1. There has been a lot of discussion around the forums about the reliability, indeed whether WHO had been used as a tool to achieve...

  2. This is a follow up from my earlier thread Charts of COVID-19 Fatality Rate by Age and Sex In my next comment is an extensive article from SouthFront,...

  3. What were the errors of Chinese authorities and why and how they could be prevented in the United States ? There is a lot of...

  4. The patients given hydroxychloroquine were to far along in the virus and were given very low dosage..    The control group was given arythmaizin . ...

  5. Looks like the CCP is having the usual problems with arithmetic. As always 2+2=5. https://www.ntd.com/the-closing-of-21-million-cell-phone-accounts-in-china-may-suggest-a-high-ccp-virus-death-toll_447579.html?fbclid=IwAR0q2qSYtSBrPsPfkRJpH0Vt2QQ9S5Keqc1LvJtEn8_eFczt8vztYXJBJ_Y

  6. To set the stage, I do not have a medical background, I am an engineer.  Furthermore, I am just like everybody else as I to...

  7. Trump: US will shoot Iranian gunboats 'out of the water' With geopolitical tensions at an extreme level with Covid-19 and the oil price war, is...

  8. As a helpful measure to stop the spread of disinformation, this spiffy guide explains why satire is necessary for one's health. Infographic: Common COVID-19 Talking Points...

  9. Bad news.  A beer shortage could be devastating. Oktoberfest Cancelled For First Time Since WW2 As German Hop-Growers Warn Of "Beer Shortage"  

  10. What a knowledgeable "influencer".  https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-rush-limbaugh-coronavirus-covid-19-thinks-nineteen-20200313-7rpnlxvaljhyribh6sxgg5f6ja-story.html

  11. “Specifically, hydroxychloroquine use with or without co-administration of azithromycin did not improve mortality or reduce the need for mechanical ventilation in hospitalized patients,” they...

  12. The poll was taken last month, March 2020. "The poll of 1,000 Americans found unfavorable opinions of China are shared across party lines, with about...

  13. 1 minute hot microphone at yesterday's White House Press Briefing, regarding Covid-19. https://twitter.com/Goldstatetimes/status/1252390291018878979     ========================= [ My best efforts at transcription below: ]   "You can take off the mask...

  14. This is going to be tricky. There is a difference between providing liquidity to an industry and .  .  .   providing solvency to some zombie...


  16. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/15894/european-union-dead?utm_source=whatfinger The European Union is Dead but Does Not Yet Know It

  17. Bannon tells it like it is re the Chinese Coronavirus disaster.  He holds no punches.  Also, assures Biden has no chance of beating Trump.  He...

  18. So either the world is going down the toilet, we're all going to die of a virus, WW3 is about to happen or things...

  19. Presented in full for your consideration, without my usual comments.  Please note that this article is more than 10 years old. Why The WHO Faked...

  20. THE ENTIRE WESTERN WORLD LIVES IN COGNITIVE DISSONANCE Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy http://thefallingdarkness.com/entire-western-world-lives-cognitive-dissonance/ Not a Dicky bird tweeted...

  21. Starting a thread to highlight the backlash against overly restrictive rules issued by elected representatives.  As an example of overly restrictive and arbitrary restrictions,...

  22. https://www.project-syndicate.or ; World Opinion Website - where big shot NGO, private and public advisers, executives, analysts, Nobel laureate university professors, central bankers, secretaries, minsters, ambassadors, prime...

  23. I hope everyone gets a chance to read this article. https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/International/Oil-Crisis-Challenges-Putins-Power.html If you know how Russia and Putin operates you'll have some good laughs. Russia is...

  24. I thought I would give this topic it's own thread. There are a lot of astute people on this forum, and I am curious...

  25. For anone interested in the geopolitical changes North Africa and the Middle East. ------------------------ Whereas the leaders of both Saudi Arabia and the UAE, popularly known...

  26. Just to annoy the water carriers for CCP shills and spammers.  Because I simply adore having to clean up daily Mandarin spam attacks that try to choke...

  27. Which countries pay the most to the UN?  The UN is funded in two ways—through mandatory payments and voluntary contributions. Each of the organization’s 193 members...

  28. Just now: "Sources say the investigation of open source and classified data points to the work in the lab of Dr. Shi Zhengli, who was...