1. Hello and welcome once again to Oilprice's latest contest, whereby one could win an amazing miniature barrel of black slime--perfect for nearly every occasion. To...

  2. Another day, another study. Let's see how it goes. Germany can't pull the cart all the way alone, I'm guessing.

  3. The site of the largest nuclear disaster in modern history soon will be a home to upwards of 100 megawatts of solar power generation...

  4. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Consumers-Arent-Crazy-About-Electric-Cars.html

  5. With the IPCC producing another huge report with yet another call to do something about emissions, I thought it might be interesting to look...

  6. The renewable energy industry is as heavily reliant on fossil-fuelled vehicles and installations as Saudi Arabia is on oil. Is anyone working to change this?...

  7. We are already here. Global Blue Oceans International, LLC and Global Green Energy, LLC Personally bringing the tech to Texas. Houston, we have landed. The Real...

  8. "By comparing the lifetime costs of 15 different renewable energy carriers such as electricity and vanadium, Lux’s analysis shows that across all renewable energy...

  9. What did one Brontosaurus say the the other Brontosaurus?    " It's Getting Chilly!!" Climate has changed continuously since time began. It will continue to change...

  10.   Damn! This is an ad from a company that is ready to compete.   @:30 is that an Elon?

  11. Battery Storage Container Manufacturing 

  12. De Blasio: Glass skyscrapers ‘have no place on our Earth’ Yes, I know New York Post is The Enemy but they're quoting the guy. I...

  13. The world’s largest “virtual battery plant” is now operating in the Arabian desert Interesting.

  14.   On Boxing Day in 2020, we were mostly indoors due to the lockdown over the Christmas period in the United Kingdom; nature hardly helped...

  15. I'll just leave this here with the comment that this is what I consider genuinely good news for the planet and leave you to...

  16. New study by researchers from Michigan State University shows that dam construction involves higher environmental and social costs than previously estimated.  A lot of developed...

  17. https://www.engadget.com/2019/07/16/lotus-evija-hypercar-ev-launch/

  18. Looks like a cool scooter. Watch video. Can put seat/baskets on it. Never seen one and have no affiliation with this company. https://cooldab.com/products/a-new-skateboards?variant=17361672962118

  19. The Australian iron ore miner is adding 10 full-sized hydrogen coaches, custom built by HYZON Motors, to replace the existing fleet of diesel coaches...

  20. The largest solar project in California is actually going to produce heavy oil ... This is a great example of how 'bipartisan' fossil fuels...

  21. Oopsie.... Cambridge academic caught on plane with £100,000 in a box of chocolates jailed over £2.8m green energy scam A Cambridge academic who stole £1m from...

  22. Invest $131 trillion in clean energy by 2050 to hit climate goals, agency says     By Matthew Green LONDON (Reuters) - Planned investment in clean energy must...

  23. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ford-planning-huge-north-american-183900478.html   Ford Is Planning a Huge North American Electric Charging Network  David Grossman,Popular Mechanics 5 hours ago   

  24. https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/electric-power/053019-analysis-us-cities-claiming-100-renewable-power-may-quadruple-in-2019 Analysis: US cities claiming 100% renewable power may quadruple in 2019

  25.   That's what happens when the company is selling EVs for about $4,100 per piece. This one is for @footeab@yahoo.com The Hong Guang MINI EV all-electric, 4-seat...

  26. Well officaly its not connected. But do you know a smart guy called Pierre Andurrand? One of very best oil traders in lat 15 years. He...

  27. China: No Wind Or Solar If It Can't Beat Coal On Price Now, you ren haters, don't be quick to mwahaha because one solar project...

  28. Today, roughly 25 percent of the European Union's power currently comes from nuclear sources, with coal and gas each delivering a little above 20...

  29. https://www.nrel.gov/news/program/2019/benefits-of-agrivoltaics-across-the-food-energy-water-nexus.html

  30. This shows up on a notorious Chinese eCommerce website. 1Mw at 5 cents per watt = $50,000. Most competing products listed on the site show...

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