1. I know that people in the West think that the Russians unreasonably support Putin, so let me describe the situation so that it becomes...

  2. A clear victory of truth for the Trump/Pence campaign.  

  3. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/OPEC-Oil-Demand-Will-Grow-Until-Late-2030s.html Pasted the article I am referencing. Opinion: OPEC thinks oil demand will grow until 2040. I would agree with them except for this thing called coronavirus. Oil...

  4.                           .      

  5. .

  6. Question.... Looking at where the US is now after 4 years of Trump, and with a Trump win seeming more and more likely, what will the...

  7. Our fears of a new Chinese famine appear to be closer than we thought.  The latest sustained and overwhelming flooding, coupled with a trade...

  8. Gee.  What happened? 

  9. Is there a person on this planet that could have done all these  in such a short time?  in the USA.  Let the discussions begin? ...

  10. https://www.projectveritas.com/news/ilhan-omar-connected-cash-for-ballots-voter-fraud-scheme-corrupts-elections/ September 27, 2020 Ilhan Omar Connected Cash-For-Ballots Voter Fraud Scheme Corrupts Elections: 'These Here Are All Absentee Ballots...Look...My Car Is Full..." 'Money Is The King...

  11. .

  12.                                  .        

  13.                                        .  

  14. The on-going battle to get the bureaucracy under control: Top HHS official takes leave of absence after Facebook rant about CDC conspiracies (Excerpts) Some CDC scientists are...

  15. The Perfect Solution To Remove Conflict Problems In The South China East Asia Sea It is too easy to solve the problems, conflict between nations...

  16. https://www.theepochtimes.com/beijing-has-no-way-out-of-the-crises-it-faces-chinese-scholar_3507024.html   CHINESE REGIME Beijing Has No Way Out Of The Crises It Faces: Chinese Scholar BY NICOLE HAO   September 20, 2020 Updated: September 20, 2020

  17. I will only note that the following open letter appeared in Politico magazine today. A letter like a letter, but please note the list and...

  18.                        .

  19. This would likely break the record for number of viewers.  

  20. "American intelligence officials say that a Russian assassination unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing American troops in Afghanistan. The Trump Administration...

  21. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/09/11/putin-lukashenko-to-talk-integration-amid-belarus-protests-a71419 No real democracy or republican form of government can survive without honest elections. RCW   Mass demonstrations  Lukashenko, in power for 26 years, has vowed that he...

  22. "Oh, great.  New testing technology.  We would have authorized Big 10 football in August if we had this technology." Yea right.   That's OK. Bottom line we...

  23. new normal gleichschaltung or the storming of the reichstag building-on-29-august-2020/ Quote On March 21, 1933, the Nazi-controlled Reichstag passed a law making it a crime to speak...

  24. Released on September 11, 2020 – This 33 minute Corbett Report video is one that everyone should see.  Transcript and references in show notes.  

  25. And Washington DC metro  is at 21st place. Just another information about future Chinese domination of this planet. (for all of those that follow Ministry of...

  26. Looks like Biden will only answer: * Pre-scripted questions * Preselected journalist or Union members  * Reads preprogrammed answers fro a teleprompter You think Biden will expose his...

  27. I know the article is from the controversial RT. However, I would like to note that if this is true, it puts the results...

  28. Quote A member of the Swedish Parliament on Friday nominated President Trump and the governments of Kosovo and Serbia for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize over economic cooperation...

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