U.S. Opinion Poll on China: Unfavorable 66% . Favorable 26%
Looks like : * 2/3 of U.S. agrees with Trump and Pompeo * 1/4 of U.S. agrees with CCP, Communist Secretary General Xi Jinping , Pelosi...- BLA Replied
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Beijing Has No Way Out of its Crises per Scholar
https://www.theepochtimes.com/beijing-has-no-way-out-of-the-crises-it-faces-chinese-scholar_3507024.html CHINESE REGIME Beijing Has No Way Out Of The Crises It Faces: Chinese Scholar BY NICOLE HAO September 20, 2020 Updated: September 20, 2020- ronwagn Replied
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Dissolution of Parliament in Israel, call for elections
Just released, Israel will call for elections and dissolution of the Knesset, and Prime Minister Netanyahu under investigations under charges of corruption, which surely...- israel
- politicalrisk
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- jose chalhoub Replied
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Hunter Biden alleged $156 Million of money Laundering
FOLLOW THE MONEY (1) Burisma sent money to shell Company in Latvia (2) the money was then sent to Cyprus (3) then transfered to Hunter...- Jabbar Replied
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In "Unprecedented Revolt", Europe's Top Central Bankers Dissented Over QE
To push through QE and to preserve his legacy, Mario Draghi just started the countdown on central banking. Apparently ripping a page out of Jean-Claude... -
It's Getting Harder to Report in China, and America!
In China, you must report the "truth." Or, you get disappeared! Well, maybe they'll let you leave and never return. In America, the First Amendment...- Microbio-glutonist Replied
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Wow. Look at Those Executive Orders Roll In.
So: who here is for executive orders, and who here is against it?- Zhong Lu Replied
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How Rosmah Has Made Imelda Look Like A Cheapskate Amateur...
Taking a quick break from my usual oil & gas blatherings, to point out a bit of what has been going on here in...- Tom Kirkman Replied
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Biden's 'I'm no Trump' campaign is not enough to govern
I wish I could take credit for the title, but I cannot. That honor goes to The Hill, incredibly. Incredibly, because The Hill has...- Dan Warnick Replied
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Trinidad and Tobago: Poised for New Growth
Going into 2019, Trinidad and Tobago is the largest producer of oil and natural gas in the Caribbean. In the early 1990s, the country’s...- James Benjamin Oppenheim Replied
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The Day when Oil is only worth little more than high quality Coal today?
Hey, I'm sure not only I was having the idea that Electric-Mobility create whole new industries and some materials will be needed in amounts hard...- KilonBerlin Replied
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China and the U.S. Can’t Break Their Oil Market Codependency In this dangerous game
China and the U.S. Can’t Break Their Oil Market Codependency In this dangerous game: This is an article that caught my eye.- Muhammad Rashid Replied
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Congress has to stop families of Congressmen benefitting from the current bail out bills like Hunter Biden and Chris Heinze did in 2009
Co-owners Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz established Rosemont Capital in 2008 while Joe Biden was VP and John Kerry was Secretary of State. Over the years the Rosemont Capital has...- bailout bill
- trump relief bill
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- BLA Replied
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FBI arrests five in U.S. accused of trying to coerce political dissenters to return to China
Well, it looks like the FBI might actually be doing their jobs, at least sometimes. It's quite simple to set the FBI straight: Civilian...- Dan Warnick Replied
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Australia Seeks to Improve Ties with China
The reason I'm posting this is: Australia is seeking to repair its relationship with its largest trading partner, China, following a deterioration in ties after...- Marina Schwarz Replied
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Warren Beefs Up Anti-Corruption Plan
(Reuters) - Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, whose sweeping anti-corruption plan has powered her ascendant presidential campaign, stepped up her offensive on Friday, vowing to... -
Face-off Venezuela EXXON over Guyana
Just a few days ago, according to local and international news outlets, a ship of venezuelan navy had a face off with an exploration...- jose chalhoub Replied
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- BLA Replied
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Does Money Grow on Trees?
I understand that most people believe that money does not grow on trees. That it has to come from somewhere, etc. etc. If money...- Zhong Lu Replied
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Of China Ruled the World
10 Ways Life Will Change If China Becomes The World’s Superpower Half of these are wild extrapolations and the other half smack of conspiracy theories...- Marina Schwarz Replied
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Russia-Ukraine Crisis: we may not reach the point-of-no-return - in the end!
The global crude oil supply is severely under stress and so are the global economies, regardless of their size and the block they belong...- oil
- oil and gas
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- hemanthaa@mail.com Replied
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Kirkman, looks like the Dems, Hillary, Biden are in deep with Ukraine and the supposed Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella.
Tom , looks like you were correct. You can't make this stuff up. Looks like your Dem impeachment might backfire on them. Excerpt from Article A...- Jabbar Replied
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Shangri La Security Dialogue and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit
Interestingly two important geopolitical events are taking almost simultaneously in Asia, the region with the highest demand for oil and products, which are the...- geopolitics
- oil
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- jose chalhoub Replied
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Power Grids: The Cyber Battlefield
Utilities are 'the new cyber battlefield,' as US ramps up pressure on Russia's electric grid Call me if the discussion goes into a general grid...- Marina Schwarz Replied
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Attack in a Military Parade in Oil rich Ahvaz Province Iran.
An interesting development happening in restive province of Ahvaz, known for its opposition against iranian government, when a gunmen attacked an IRGC military parade...- jose chalhoub Replied
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Russia to Test Internet Disconnection
Russia to ‘disconnect’ from internet as part of cyber-war planning At first I thought they'll turn it off and got excited that somebody is fulfilling...- Marina Schwarz Replied
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DEATH OF THE SOVIET UNION: The borders drawn in the 1920s are serving Russia well in the 2020s
By Clare Nuttall in Glasgow December 17, 2021 https://www.intellinews.com/death-of-the-soviet-union-the-borders-drawn-in-the-1920s-are-serving-russia-well-in-the-2020s-230468/?source=russia Quote Some of the borders drawn up in the 1920s when the newly formed Soviet Union was divided into...- Tomasz Replied
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It's Waiver Time!
It was just about time to start talking about those waivers. Interestingly, the report on waivers comes after TankerTrackers has been reporting for days...- Marina Schwarz Replied
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Europe´s Leading Geopolitical News Network
GeopoliticalMatters.com is Europe´s Leading Geopolitical News Network with over 140k Subscribers are over 450K web visitors a month!- IainFraserJournalist Replied
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Biden uses pre-programed teleprompter to answer questions. Can he maintain hiding from real press for two more months ?
Looks like Biden will only answer: * Pre-scripted questions * Preselected journalist or Union members * Reads preprogrammed answers fro a teleprompter You think Biden will expose his...- BLA Replied
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