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  1. 3 points
    Spechino, none of what you told about has anything to do with Christianity or what is in the Holy Bible. I think you know that. Christians are as likely to be persecuted as any other group, especially by atheists. Communists in China killed millions of their own. Muslims did also. A religion should not be judged by the false adherents, but by those who truly represent it.
  2. 2 points
    Methane is part of the picture. Look at it!
  3. 2 points
    Then why do they light it on fire? The burning methane was literally part of the picture.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    BS Methane is a potent greenhouse gas. I am trying to stop inhaling toxic stuff, like exhaust from ICE and coal power plants. Go suck on a tailpipe and tell me how refreshing it is and then explain how oil is rising despite all the clear evidence it is crashing. $67.56
  6. 2 points
    I didn't write the article Ecocharcher misunderstood; you seem to have also misunderstood it. Where was profit mentioned exactly? FYI forest fires are natural and are net-carbon neutral. The new trees that grow suck up the pollution their parents made.
  7. 2 points
    Your reading comprehension is weak. That was not the point of the article, at all, read it again slowly. They say they are taking too large of a portion of the blame - not denying the climate climate change science. They agree there is foundation, but blame coal and other sources. Classic "but, but China does it more!" flawed argument. "Key Questions and Misplaced Blame To argue that Big Oil should be held primarily responsible for climate-related disasters, one must accept three questionable premises: Companies responsible for just 5.4% of total emissions should bear the bulk of the blame, while ignoring other major contributors, including coal producers and nationalized oil companies. Producers, not consumers, are responsible for emissions. Oil companies extract and refine fossil fuels, but consumers—individuals, businesses, and governments—burn them (while deriving benefit from doing so). A handful of Western corporations should be punished despite accounting for only a fraction of global fossil fuel production. The vast majority of oil and gas production comes from national oil companies, such as those in Saudi Arabia, Russia, and China."
  8. 2 points
    Biden and 30 other countries reacted to $100+ oil and drove it down to this 70-80 range by using oil from the reserve. Inspite of the Saudi taking 2 mbpd off the market. He sent the world a message. I don’t know if there are good numbers about exports to China, India etc. But the world is not in shortage. Non OPEC new oil is making an impact along with transporation going electric. I recommend shutting down the 720 thousand barrel a day refinery owned by the Saudi in Texas. Why help the enemy.
  9. 2 points
    I believe your correct. Any drop in oil income by Russia or OPEC is a plus since income turns quickly into weapons. Trump mentioned raising production to take away more market share. He didn’t give Biden credit for the 2 mbpd the OPEC/Russian took off the market. Same with nat gas. The US is going after market share. This is a reaction to war. The Red Sea and Suez Canal are one of the most provide the fastest and shortest way to travel between Europe and Asia. So why spend US money protecting international cargo. Russia and Iran drive up international inflation with these silly attacks. Let Europe and Asia take care of the Russians and Iran. Or cover all our costs since being the police to Russian and Iranian antics costs money.
  10. 2 points
    You say insults at the same time as claiming you refrain from insults. Too funny! You don't see or take ownership of your own errors. Smart people learn from mistakes. People like Ecocharger just keep doubling down on wrong despite reality. You endorse wrong, that makes you wrong; just stop doing that and nobody will have to tell you are wrong again. Stop endorsing stupid - simple plan.
  11. 2 points
    Forum is a place for discussion. You can agree, disagree, have no opinion or have others opinion. Then, the place would be happening. Basic manner is point discussion, not personal attack. You can attack points as much as you can, as long as you make sense. Why bother to attack the person, who is just a messenger like yourself? So what if i merely finish basic schooling? If my common sense prevails your parrotic style of brainless educated, how valuable your degree or higher cert is? You might use it to wipe the backside during toilet paper shortage if you have to, yes? What is the point if everyone repeat the same thing disregard if the info is correct? Why do we bow on uniformity despite it is stupidly damaging? "Control water, you control everything" ~ movie Rango Likewise, control money, you control everything, is it not? If we do not stand to resist being control like this, in ultimate stupidity of our own, the future scenarios are already predicted by a few authors: - movie "ready player one": everyone exists in virtual reality. In real life, everything is broken: broken families, broken lives, broken buildings, broken cities etc. Nearly all former living things runned on chips. Kind intention of founder and creator of game is ruined by imbecile successor. Luckily, the intelligent elder set up a back up system. Only the righteous and pure hearted friends can salvage the game and the world. - movie " captain America": the sole heir to megaweapon industry tried to ruin or control the world with war. Captain America alone was not sufficient to stop him. USA, somehow, ended the potential disaster in the making by killing the heir, in excellent and courageous team effort. - uniformity is the latest root cause for global warming, not fossil fuel burning. * It causes the lost of buffering capacity of earth by rapid copying of model western cities. * It creates uniformed imbeciles to be controlled at ease; * Regular financial crisis, war- conflict and disaster in the name of social progress. * It also causes inhumane inferior breeds to grow arrogant with wide spreading indifference and low overall human capability/ characteristics. The ultimate condition is like movie " revolution of matrix": everything is ruined and burned, like hell, by tiny bots sentinel and agent of multiple existence. To prevent it, we should not allow inferior breeds of low human characteristics to grow. Nor should we allow multiples to exist ruining the world further with their inhumanity. When the world unite enough to resist money control game of this breed, we will have a refreshing corner to be human again...
