1.  Clean-Energy Techs On Track To Meet Climate Goals? Nope, says IEA Most clean-energy technologies are not on track to meet the world’s long-term climate goals,...

  2. Community colleges and high schools in Texas are starting programs to train students for these-in-demand occupations, what might be the nation’s first wind turbine...

  3. Unexpected news.  I wasn't even aware there was a wind turbine installed in the Bronx (one of the 5 boroughs of New York City).   Wind Turbine...

  4. First they came for the free plastic carrier bags. Now they have come for the woodburners and stoves. Households with wood or coal burning...

  5. For those who championed the demise of the disposable razor, we can now do away with laundry detergent, shampoo in bottles and those pesky,...

  6. Rocks at the bottom of the North Sea may provide the perfect storage location for renewable energy, according to a new study. Excess power could...

  7. I wonder when the great unwashed masses will finally get fed up with the constant brow beating by the Green Team, the never ending...

  8.  Wind energy now supplies more than 30% of the electricity in four states — Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. Wind power generated 6.3% of...

  9. Australia has a good chance to be the world  leader in solar renewable. Last year, this country installed  3.5. millions panels. That's 9,500 installed...

  10. John Kerry: Green Transition Will Be Bigger Than The Industrial Revolution By Haley Zaremba - Jun 15, 2022, 2:00 PM CDT The global green energy transition...

  11. India is trying to protect its local solar industry, or at least the Finance Ministry says so, with a proposal for a 70% duty...

  12. renewable energy

    Dear Sir/Madam, Kindly provide me any suggestion and discussion on the tile of CO2 reduction by using solar home systems in rural area. Could you please...

  13. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/955855 30-year perovskite solar cells and the new approach to testing them for the long haul Princeton Engineering researchers have developed the first perovskite solar cell...

  14. Geely Motors, a massive Chinese owned and funded automotive conglomerate, intends on dominating the world. Li Shifu, the president, and CEO is one of...

  15. Solar investments last year accounted for more than half of the total new investment in renewable energy. Solar is really booming and I bet...

  16. HYDROGEN FUEL STATION EXPLODES IN NORWAY; TOYOTA AND HYUNDAI PAUSE FUEL CELL VEHICLE DELIVERY And the station operator closed 10 more stations. Not good for...

  17. Chile has joined the ambitious green gang, planning to source 100% of its energy from renewable sources by 2040. It's impressive how fast they've...

  18. A wind farm in Morocco will power a number of "computing centres it will build alongside dedicated to cryptocurrency mining and other blockchain technologies." I...

  19. Lowest price I've seen for individual solar cells so far. Minimum order requirement is 10,000 cells, which costs $1,900 (plus shipping, tariffs, etc.) All of...

  20. The world of energy is changing and new records keep being set. Britain generated more electricity from renewables and nuclear power last year than...

  21. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2021-08-20/gm-extends-recall-to-cover-all-chevy-bolts-due-to-fire-risk GM extends recall to cover all Chevy Bolts due to fire risk      

  22. The world’s largest “virtual battery plant” is now operating in the Arabian desert Interesting.

  23. The average price of RPS contracts that were executed in 2019 was 2.82 ¢/kWh compared to 3.81 ¢/kWh in 2018. https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/uploadedFiles/CPUCWebsite/Content/About_Us/Organization/Divisions/Office_of_Governmental_Affairs/Legislation/2020/2020 Padilla Report.pdf

  24. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_moon https://time.com/5429288/china-chengdu-artificial-moon/ https://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/a23937900/china-man-made-moon-launching-2020/

  25. Belgium, which boasts about a thriving off-shore wind farms that generate 10% of its electricity needs, is coming up with innovative methods to deal with...

  26. According to the World Economic Forum’s Fostering Effective Energy Transition report, there are 43 countries that boast well-performing energy systems and high-transition readiness, which...

  27. America is trying to build its manufacturing base and maximize exports while minimizing imports, especially from China, who is our only major competitor for...

  28. The world's biggest polluter, China is rolling out the world's most ambitious plan to reduce emissions. This project would make polluting companies pay for...

  29. Hello and welcome once again to Oilprice's latest contest, whereby one could win an amazing miniature barrel of black slime--perfect for nearly every occasion. To...

  30. Thousands of wind turbines from Germany to the U.K. are set to grind to a halt next week, cutting electricity supplies at the same...

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