Energy Tech, Science, and Research

    192 Topics in this forum

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  1. Electric cars and renewables have depended on good feelings and subsidies for most of their growth. ICE vehicles are still much less costly over...

  2. NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, says that Earth’s ozone hole is now the smallest it’s been since it’s discovery. Abnormally warm weather patterns in...

  3. Why not nuclear?  The articles below discuss the Pros vs Cons, and the Pros, at least as presented, far outweigh the Cons.  From what...

  4. Toyota is following in the footsteps of other foolish automakers in the past by insisting on building the cars most convenient for them and...

  5. Building a marine supply infrastructure as part of a future hydrogen society   As a transport fuel, hydrogen has already become a solution for road transport,...

  6. This Thread is for alternative perspectives to the "Official Climate Change Narrative", because we all know that Google and other online platforms are now...

  7. Here's a unique, alternate viewpoint and research about the big picture of planet Earth. Very much worth considering, in my opinion. Be warned, this is a...

  8. Bill Gates at work.  Probably at a coal-fired plant site to take advantage of existing grid infrastructure. Apparently air-cooled. Heck, they might be able to use...

  9. Scientific awareness of the greenhouse effect, and human influence on the climate, has existed for over three decades. During the 1980s, there was a...

  10. An interesting video presentation of ways to use ALL available clean energy technologies for now, and continue heading for Nuclear Fusion, which, they say,...

  11. Don't you get a little disturbed when you hear of a jet's fan blade goes: "she loves me, she loves me not"? I always refuse...

  12. ...A new electrocatalyst called a-CuTi@Cu converts carbon dioxide (CO2 ) into liquid fuels.... Announcements like this have appeared before. This variant doesn't use any expensive...

  13. The most powerful street-legal Ford Mustang ever built will go on sale this fall. A 5.2-liter supercharged V8 will crank out 760 horsepower in...

  14. A New Paradigm for Treatment  of Covid 19

  15. Hey everyone,      I have something here that I believe is a beautiful example of a person applying pure scientific reasoning. A retired geologist by the...

  16. Media still insists there is only anecdotal evidence for HCQ effectiveness. These research papers should put that objection to rest. For the prepper crowd lurking here,...

  17. Britain is to bring forward the end of coal in power station, the government announced today. At present, the use of coal in the...

  18. It's time for Army Corps of Engineers to investigate the feasibility of moving water West     Don Siefkes Sat, July 30, 2022 at 8:00 AM       The Old River...

  19. Well, Cuba blacks out completely, twice. It ain't easy to restart a fully dead grid.  Lots of instability can occur unless the system is brought...

  20.   HEARD ON THE STREET Is It the End of the Road for Computing Power? That phone in your pocket was predicted by Moore’s Law, but it...

  21. With nuclear power in decline around the globe has RR hit upon a leaner greener concept to traditional nuclear power generation? As @Jan van Eck stated...

  22. Green hysteria is driving us to foolish decisions that will make them richer as the average person gets poorer. RCW Fear Not Rising Temperatures or...

  23. This article really says it all. Why Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong It's not a long read. I can mostly agree with this argument. Where...

  24. Thought it would be good to start a thread on Elon Musk, and the following article may be a good conversation starter: What Companies Does...

  25. "During the production of just one one-carat diamond, Aether estimates it removes around 20 metric tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere, equivalent to the...

  26. Any thoughts on $500 million dollar plants capturing carbon and injecting it back in the ground or using it to make carbon neutral fuels? The...

  27. Despite being dubbed as the dirtiest of all fossil fuels, the revival of coal-fired power stations is accelerating as the power companies have been...

  28. Terpenes are hydrocarbons synthesized by plants. The 'pine smell' is something called α-pinene. There are a dozen others, mostly that contribute aroma or flavor...

  29. Hope springs eternal. Harnessing the heat from the sun may be the obvious answer. RCW

  30. Looks like Scania is getting into the building of electric trucks.  But instead of the Tesla approach of some gigantic battery, Scania has an...

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