1. When one starts reading the OilPrice posted article, it becomes evident that bias and agenda are at play in the message of the article,...

  2. https://www.chicagofed.org/publications/working-papers/2020/2020-13 The authors assert clearly the monetary and fiscal policies of the US are not working. Their solution is to inflate away the debt.  If...

  3. DT Note - It has always amazed me how Orwell was not very far off with many aspects of his classic 1984, one of...

  4. Watching how the collapse of Venezuela's oil industry looks close to inevitable, will it face a process of privatisation soon? 

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz263nvH_V0 A lot of issues discussed considering the time (look at tags). You're welcome. #brexit #trump2020 #eubad

  6. Governor Cuomo NY results are beyond belief.  Beyond even the most optimistic results.  Even Michigan State Rep (Democrat) whom was extremely ill from Covid19 credits...

  7. Dead on accurate.  Presented without my usual long winded comments. DEFIANCE – There are More of Us Than Them In April something was bugging me… a...

  8. UPDATE. FIRST SUBPOENA ISSUED Senator Johnson opening Investigation into Hunter Biden Barisma. Should lead to other Joe Biden Hunter, Brother and daughter/son-in-law sweetheart federal handout...

  9. Some amusement on a snowy winter day.  Got around 6 inches of snow last night.  The residual effects of Canada's Carbon (Dioxide) Tax must...

  10. Beijing’s city government on Tuesday raised its COVID-19 emergency response level to II from III, according to state media. The Chinese capital has been...

  11. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, meeting with Rouhani and his cabinet on Wednesday, told the government to work “day and night” to resolve...

  12. The Republicans always get out played. The story is : Spying on the Trump campaign, It's about a fake Steele Dossier, Fusion GPS , Perkins...

  13. Supremely interesting and touching story. 

  14. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday she wanted Britain and the European Union to divorce on good terms. “I care now that we...

  15. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/01/inner-mongolia-protests-china-mandarin-schools-language The CCP is attacking all minorities throughout China, Han and non Han groups. Mongolia is the latest. The others I know of are Hong Kongers, Tibetans,...

  16. needing to put "far" in front of "left" or "right" when you describe the political identity of a future president is never a good thing...

  17. Democratic party by starting and aggressively pursuing the impeachment process suddenly changed the optics of current US political narrative. It seems domestic matters will...

  18. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday the United States would in future treat Hong Kong as a Chinese city rather than...

  19. Spain’s government said Wednesday it would do whatever it takes to stamp out violence in Catalonia, where clashes between regional independence supporters and police...

  20. https://www.news-journal.com/news/business/sitton-the-u-s-must-protect-free-markets-in-the/article_6a79a240-6aba-11ea-a17e-df45acfe727b.html Okay, from the article above, the ‘best case’ is that we are presently oversupplied by roughly 10 million barrels of oil per day. This...

  21. China tells government offices to remove all foreign computer equipment Directive is likely to be a blow to US multinational companies like HP, Dell and...

  22. This is bad news. The USA has now made China a complete adversary, in law and policy. The repercussions of this will be profound and...

  23.                         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v15VA5G3UEk   RUSSIAN Ruble Collapse is Damaging Russian Economy as Import Costs Raise Inflation & Interest Rates                              

  24. Chinese military is technologically very backward in comparison to US military.  For contemporary US-China hegemony conflict the most important are naval assets. Navy is the major...

  25. The green shoots mentioned over a month ago foretold the start of economic growth.  That recovery has started stronger and sooner than anyone had...

  26. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Big-Oils-Petrochemical-Bet-Has-Hit-A-Snag.html

  27. (shared via facebook) Pipeline vs Train vs Ship to Transport Crude Oil. 1 Train has 100 cars, 2 engines and weighs 27,240,000 lbs. 1 Train transports 3,000,000...

  28. Well? There have been threats in the past but they have remained threats. This time things look different for various reasons but it could be...

  29. France’s Macron has burst into tears again and has used the British press to hold court and whimper about how he and his EU vision...

  30. The United States has participated in and/or planned many FALSE FLAG Events.  White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Friday [Jan 14th,...