1. Aramco Raises $25.6B in World's Biggest IPO   (Bloomberg) -- Saudi Aramco raised $25.6 billion from the world’s biggest initial public offering, closing a deal that...

  2. https://www.mysanantonio.com/opinion/article/How-Mohammed-bin-Salman-Hit-a-dead-end-in-15244829.php  Trump had, in effect, threatened the complete withdrawal of American troops from the kingdom if the Saudis didn't slash oil production. MBS, as the...

  3. https://www.axitrader.com/au/market-news-blog/market-analysis/2018/07/crude-oil-today-collapsamundo, like I said good chartists are hard to find.

  4. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  5. Oil rose on Thursday on concerns about a plunge in exports from Venezuela, although surging U.S. production kept gains in check. Venezuela, which faces...

  6. https://www.dailyfx.com/news/crude-oil-price-retreats-on-opec-perspective-and-a-firm-us-dollar-where-to-for-wti-20230526.html aaccording to this oil has started to tumbelled what is the future friday price should go down ?

  7. Energy Intelligence says sources from 01/10 say IPO may slip into 2019. But official word as late as yesterday says IPO still on track...

  8. The Port of Corpus Christie is looking to dredge the ports channel deeper to allow VLCC's to move 300,00 barrels at a time from...

  9. Oil prices jumped to their highest since late 2014 on Monday on a deepening economic crisis in Venezuela and worries that the Unites States...

  10. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/15/climate/biden-drilling-federal-land.html Many overreaches by the Biden administration already. 

  11. 12 ridiculous factual problems in the latest oilsands smear by National Geographic I'm fully aware how the word "propaganda" has these days come to mean...

  12. Not just any wave, a TIDAL one! Oil at $20 is around the corner.

  13. Oil prices are sitting well above the $100 mark and show no sign of falling back any time soon, but that doesn’t mean that...

  14. US will prohibit purchases of debts owed to the government and PDVSA in an attempt to keep Maduro from liquidating assets. https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Documents/venezuela_eo_20180521.pdf

  15. Japan's biggest refiner closes joint venture refinery Quote Four of Japan’s biggest refiners have merged into two in recent years and cut operations as they seek...

  16. If not for the U.S. Democratic Party assistance to Communist Secretary General Xi Jinping, China would have signed Trade Deal in April, Iran would...

  17. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-22/oil-sands-pipeline-shortage-takes-toll-as-cenovus-cuts-output Looky here, now. I realize that pipelines are no longer en vogue. And we all want a greener tomorrow. But extra rail shipments are...

  18. A Middle East conflict that choked off oil supply (sending oil prices presumably to $325) would put renewable technologies in clover. This would trigger...

  19. Don't put all your energy "eggs" in one basket.  Especially, when it's Russia you're depending on. 

  20. Why is Permian oil considered locked in when refineries and pipelines abound around the Permian fields? Is it because exporting is preferred so companies...

  21. I'm interested in talking with Oklahoma mineral rights owners about  all aspects of owning them. Leasing, permits, info on whats going on in Oklama,...

  22. Saudi Arabia said on Monday it would coordinate with other oil producers to ensure an adequate crude supply and a balanced market after the...

  23. Seems to be a flurry of accusers that EIA's data is wrong--to the ire of this writer for Seeking Alpha. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4131270-crude-oil-eia-bashers-check-numbers "Disappointingly, the outbreak of the...

  24. .    

  25. As if Saudi Arabia wasn't already doing the lion's share of the production cutting so that other members can skate by without fully complying...

  26. BP chief likens U.S. oil sector to 'market without brain' Well, I didn't know markets had brains but if Dudley says they do, he must...

  27. Mainstream Media is waking up to the over-hype of U.S. Shale Oil economics. It is a bit strange to me that the MSM has been paying...

  28. An Iraqi delegation will travel to Washington to ask the Trump administration to allow it to ignore some sanctions against Iran, its neighbor and close...

  29. I've commented repeated lately that oil prices seem to have a psychological ceiling of $80 this year.  Every time oil starts getting close to...

  30. (Bloomberg Opinion) --  "Here’s one underreported factor that may explain Russian and Saudi Arabian willingness to turn their backs on almost 18 months of Opec oil...