. Gets to play...

  20. Way back when I was at University where I was a math major, my class used a classroom shared with some 500+ level economics group. We...

  21. Stimulating Future Positive results are emerging from fracturing field laboratories.     John Duda and Cassie Shaner, NETL Mon, 01/06/2020 - 11:00 AM     Hydraulic fracturing has come a long way as a...

  22.   Welcome to the 2nd Annual Great Oil Price Prediction Challenge of 2019!   If you've been with us since our previous challenge, you know the drill....

  23. The mysterious "sabotage" of four tankers near the Fujairah port in the Gulf will probably add some more tension in the Gulf... https://www.reuters.com/article/us-emirates-fujairah-port-shipping/uae-says-four-vessels-subjected-to-sabotage-near-fujairah-port-idUSKCN1SI0EG Do you have...

  24. I had previously predicted that the Canadian government would end up pushed into building internal domestic refining capacity instead of shutting in WCS oilsands...

  25. Reading this article provoked a hodge podge of mixed feelings.  While I certainly don't have an answer, this article has some points to mull...

  26. The Oil & Gas Industry responds to Democrat presidential candidate attacks with a full-page ad in New York Times. Oil and gas producers fire back...

  27. I invite all of you to take a good hard look at the live web-cam helpfully posted by the Fort Lee, New Jersey police...

  28. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/31/opec-russia-could-discuss-emergency-cuts-as-coronavirus-crushes-oil.html   OPEC, Russia could meet to discuss emergency cuts as coronavirus crushes oil price Buyers win, producers lose.  PUBLISHED FRI, JAN 31 20204:49 PM EST

  29. The e-car industry does not need more bad news, but it keeps coming anyway. I've linked a series of videos which tell a grim...

  30. .