1. Governor Cuomo NY results are beyond belief.  Beyond even the most optimistic results.  Even Michigan State Rep (Democrat) whom was extremely ill from Covid19 credits...

  2. Which countries pay the most to the UN?  The UN is funded in two ways—through mandatory payments and voluntary contributions. Each of the organization’s 193 members...

  3. Bad news.  A beer shortage could be devastating. Oktoberfest Cancelled For First Time Since WW2 As German Hop-Growers Warn Of "Beer Shortage"  

  4. As a helpful measure to stop the spread of disinformation, this spiffy guide explains why satire is necessary for one's health. Infographic: Common COVID-19 Talking Points...

  5. What a knowledgeable "influencer".  https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-rush-limbaugh-coronavirus-covid-19-thinks-nineteen-20200313-7rpnlxvaljhyribh6sxgg5f6ja-story.html


  7. This is going to be tricky. There is a difference between providing liquidity to an industry and .  .  .   providing solvency to some zombie...

  8. Must watch video from kirkman post. Side Note: U.S. FCC to vote on banning China Telecom from U.S. next week. just the start 再见,  "zài jiàn."   

  9. I have a question for many of the non-American, non-Chinese members on this forum: Why do you focus so much attention on President Trump and American...

  10. Bannon tells it like it is re the Chinese Coronavirus disaster.  He holds no punches.  Also, assures Biden has no chance of beating Trump.  He...


  12. https://www.project-syndicate.or ; World Opinion Website - where big shot NGO, private and public advisers, executives, analysts, Nobel laureate university professors, central bankers, secretaries, minsters, ambassadors, prime...

  13. I thought I would give this topic it's own thread. There are a lot of astute people on this forum, and I am curious...

  14. Presented in full for your consideration, without my usual comments.  Please note that this article is more than 10 years old. Why The WHO Faked...

  15. For anone interested in the geopolitical changes North Africa and the Middle East. ------------------------ Whereas the leaders of both Saudi Arabia and the UAE, popularly known...

  16. We obviously want to prevent as many deaths as possible. That's a given.  This virus is extremely contagious. We know the virus has survived up...

  17. This article neatly summarizes a number of the points that I have recently mentioned or alluded to. By Tom Luongo of Gold Goats 'N Guns Beginning...

  18. I hope everyone gets a chance to read this article. https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/International/Oil-Crisis-Challenges-Putins-Power.html If you know how Russia and Putin operates you'll have some good laughs. Russia is...

  19. Just to annoy the water carriers for CCP shills and spammers.  Because I simply adore having to clean up daily Mandarin spam attacks that try to choke...

  20. Just now: "Sources say the investigation of open source and classified data points to the work in the lab of Dr. Shi Zhengli, who was...

  21. In this time of national trauma and self-doubt, and noting the comments of @Ward Smith  in another thread of mine on fuel demand destruction,...

  22. First link here. In a stunning turn of events, Surgeon General Jerome Adams explained in an interview on live XM radio, that the Coronavirus Task...

  23. I'm told a former assistant accused Biden of rape. I think a large number of Dems would want this to be true.  Many Dems want...

  24. Effect of too long quarantine: Conspiracy Theory about origins of COVID-19 1. Strategic goal of China: Become hegemonic country. To do it, China needs to become...

  25. Today New York Times continues to claim no proof it works.  There is significant statistical evidence it works.  New York times should talk to...

  26. Astonishing.  Coming soon to a totalitarian state near you.  It's all about the State, and obedient citizens can go jump in a lake.*     *Only once Social...

  27. When Trump started to right the wrongs U.S. suffered from China New York Senator Schumer was very supportive.  He even wanted Trump to be...