Energy Tech, Science, and Research

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  2. Quote The LZN0.05-40YSZ composite anode achieved a maximum power density of 100.86 mW/cm2 at 800 °C, which is 1.8 times greater than that of NiO-based...

  3. NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, says that Earth’s ozone hole is now the smallest it’s been since it’s discovery. Abnormally warm weather patterns in...

  4. Despite being dubbed as the dirtiest of all fossil fuels, the revival of coal-fired power stations is accelerating as the power companies have been...

  5. A post on LinkedIn indicated that Israel determines to be there despite surrounded by enemies has been due to  possible ownership of gas fields...

  6. Quote Oakland-based startup Molten Industries is working to build it by relying on something that’s cheap and abundant in the US: natural gas. The company...

  7. 📢📢 Breaking News!! 📢📢 New evidence just shows global warming is real!!......  

  8. Quote Tokyo, Japan – Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have developed a new carbon capture system which removes carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere with...

  9. Sidenote:  I have a nephew who is a White Hat Hacker (helps with IT security).  He once hacked into the Canadian Power Grid.  At...

  10. Let's start with the potential for "Surveillance Capitalism".  There is nothing in place to regulate the arise of something that gotta be a HUGE money...

  11. A New Paradigm for Treatment  of Covid 19

  12. The Science Of Nuclear Fusion Explained by Tyler Durden Thursday, Dec 22, 2022 - 01:45 AM LARGE IMAGE LINK - U.S. scientists at the National Ignition Facility,...

  13. In the absence of air,the microbial decomposition of organic matter produces approximately equal volumes of methane and carbon dioxide. Can anyone explain to me...

  14.   Paper published in Nature: Separation and concentration of CO2 from air using a humidity-driven molten-carbonate membrane

  15. With nuclear power in decline around the globe has RR hit upon a leaner greener concept to traditional nuclear power generation? As @Jan van Eck stated...

  16. Most tropical lightning storms are radioactive   Missing link found in gamma emission phenomena from thunderclouds   Via NASA plane, scientists find new gamma-ray emission in storm clouds  

  17. BWXT Awarded Phase Two of Microreactor Evaluation Contract for State of Wyoming   That a spinoff of Babcock & Wilcox, FYI. They supply naval reactor systems.

  18. Bill Gates at work.  Probably at a coal-fired plant site to take advantage of existing grid infrastructure. Apparently air-cooled. Heck, they might be able to use...

  19. A recent OilPrice article discusses the "NDB battery". The article and the company's web site go to great lengths to avoid discussing the actual nature...

  20. Quote Researchers at Aalto University have tackled these problems, developing a power transfer technology that works regardless of the position and orientation of the transmitter...

  21. Warning: very bad & unclear Market is Ahead The markets are throwing the hissy fit we’ve been predicting, but the Fed is showing more determination than...

  22. Britain is to bring forward the end of coal in power station, the government announced today. At present, the use of coal in the...

  23. Thought it would be good to start a thread on Elon Musk, and the following article may be a good conversation starter: What Companies Does...

  24.   Lifting and lowering tons of bricks: the best storage solution for Wind and Solar intermittency? February 16, 2022 by James Conca It’s a high capacity storage system that’s...

  25. Media still insists there is only anecdotal evidence for HCQ effectiveness. These research papers should put that objection to rest. For the prepper crowd lurking here,...

  26. A development of interest.  

  27. The most powerful street-legal Ford Mustang ever built will go on sale this fall. A 5.2-liter supercharged V8 will crank out 760 horsepower in...

  28. In today's article: the author states that EVs are not "revolutionary" replacements for ICEV, and repeats the assertion that "EVs are an alternative technology...

  29.   Converting captured CO2 directly into fuels could get simpler, cheaper February 23, 2022 by David Chandler Converting captured CO2 directly into fuels (or other products) at scale seems an...

  30. "During the production of just one one-carat diamond, Aether estimates it removes around 20 metric tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere, equivalent to the...

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