2017 was the second-hottest year on record
Records are made to be broken, but 2016 will get to keep its crown of hottest year on record. NASA scientists are finished analyzing...- climate change
- record temperatures
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- Joanna Replied
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Sounds Familiar: Netanyahu Tells Arab Citizens They’re Not Real Israelis
With a closely fought election looming, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it clear to the country’s large Arab minority that being Israeli means...- Pavel Replied
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Parler’s New Partner Has Ties to the Russian Government
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-22/parler-s-new-partner-has-ties-to-the-russian-government?srnd=cybersecurity&sref=RzXyyOXY When you can't deal with American censorship any more, give Russia a chance!- Meredith Poor Replied
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Remarks of Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen on Malign Foreign Influence in U.S. Elections Presented at Center for Strategic and International Studies Washington, DC ~ Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Here is an excellent series of thoughts, perceptions, mis-perceptions, actions and reactions, or actions not requiring reactions. In other words, Politics. Good to step...- Dan Warnick Replied
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No More Love: Kanye West Breaks With Trump, Claims 2020 Run Is Not A Stunt
Kanye West says he is no longer a Trump supporter. The rapper, who once praised President Donald Trump and said the two share “dragon...- kanye west
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- rainman Replied
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- Roch Replied
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ISIS Prisoners Escape Syria Camp After Turkish Shelling. Woohoo!
International reports as well as Turkish media has confirmed a mass ISIS prison break at a Syrian Kurdish administered camp following shelling on the area by... -
Why Putin is popular in Russia
I know that people in the West think that the Russians unreasonably support Putin, so let me describe the situation so that it becomes...- Tomasz Replied
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Iraqi parliament votes 170-0 to end US troop presence
Iraq's parliament held an extraordinary session on Sunday and voted to end the presence of foreign troops and to lodge an official complaint against...- Marcin Replied
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The Political Debacle: Brexit delayed
Prime Minister Theresa May requested a three-month delay to Brexit on Wednesday after her failure to get a deal ratified by parliament left the...- Pavel Replied
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U.S. and Turkey
I hear sabre-rattling from Ankara. Anyone willing to make a guess where this piece of drama is heading?- Marina Schwarz Replied
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Venezuela: Nicolas Maduro closes border with Brazil
Starting Thursday evening, Venezuela is closing its border with Brazil, President Nicolas Maduro has announced. He added the same measure may apply to the...- ThunderBlade Replied
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Democrats Plan "B" Bloomberg Implodes. Plan "C" = John Kerry ?
As the newspaper headline stated , "Bloomberg spends $500 Million to get his ass kicked" He's done. Democrats now know none of the candidates on that...- BLA Replied
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China Threatens to Throw America into Coronavirus
https://nationalinterest.org/feature/china-threatens-throw-america-mighty-sea-coronavirus-130877 China Threatens to Throw America 'Into the Mighty Sea of the Coronavirus.' Also see China Stories https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wb2YoQGpSWTz32ljsiA_ey6FLVqc2Dpe7Fnpiqn9lBs/edit#- china
- coronavirus
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- ronwagn Replied
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Venezuela Says Russian Troops Land to Service Military Equipment
A Russian general and about 100 soldiers and gear are on the ground in Venezuela as part of long-term military accords between the nations,...- ThunderBlade Replied
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Top HHS official takes leave of absence after Facebook rant about CDC conspiracies
The on-going battle to get the bureaucracy under control: Top HHS official takes leave of absence after Facebook rant about CDC conspiracies (Excerpts) Some CDC scientists are...- Dan Warnick Replied
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No Break Of Middle East: Iranian Commander Threatens Israel's Destruction If It Attacks
The comments by Brigadier General Hossein Salami, deputy head of the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, followed an Israeli attack on Iranian targets in...- Pavel Replied
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COVID-19 Bailing out Bankers
COVID-19 agents of wrath of God unleashed on Men for killing & eating other creatures with equal right to life on earth or tailor...- M_Ali Replied
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Why Russia's Biggest Threat is Actually China
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=why+russia's+biggest+threat+is+china Why Russia's Biggest Threat is Actually China 8.4M views6 months ago RealLifeLore Select video clips courtesy of Getty Images Select video clips courtesy of the AP Archive...- Ron Wagner Replied
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Abyss Of Negotiations:North Korea Tests Showcase Growing Capability
North Korea’s second missile test on Thursday signals it is serious about developing new, short-range weapons that could be used early and effectively in...- north korea
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- pinto Replied
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Mexico Demands Spain and the Vatican Apologize to Indigenous People for the Spanish Conquest
Mexico's president has demanded both Spain and the Vatican apologize to the indigenous people of Mexico for the Spanish conquest 500 years ago. It's unknown if...- shadowkin Replied
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Drone attack against Venezuela's Maduro raises more concern of political risks in Venezuela
Last Saturday there was an attack by drones loaded with explosives trying to kill President Maduro during a public act at the iconic Avenida...- jose chalhoub Replied
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Kazakhstan Is Defying Russia and Has the Support of China. China is Using Russia's Weakness to Expand Its Own Influence.
https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/International/China-Remains-Supportive-Of-Kazakhstan-As-Russia-Ramps-Up-Rhetoric.html Kazakhstan has enormous deposits of oil, natural gas, and minerals. It was formerly part of the Soviet Union and is now against any domination...- Ron Wagner Replied
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Instagram Now Banning Photos Of People At Gun Ranges, Claiming They Promote "Violence"
Instagram is now blurring out images of women at gun ranges, saying the photos violate “violence or dangerous organization guidelines.” FULL ARTICLE https://www.zerohedge.com/political/instagram-now-banning-photos-people-gun-ranges-claiming-they-promote-violence Recall that many on...- gun rights
- terrorism
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LA Times: Vote Trump out in 2020 to Prevent Climate Apocalypse
Welp, we are all going to die due to Climate Apocalypse, because I don't see Trump not being re-elected in 2020. Climate change is already here....- Tom Kirkman Replied
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Climate Change Hell?
So a Pope who believes that Hell does not exist walks into a bar to preach about Climate Change to Oil Executives. < insert punchline here > Pope...- climate
- climate change
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- Tom Kirkman Replied
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Is the Chinese CCP Following the Left's Leadership, or the Left Following the CCP's?
IN a move that appears to be mirroring the Left in the U.S. at this time, the Chinese CCP has found it easiest to strip...- Dan Warnick Replied
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Memorize date 05/15/2018 cause Huawei ban is the most important single event in world history after 9/11/2001.
There are moments in the world history that are symbolic for they are the sign of the profound changes in momentum the global affairs...- china
- united states
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- Marcin Replied
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Could Syria War Alliances Get Any More Complex?
So, now we learn that Assad has been aiding the Syrian Kurds to fight the Turks ... Keeping in mind that the Kurds are...- Kate Turlington Replied
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Beware the Left's 'Degrowth' Movement (i.e. why Covid-19 is Good)
Seems some people are happy that Covid-19 is culling people and crashing global economies, because "Climate Change" is being reduced, although only fleetingly. Apparently more people (in industrialized...- Tom Kirkman Replied
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