1. This is a great article from the world of Aviation.  It's about innovation, marketing vs realities, and The Laws of Physics, which provide the...

  2. After three flat years that had hinted at a possible environmental breakthrough, carbon dioxide emissions from the use of energy rose again by 1.4...

  3. https://www.renewableenergymagazine.com/pv_solar/subsidyfree-solar-plant-inaugurated-in-portugal-20180803/ Embrace the future.  As storage advances, solar will one day become the dominate. And yes, oil and gas, and coal, will be around a...

  4. Now this is a Battery Electric Vehicle! BNSF and Wabtec (GE) Commence Battery-Electric Locomotive Pilot Test  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7vCyNxfjSA Ok, that isn't quite fair, it is designed to be...

  5. Grids around the world rely on open cycle gas turbine (OCGT) technology at times when demand for electricity is at its highest. OCGTs often...

  6. Follow the money.  Combatting "Climate Change" is the new EU ponzi get rich quick scheme. This insanity is just a new twist to the ages-old political agenda...

  7. Whirlpool machine can provide power dozens of homes. It can be installed at most rivers and canals. The turbine leaves fish and other water...

  8. Germany has the best recycling rate in the world. Austria comes in second, followed by South Korea and Wales. All four countries manage to...

  9. According to a new brain study, the phrase “climate crisis” engages voters emotionally better than either “climate change” or “global warming.” “Climate crisis” got...

  10. Saudi Arabia is joining forces with Japanese investment giant SoftBank to create the world’s largest solar power generation project in the kingdom, aiming to...

  11. Joe Biden expanded his energy and climate plans with a call for spending $2 trillion over four years on climate-friendly infrastructure — a proposal...

  12. President Biden issued an executive order Wednesday afternoon that would reduce the federal government’s greenhouse gas emissions within the next decade and reach net-zero...

  13. ...But perhaps the most remarkable thing about Maurice Strong, this ubiquitous figure of the 20th century environmental movement, was his background: a Rockefeller-connected millionaire...

  14. European oil majors are looking for more than just deepwater gushers in Brazil, which is already a regional leader in renewable energy. They also...

  15. What's $20 billion a year, right? Here.

  16. The UN predicts two-thirds of the world’s population will be living in cities by 2050. While the move towards urbanization cannot be reversed, many...

  17. Norway plans Europe's largest wind farm without subsidies

  18. http://www.ngvglobal.com/blog/demand-soars-for-clean-energy-fuels-zero-now-program-0507#more-111648 Demand Soars for Clean Energy Fuels ‘Zero Now’ Program   http://www.ngvglobal.org/ngv-statistics/ Welcome to the NGV Global Statistics Webpage. Data is the most recent available. Best endeavours are used...

  19.   Carmakers on course for $2-12bn fines for missing EU CO2 targets, warns Moody's To add to the billions they are spending on EVs.

  20. Anybody has any insigths to this?  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-11-29/don-t-throw-out-the-used-vegetable-oil-it-may-power-world-trade  Still seems to be at test stage? Does anybody how far it is from commercial applications? 

  21.  present prices on bioethanol

  22. Here's the report. Not sure if it's surprising or not.

  23. IATA wants to have 1 billion passengers transported on planes using a blend of jet fuel and biofuel by 2025. That's double the estimated...

  24. I said a few months back that biogas would be one solution of many to Vermonts manure issue. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/Renewable-Natural-Gas-Close-To-Taking-Off-In-US.html

  25. Does anyone have some knowledge and/or opinions on biomass as fuel for powergeneration?  I have recently been re-searching powergeneration from Biomass. It started favour to a...

  26. With Ethanol And Biomass No Longer Viewed As 'Green,' Will Other Renewables Soon Follow? Ha. I'll leave it at that.

  27. A wind farm in Morocco will power a number of "computing centres it will build alongside dedicated to cryptocurrency mining and other blockchain technologies." I...

  28. Tesla and BP team up to install a high-capacity Tesla battery at a wind farm in South Dakota, marking the first time the oil giant...

  29. BP: Plastic ban 'could have unintended consequences' Well, everything has unintended consequences, doesn't it? But they do have a point. The question, I guess, is...

  30. I didn't take Brazil for a country big on renewables but apparently it is.

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