1.   https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/935863 This is one procedure for getting rid of the carboxyl and making an olefin: Direct conversion of carboxylic acids (Cn) to alkenes (C2n −...

  2. Society would have to enact “unprecedented” changes to how it consumes energy, travels and builds to meet a lower global warming target or it...

  3. The learning rate of photovoltaics – the speed at which price declines accelerate with wider deployment of the technology – reached 23.5% in 2019, according to...

  4. The great climate change swindle Don't rejoice yet, climate skeptics. It's all gloom and doom but I'm posting it because that's a perspective not often...

  5. In 2022, Google has dramatically censored its search results for alternative narratives to the "official Climate Change narrative".  Many great alternative websites and information...

  6. https://www.prageru.com/video/whats-wrong-with-wind-and-solar Whats Wrong With Wind and Solar Video from Prager University Onlins Plenty is wrong. RCW  

  7. Here is a link to the article Key passages are these. Standard home outlets generally put out about 120 volts of power at what electric vehicle...

  8. Ya think ! ? ! ?   Once again, ordinary people are not going along with the narrative being forcibly shoved down their throats by...

  9. ‘Solar to be world’s largest power source by 2050 as cost halves' Okay, I'm beginning to worry we'll run out of space now. Costs are...

  10. Over the past two years, interconnection queue data from PJM and ERCOT have shown a drastic shift away from new gas and a steep...

  11. These guys are coming on strong having just over a year ago performing a publicly displayed test flight in Singapore, they are now in...

  12. Oopsie, looks like EVs perhaps aren't so "green" after all. Expect screams to the contrary, foaming at the mouth, insults, denials, and general brickbats from the...

  13.   https://cleantechnica.com/2020/09/26/its-official-consumer-reports-confirms-ev-owners-spend-half-as-much-on-maintenance/  

  14. “To say that electric cars are the end of oil is definitely misleading,” said the IEA's Fatih Birol at the WEF in Davos. Not...

  15. And how do you do it if you do? Drinking water's one resource that many have been warning is about to start running out...

  16. Denmark breaking new records helped by interconnections with Germany and Scandinavia.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-climate-change-denmark-windpower/denmark-sources-record-47-of-power-from-wind-in-2019-idUSKBN1Z10KE

  17. I don't know where I saw this, can't find it. It had to do with using modern horizontal drilling technology to create geothermal energy....

  18. The 100MW/200MWh battery proposed for Middle Arm, on the outskirts of Darwin and close to its massive LNG export facilities is considered a “stand-alone”...

  19. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-03-08/tesla-is-plugging-a-secret-mega-battery-into-the-texas-grid?sref=RzXyyOXY Pure defense. If you have factories and spaceports in Texas, it might be a good idea to buffer your power.

  20. Having written a book to be published in Australia DARK AGES: The looming destruction of the Australian power grid I wondered how I might share it...

  21. Huck Cycle’s 60 mph electric mopeds get new VINs, paving way for legal riding

  22. In an earlier thread on ridiculous green proposals I was shocked by people who insisted on defending those bizarre proposals, and who refused to...

  23. The Model 3s replaced Dodge Chargers, so performance is not going to be an issue. As for cost, Tesla has also a significant lead. The...

  24. New York state lawmakers passed early Thursday one of the nation’s most ambitious plans to slow climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to...

  25. Please pay attention to the chart below.  Hard facts, hard numbers, no statistical f*ckery that I can determine.  No far left double talk or...

  26. Today, Oilprice Carried this article: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Californias-Electric-Vehicle-Dream-Has-A-Major-Problem.html The article asserts that stopping the sale of ICEs by 2035 in California will impose a large burden on the...

  27. "We must ... face the existential threat of our time: the climate crisis," Pelosi said in her opening address to Congress.    https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/03/nancy-pelosi-climate-change-congress-1059148

  28. Strictly speaking, this hasn't happened yet since the agency hasn't signed the contract. To the extent that these numbers are correct, welcome to the...

  29. https://about.bnef.com/new-energy-outlook/

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