1.   According to agencies, Libya is on the brink of a new war. Deaths and displacements mounted in splintered Libya on Monday as eastern forces...

  2. For all of 2020, the USA govt and media has very strong rhetoric against China, and has now implemented a wide array of sanctions....

  3. (Reuters)  -  Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, whose sweeping anti-corruption plan has powered her ascendant presidential campaign, stepped up her offensive on Friday, vowing to...

  4. Thought it might be time to start a list of all the ways Trump's Iran withdrawal could go very badly:  1. Give Tehran the idea...

  5. The Mayor argues that the citizens of D.C. do not have representation in Congress.  Good point Mayor.   Here is the solution. First some FACTS:  1. The...

  6. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/emergency-physicians-group-calls-on-state-attorney-general-to-investigate-bellingham-doctors-firing/ In Washington state, a doctor is REMOVED for protesting his working conditions. Proving the USA local officials are no better than the local officials in...

  7. The Washington Post report trying to control the narrative. .  More cover-up just like Comey covered up for Hillary Clinton. Washington Post trying to vilify...

  8. The Whispers getting louder and consistent. I previous heard Spring/Summer timeframe.  Now told will commence much sooner.   There is going to be a run on...

  9. Loving watching all those think tanks squirming uncomfortably when (though it's pubic knowledge) they have to refuse to accept any more Saudi money to...

  10. I think with all the chaos in Syria, Yemen and .. well ... across the Middle East, this brewing conflict over Somalia's ports between...

  11. https://www.dr.dk/tv/se/kampen-om-det-rene-vand/-/kampen-om-det-rene-vand-2-3#!/  Interesting documentary. And interesting take on some conflicts around the world. 

  12. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/06/07/we-are-all-ukrainians-now-a77915   We Are All Ukrainians Now Helping Ukraine defeat Russian aggression helps the West reach its security goals. By Nigel Gould-Davies Updated: June 7, 2022      Katie Godowski / pexels Russia’s invasion of...

  13. Some amusement on a snowy winter day.  Got around 6 inches of snow last night.  The residual effects of Canada's Carbon (Dioxide) Tax must...

  14. Taxing the wealthy is becoming the latest sign of how Chancellor Angela Merkel’s already-frail coalition is drifting apart, adding to the political turbulence as...

  15. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced that the U.S. is pulling out of a treaty with Russia that’s been a centerpiece of arms...

  16. We're about to see a new nuclear arms race like we've never seen before. This is the fallout from withdrawing from the Iran nuclear...

  17. Interesting piece for those who said they wanted to learn more about this part of Europe. The neighbour-hating part is true. We're each and everyone...

  18. I've been sort of mapping out Europe's energy policy and options for less dependence on Russia and while most of the countries' situations and stances...

  19. So, have the Kurds definitively lost Kirkuk to the Iraqis? I've read now that Iraq wants to build a new pipeline to transport oil...

  20. I cannot shake the feeling that the economic fallout from this is going to be much worse for public health than the direct viral...

  21. The all volunteer United States military is being dismantled before our eyes. Wrong think is being punished, if a soldier dares to espouse a...

  22.         P.S.  Eric Ciaramella is deep state, and is not an actual whistleblower.       Meme haters, please feel free to hate.  

  23. The current unrest in Kazakhstan is linked to internal power politics and could have major geopolitical implications for the region. While it remains unclear exactly...

  24. There is a lot to think about, presented in this video.  Can the world pull together in the ways outlined?  Of course they can,...

  25. https://www.theepochtimes.com/preserving-overseas-assets-causes-woe-for-the-ccp_4460847.html What China is Learning from Russia's War in Ukraine and its Consequences RCW   A man looks at information posted on a bank door showing how...

  26. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-03-16/what-countries-will-fight-over-when-green-energy-dominates?srnd=premium&sref=RzXyyOXY "Global inequalities and rivalries will instead likely center on access to technology and finance, standard setting and control of key raw materials." 'Green' energy is...

  27. Sounds like a two year duration.      

  28. The Chinese dealings of the Bidens and Bloomberg should disqualify them as Presidential candidates. The NBA while disappointing could be tolerated as their dealings do...

  29. I have been since quite a long time studying and monitoring the ethno-religious dynamics in the Middle East region and its relationship and impact...