1. Trump has been overly generous in his treatment of Saudi Arabia.  Everything from being dismissive of the Kashoggi murder to the present Saudi  attempt...

  2. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/05/15/germany-declares-burning-eu-flag-a-hate-crime-punishable-by-three-years-in-prison/   This is the nation that decries nationalism. RCW   Germany Declares Burning EU Flag a Hate Crime Punishable by Three Years in Prison 3,030 LOUISA GOULIAMAKI/AFP/Getty Images OLIVER JJ...

  3. Yup, it looks to be so. FOREMOST SHIPPING COMPANY the Choa Family Shipping Company. It's not the LEFT vs RIGHT anymore.. It's now INSIDERS vs OUTSIDERS Choa's family...

  4. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-09-03/us-military-surrounding-venezuela-new-deployment-guyana https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essequibo_River

  5. Okay kids, the gloves are off and Russia and Saudi Arabia are now engaged in a full-on price war (aka pissing contest). The price...

  6. The Oil Crescent has apparently passed into the hands of the eastern government, which is interesting, given that two years ago the LNA was happy...

  7. https://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1335248 The settlement this week between TSMC and GlobalFoundries appears to be a David vs. Goliath victory with the smaller US foundry gaining access to...

  8.   Based on the example of this WHO report, we can prove the fact that from his policy men in Russia live 10 years longer...

  9. After taking a quick look at the EV and hybrid vehicle numbers available on the internet (you can check for your own edification if...

  10. It doesn't care if you live in a red state or a blue state. It's a fucking virus.   Geezus. Morons.

  11. https://medium.com/@globaloilrisks/political-risks-arise-in-venezuela-after-maduro-reelection-4aec40186202 Feel free to read my recent post on Maduro reelection in Medium. 

  12. Economic growth in the eurozone cooled in the first quarter to the weakest pace since mid-2016, according to figures released on Thursday that confirm...

  13. As we wait for the NDA to pick a target, there's a new gang in town, calling themselves Coalition of Niger Delta Agitators and threatening to...

  14. I see the reforms are going well. Egyptian man was arrested because a colleague fed him some bread. In the office. She's almost completely covered...

  15. The list will be made public Monday but a source has spilled: it includes India, South Korea, and japan. Negotiations with China still ongoing....

  16. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/27/trump-warns-brexit-agreement-could-threaten-future-us-uk-trade-deal.html

  17. A company run by former Israeli spies reportedly tried to influence a local US election — and courted Trump's campaign For the life of me...

  18. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/dukes-hazzard-remain-displayed-auto-museum

  19. A must-read: the culmination of an AP investigation, the most interesting part being the run-up to the Saudi-led blockade on Qatar (for those of...

  20. It appears that Huang Yanling is patient zero. Public information on the Chinese internet, published by researchers, scientists and doctors. Researchers splashed by bat urine and blood....

  21. The Remain coalition in the U.K. parliament have become vandals. They would destroy everything about their government, traditions and what they know to be true...

  22. https://www.theepochtimes.com/britains-new-5g-club-d10-to-develop-own-5g-networks_3380571.html Britain’s New 5G Club ‘D10’ to Develop Own 5G Networks How did President Trump influence this change? Does he deserve any credit? RCW

  23. According by egypt's newspaper, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has described Turkey as part of a “triangle of evil” along with Iran...

  24. Yay! https://www.rt.com/news/470667-iranian-tanker-explosion-jeddah/

  25. A few articles on how to prevent coronavirus - the essence of these articles because they were a bit longer.Mostly they come from the...

  26. Turkey, the perpetual suitor for EU membership, is undergoing what was a slow-motion deterioration, and is now rapidly escalating into a full-blown economic and...

  27. (Reuters)  -  Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, whose sweeping anti-corruption plan has powered her ascendant presidential campaign, stepped up her offensive on Friday, vowing to...