1. "Complete electrification and close to 100 percent renewable energy generation: this is a vision of the United States 15 years from now." I'm not sure...

  2. Green energy zealots have been so busy trying to avoid a projected (and probably illusory) climate Armageddon by promoting renewable energy and relentlessly demonising...

  3. I leave the article with but one comment:  Power outages and brownouts in the United States of America?  Tsk, tsk California. - - Tonight, the...

  4. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Protests-Break-Out-in-Europe-As-Electricity-Prices-Soar.html Europe is having problems with energy supply due to depending on Russian natural gas, and coal of their own to meet much of their...

  5. The "renewable energy can do no wrong" brigade will no doubt be horrified to learn that I have a couple more posts to come...

  6. Joe Biden expanded his energy and climate plans with a call for spending $2 trillion over four years on climate-friendly infrastructure — a proposal...

  7. I am simply astonished that this article was published in Forbes. Paris Is Burning Over Climate Change Taxes -- Is America Next? Keep in mind that...

  8. https://rameznaam.com/2020/05/14/solars-future-is-insanely-cheap-2020/

  9. https://www.rochester.edu/newscenter/metal-perovskite-solar-cells-vs-silicon-efficiency-550212/ Essentially, energy conversion is '250% more efficient'. If existing panels are about 20% efficient, then 250% of that would be 50%, so instead of...

  10. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/13/hoover-dam-lake-mead-severe-drought-us-west This is going to make a "green transition" more difficult than expected without the use of fossil fuels. The West is  a prime area...

  11. I wrote this article  for the Australian edition of the British magazine Spectator a couple of weeks back. In essence, academics are FINALLY starting...

  12. It's taken me a few days to get around to posting this. Unfortunately, the article is behind a pay wall, but the excerpts should give...

  13. Southern California Edison Contracts Mammoth 770MW Energy Storage Portfolio to Replace California Gas Plants One of the world’s largest single battery storage procurements will race...

  14. EXCERPTS  “…After segmenting each section, a value will then be assigned to each. Some areas have a heavier weight than others. For example, if...

  15. Tesla TSLA +4.7% and PG&E recently broke ground on a record-setting energy storage system in Moss Landing (Monterey) California that, once complete, will be the largest such installation in...

  16. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/texas-power-grid-operator-ercot-issues-conservation-alert-asks-texans-raise-thermostats-unplug-appliances-avoid-blackouts/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=the-gateway-pundit&utm_campaign=dailypm&utm_content=daily What is going on? Texans will be mad. 

  17. Posters on this site have been denying the reality of an apparent collapse in investment in green energy projects. Whenever this is mentioned they...

  18. Especially when the production of that electricity is assumed to be "renewables". Will those chargers help or hinder the grid? 

  19. This is from an article in the UK's Telegraph. Regrettably, the article is behind a paywall but excerpts are below - its a warning...

  20. This is exactly the type of scenarios that the Climate Panic crowd deliberately ignore. I really do get annoyed with the obtuseness of those who...

  21. "The JAC model essentially has the same compressor flow path and turbine shape as the J-series, but it features an optimized cooling structure for...

  22. Hello there, As I am very much interested for a thoughtful discussion about the future of renewable energy. With the world's focus increasingly shifting towards...

  23. https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Solar-Energy/The-World-Is-Facing-A-Solar-Panel-Waste-Problem.html#comment_added Disposing of waste from solar panels and wind turbines is a very unpopular with greenies. This is a good introduction to the solar panel...

  24. Presented without my usual comments, for your consideration.  Excellent article: We Don't Need Solar And Wind To Save The Climate -- And It's A Good...

  25. https://www.theepochtimes.com/with-china-producing-half-the-worlds-new-energy-vehicles-retired-batteries-may-bring-explosive-pollution_3897010.html I have heard optimistic claims for using used batteries in America, but this story is scary. 

  26. https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Fuel-Cells/Australia-Could-Lead-The-11-Trillion-Hydrogen-Boom.html

  27. The offshore wind energy narrative usually includes a statement about how that source of energy is becoming steadily cheaper. Well it isn't.  This is an excerpt...

  28. I saw this somewhere today while getting my daily dose of news. It wasn't supported by any figures, though. What are the chances and...

  29. "Solar farms need huge tracts of land to operate at scale, and there is often fierce competition for those parcels, driving up prices for...

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