1. Iran’s Supreme Leader called U.S. President Donald Trump’s comments on withdrawing from the 2015 nuclear agreement “silly and superficial”, said he did not trust...

  2. I think with all the chaos in Syria, Yemen and .. well ... across the Middle East, this brewing conflict over Somalia's ports between...

  3. As the Corona Virus continues to impinge on world trade, in a variety of ways, I would like to ask for opinions regarding the...

  4. Here is an excellent series of thoughts, perceptions, mis-perceptions, actions and reactions, or actions not requiring reactions.  In other words, Politics.  Good to step...

  5.   .  

  6.  The Kremlin expressed concern on Monday over media reports that Poland has requested a permanent U.S. military presence on its soil, saying NATO’s expansion...

  7. The president of the European Council has warned of the “capricious” actions of president Donald Trump as EU leaders prepare to discuss their response...

  8. Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro on Wednesday accused Chile’s former leader Michelle Bachelet, now the United Nations human rights chief, of meddling in his country’s...

  9. Transparency Int'l published list of most corrupt countries... 1. North Korea 2. Somalia 3. South Sudan 11. Iraq 23. Zimbabwe 44. Nigeria 46. Iran 46. Russia 98. China 98. India 102. Turkey 113.South Africa 115. Saudi Arabia 117....

  10. This is a follow up from my earlier thread Charts of COVID-19 Fatality Rate by Age and Sex In my next comment is an extensive article from SouthFront,...

  11. Commission: U.S. Could Lose Wars With Russia, China  

  12. James Comey is drawing fire. Let's say, bestseler “A Higher Loyalty” is the first book of ex-FBI director. Comey, who was abruptly fired by...

  13. Democrats will not allow GOP to cross examine so called whistleblower Eric Ciaramella during impeachment hearing. But the Whitehouse visitor logs show he could  be...

  14. To get a micro-glimpse of just how staggeringly bad things have gotten in Venezuela, I invite readers here to view a film documentary spliced...

  15. After withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, the Iran deal, and the UNESCO the United States withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/united-states-withdraws-human-rights-council_us_5b292ba6e4b05d6c16c7efe6 Trump is...

  16. .  

  17. Election Mail Fraud ? Remember the Minnesota U.S. Senate race between Incumbant Norm Coleman v. Al Franken. It was a close one.  They were up counting...

  18. China’s foreign minister on Friday promised “all necessary measures” to defend Chinese companies and citizens abroad amid legal clashes between tech giant Huawei and...

  19. Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, that used to enjoy relative stability with a fragile democracy, started grabbing headlines again for all the wrong reasons. After...

  20. A Russian general and about 100 soldiers and gear are on the ground in Venezuela as part of long-term military accords between the nations,...

  21. It happens, on average, more than five times a day in Rio de Janeiro: Police open fire and someone dies. Brazilian human rights and...

  22. Definitely not winning this passive-aggressive war they started with Qatar. US is now supporting Doha, and while the blockade hurts, international deals are still...

  23. “OPEC+ facing demand “trap.”Moscow has balked at deeper production cuts not only because it has a stronger stomach for lower prices than Riyadh, but...

  24. EXCERPT - 2004...the US had already pumped $5 billion into the funding of the Ukrainian opposition. https://www.corbettreport.com/foreign-intervention-and-the-ukraine-crisis/ Foreign Intervention and the Ukraine Crisis by James CorbettGRTV.ca March 5,...

  25. According to Bloomberg, Kim Jong Un made a surprise visit to Beijing on his first known trip outside North Korea since taking power in...

  26. For those who are interested in the United States' energy policies, I'd recommend going to about the 20 minute mark.  At about 21 minutes...

  27. Thought it might be time to start a list of all the ways Trump's Iran withdrawal could go very badly:  1. Give Tehran the idea...

  28. Israeli prime minister B. Netanyahu is near his impeachment. The police said they had found sufficient evidence for the 68-year-old Netanyahu to be charged...

  29. Nancy Pelosi is seeking to invoke the 25th amendment. If you believe the fake news polls Trump is down 15%. If Democrats were confident...