1. One simple change in diet , replacing beef with poultry,  could go a long way toward curbing climate change, new research shows.  https://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20190610/switch-from-beef-to-chicken-could-help-the-planet?src=RSS_PUBLIC#1

  2. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/peak-oil-this-t-boone-pickens-fund-is-swapping-fossil-fuels-for-renewables-2019-08-05?mod=mw_theo_homepage An exchange-traded fund named for Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens will swap its strategy, embracing renewable energy stocks in a sign of the times...

  3. I saw this today in my newsfeed and I remembered a family member (used to work as H&S officer for a windmill company) telling...

  4.  Target added over 40 MW of solar capacity to its portfolio in 2017. They now has more than 200 MW of installed capacity. The top 10 corporate...

  5. Congress is considering adding energy storage to its tax credit scheme. Better late than never. Here.

  6. The European Union should spend hundreds of billions of euros combating climate change during the next decade, its chief executive said on Thursday, responding...

  7. https://rameznaam.com/2020/05/14/solars-future-is-insanely-cheap-2020/

  8. https://news.yahoo.com/watch-teslas-hotly-anticipated-battery-132529035.html Tesla Battery Day. The first. It will reveal new technology. Watch on your computer at 3:30P Central Time. I am excited about any renewables...

  9. Tesla TSLA +4.7% and PG&E recently broke ground on a record-setting energy storage system in Moss Landing (Monterey) California that, once complete, will be the largest such installation in...

  10. June meeting to decide whether to give Musk the boot from serving as chairman of the board. What the what?  https://electrek.co/2018/04/27/tesla-shareholders-vote-proposal-remove-elon-musk-chairman/

  11. Tesla Inc has cut prices on its residential solar systems by as much as 25 percent in a bid to lift lagging sales after...

  12. Reports that Tesla is borrowing labor for vendors, skimping on quality, using hazardous batteries, and more. Tesla denies.   http://www.newsweek.com/tesla-model-3-delays-production-issues-and-hazardous-battery-reports-are-791653?piano_t=1    

  13. Musk shared on Twitter that Tesla Gigafactory 1 will be powered 100% by Tesla Solar by the end of 2019. The confirmation came as...

  14. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/04/30/tesla-slashes-prices-for-floundering-solar-panel-business/ Why would Tesla have this problem? They are the best, aren't they?

  15. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-03-08/tesla-is-plugging-a-secret-mega-battery-into-the-texas-grid?sref=RzXyyOXY Pure defense. If you have factories and spaceports in Texas, it might be a good idea to buffer your power.

  16. All you real American Patriots be on notice, Tesla is the most American made car:  Cars.com’s American-Made Index ranks all qualifying vehicles built and bought...

  17. https://www.tesmanian.com/blogs/tesmanian-blog/tesla-model-3-becomes-september-top-selling-all-vehicles-in-switzerland-also-2x-of-the-2nd-place @markslawson  will you explain the financial incentives for everyone?

  18. The Model 3s replaced Dodge Chargers, so performance is not going to be an issue. As for cost, Tesla has also a significant lead. The...

  19. Tesla is offering free charging stations for businesses to offer to their employees, that way people can charge their vehicles during offpeak hours while...

  20. Tesla's reporting tomorrow. Who's betting the results will be disappointing? Who's betting the market will still view the results like this:      

  21. This puts Tesla in the same category as clowns, fruitcake, reality TV, and spam. Tesla Q1 results expected tomorrow after market close. They are...

  22. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/09/02/la-times-tesla-residential-solar-panels-bursting-into-flames/   LA Times: Tesla Residential Solar Panels Bursting into Flames 208

  23. Musk blames Model 3 production hell on robots on CBS This Morning. Now says humans are underrated.   Is this softening the blow for missing Model 3...

  24. Here is the latest video I have seen on the Tesla Semi.  I don't know about you, but to me this thing is impressive...

  25. $TSLA down over 7% today, and over $35/share in two days. Yikes. http://fortune.com/2018/07/04/tesla-brake-and-roll-test-skip-stock/ Raise your hand if you think $TSLA stock will rise again, buoyed by...

  26. Tesla, which lost its status as the nation’s leading rooftop solar company last year, is trying to get back in the game by slashing...

  27. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/08/21/lawsuit-tesla-solar-panels-caused-fires-on-walmart-roofs/ Lawsuit: Tesla Solar Panels Caused Fires on Walmart Roofs 77

  28. $TSLA down to $300 even, even as Tesla reports a smaller loss per share and great revenue than analysts had expected. It was up...

  29. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/tesla-only-iron-based-batteries-225523932.html How will Iron based batteries compare to lithium? Are there notable improvements in them? I can see them being acceptable for those who require...

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