1. Having written a book to be published in Australia DARK AGES: The looming destruction of the Australian power grid I wondered how I might share it...

  2. According to the CIA World Factbook, there are 7.85 billion cell phone subscriptions world wide. 7 billion of these are likely to be 'smart phones',...

  3. John Kerry: Green Transition Will Be Bigger Than The Industrial Revolution By Haley Zaremba - Jun 15, 2022, 2:00 PM CDT The global green energy transition...

  4. In 2022, Google has dramatically censored its search results for alternative narratives to the "official Climate Change narrative".  Many great alternative websites and information...

  5. Here Are The Winners And Losers In The 'Inflation Reduction Act' by Tyler Durden Monday, Aug 08, 2022 - 09:39 AM As Democrats pat themselves on the...

  6. A project to build a A16 billion ($US11.1 billion) undersea cable linking renewable energy projects in Australia's top end (North, lots of sun) with...

  7. EXCERPTS  “…After segmenting each section, a value will then be assigned to each. Some areas have a heavier weight than others. For example, if...

  8. I wrote this article  for the Australian edition of the British magazine Spectator a couple of weeks back. In essence, academics are FINALLY starting...

  9. EXCERPTS: By 2035, a charging station could demand as much power as a sports arena or small town.  National Grid expects by 2035, large...

  10. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Protests-Break-Out-in-Europe-As-Electricity-Prices-Soar.html Europe is having problems with energy supply due to depending on Russian natural gas, and coal of their own to meet much of their...

  11. It's taken me a few days to get around to posting this. Unfortunately, the article is behind a pay wall, but the excerpts should give...

  12. EXCERPTS:  ...Green energy is a scam. It has nothing to do with saving the planet...   ...Yes, the renewable energy grid will utterly fail...

  13. This is a pretty good comprehensive look at renewables for winter.... https://ourfiniteworld.com/2022/09/20/ramping-up-renewables-cant-provide-enough-heat-energy-in-winter/ https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/ramping-renewables-cant-provide-enough-heat-energy-winter Ramping Up Renewables Can’t Provide Enough Heat Energy In Winter by Tyler Durden Saturday, Sep 24,...

  14. Many here probably would have a problem with this philosophy. Remember, the REAL rulers on our planet are the small green things and the small...

  15. A reasonable read. that finally recognizes the TRUTHS!  ALL OF THEM!! https://cgmf.org/blog-entry/435/REPORT-|-Never-Again-How-to-prevent-another-major-Texas-electricity-failure.html A short excerpt, that honestly contradicts those that blame renewables... "...ERCOT’s assessment anticipated only 963...

  16. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/startup-hydrogen-breakthrough-may-life-220016923.html   Startup’s Hydrogen Breakthrough May Give New Life to Coal Plants     Swati Pandey Thu, August 18, 2022 at 5:00 PM     (Bloomberg) -- A small Australian research lab tucked...

  17. Why Solar Power Is Failing Amid Record-Breaking Heat By Felicity Bradstock - Aug 12, 2022, 5:00 PM CDT Solar panels work optimally at around 25oC. This summer...

  18. A North Texas wind farm is one turbine down thanks to what officials believe was a devastating lightning strike to one of the massive...

  19. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/07/05/worlds-first-sand-powered-battery-ready-heat-homes/   World’s first sand-powered battery is ready to heat homes Researchers say the Finnish innovation could help solve the problem of how to store renewable energy...

  20. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/955855 30-year perovskite solar cells and the new approach to testing them for the long haul Princeton Engineering researchers have developed the first perovskite solar cell...

  21. An Australian government regulator has taken over management of the grid for the Eastern half of the country (Western Australia is different) after an attempt...

  22. German Police Raid Deutsche Bank, DWS Over Allegations Of Greenwashing by Tyler Durden Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - 09:34 AM German federal police raided Deutsche Bank AG and its...

  23. EXCERPT: Victory for the plaintiffs in these cases would mean the federal government could not dramatically restrict tailpipe emissions because of vehicles’ effect on...

  24. https://archive.ph/PDwx0 ESG Investing Is Heading for a Reckoning, Says One Veteran Manager Lisa Pham Mon, June 6, 2022, 8:36 AM·2 min read     (Bloomberg) -- The ESG investment industry...

  25. The U.S. Grid Isn’t Ready For A Major Shift To Renewables By Irina Slav - Mar 03, 2021, 4:00 PM CST Join Our Community The blame game...

  26. U.S. wind and solar energy hit a key benchmark last month: Report Ben Adler ·Senior Editor Tue, May 10, 2022, 1:17 PM·3 min read https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-wind-and-solar-energy-hit-a-key-benchmark-last-month-report-181750400.html   The United States electricity...

  27. ESG Debt Sales Hit Eight-Month Low as Volatility Deters Issuers (Bloomberg) -- Global sustainable debt sales fell to an eight-month low in April as borrowers...

  28. Wind power is the most productive renewable energy source in the U.S., generating nearly half of America’s renewable energy. But, as Visual Capitalist's Niccolo Conte...

  29. EXCERPT - The social cost of carbon, a measurement in dollars of the damages supposedly caused by releasing a metric ton of greenhouse gases,...

  30. Step 1: Extract CO2 from the Air: https://mechanicaltrees.com/mechanicaltrees/ Step 2: Make Carbon Monoxide (and free Oxygen) from CO2: https://dioxidematerials.com/products/carbon-dioxide-electrolyzers-components/ Step 3: Let CO (Carbon Monoxide) react with itself...

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