  12. 2 points
    The California fires were started from electric overhead wires shorting out and that's not natural. All the pollution from those fires put out more toxic pollution than all the cars and trucks worldwide for 3 years. Yup, I did roughneck some years and drilled alot of holes. Energy was and still is needed. Whether from NG or Petro Vehicles to move goods around or if want to take a vacation and fly/drive. Need petrol. I'm not ashamed of using Diesel and Gasoline in my vehicles. Not enough to go buy a EV that's not suited for my needs. I'm not fashionable. You still drive an ICE so don't preach to me. Range anxiety still is an issue. Run a battery to 3% and see how long it takes to charge fully. I can pull up to a pump and in 7 minutes be on my way for another 500 miles+/so EV's aren't for everyone and trying to shame ppl with your pollution crap is just that. Cars and Trucks are much cleaner than yesteryear. So keep crying about petrol, shows how intelligent you are.
  13. 2 points
    China made up for Germany........100 times over How many more EVs sold in China in 2024 than 2023.... oh my 11 million sold in China alone... overall EVs are now 25 percent of total sales ..........hang on it is looking like 2025 will be over 30 percent here is a chart....print it out...post it on your fridge... and keep telling yourself that Global sales of EVs are dropping....ha ha ha ha ha.... only in your dreams
  14. 2 points
    You ignore the fact the the inventory went up and prices went down - a lot. WTI is now $70.57. One year ago at this time it was $76.22. A 3.3% increase in production is not enough to cover the much larger drop in oil price.
  15. 1 point
    $66.53. Dang, that is some soaring! Down is down.
  16. 1 point
    Demand for oil products is ramping up to all-time highs, prompted by the blast of cold weather this month. If we get any more global warming, the planet will become an icicle. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Crude-Oil-Inventories-See-Larger-Than-Expected-Drop.html "The American Petroleum Institute (API) estimated that crude oil inventories in the United States fell by 1.455 million barrels for the week ending February 28. Analysts had expected a smaller 300,000-barrel draw." "Gasoline inventories fell in the week ending February 28..."
  17. 1 point
    Dig stuff out of the ground just to burn it off. What a waste. You also say that methane is not a greenhouse gas because the climate is always changing. What the heck makes the climate change? Shit in the air. You have a fundamental lack of understanding. It can be a volcano, asteroid, or your trucks - it doesn't matter - climate change is caused by changes in the air. We are changing the air, end of story. Ask yourself why do they light that crap on fire? You know why, it is less damaging burnt than just released. How can you deny that literally blowing fire and greenhouse gases into the air does not cause warming?
  18. 1 point
    WTI $67.21 "Soaring." Will Ecocharger post anymore? Or will he run away like the many other failures who refuse to eat crow?
  19. 1 point
    The old saws being tossed around about the need to tax oil out of existence are just the usual Green envy dressed up in a transparent climate change fraud. Pathetic. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/The-Truth-About-Oil-and-Gas-Subsidies.html "The article explains that oil companies primarily receive tax breaks, not direct subsidies, and these tax breaks are similar to those given to other industries. Oil companies contribute billions of dollars in various taxes and employ millions of people, significantly contributing to the economy. The debate around subsidies should include all energy sectors, including renewable energy, to ensure a fair and balanced approach to energy policy." "When most people hear the word subsidy, they imagine the government handing over large sums of money to corporations. However, what oil companies receive are tax breaks—similar to those granted to many other industries. These tax deductions allow businesses to recover costs related to production, infrastructure, and operational expenses. A true subsidy is when the government directly hands money to a company. A tax deduction, on the other hand, simply reduces what a company owes—just like how individuals deduct mortgage interest or student loan payments from their taxes."
  20. 1 point
    You suffer from a lack of historical knowledge, namely the monetary-induced inflation under Biden and the high interest rates brought in under Biden to fight the inflation...I guess you just slept through the last decade, old snoozer. What a joke you are.
  21. 1 point
    Correct!! As the climate is always changing since before man roamed the earth, more methane was in the atmosphere from swamps and volcanos. Big southern US swamps 300 years ago before the draining by more modern men put a helluva lot more methane than drilled wells. Some on here will vehemently argue this fact but I pay them no mind anymore. Be surprised when you hit the ignore does.
  22. 1 point
    Republican-Controlled Congress Votes to Repeal Methane Fee | OilPrice.com The photo below is just ignorant. What are they burning instead of free-flowing into the atmosphere? Might be stock photo being used as where H2s gas is a problem flame on all the time. Methane has the more orange coloring when flared. NG is more bright yellow if right out of the well as apposed to blueish-yellow in cleaner fields.
  23. 1 point
    Musk's brother is selling the stock; Elon cut his share from majority share holder to ~10%. His afro-white group is dumping the share. Sell it quick.
  24. 1 point
    You are delusional. You once again call down up. WTI at $68.95 is way down. Also it is now even further down at $68.75. Down is down.
  25. 1 point
    Now the nonsense about suing oil companies is being exposed as without any foundation, even from those who believe that CO2 is responsible for climate change, (which it is not). https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Debate-Over-Big-Oils-Role-in-Climate-Change.html "To argue that Big Oil should be held primarily responsible for climate-related disasters, one must accept three questionable premises: Companies responsible for just 5.4% of total emissions should bear the bulk of the blame, while ignoring other major contributors, including coal producers and nationalized oil companies. Producers, not consumers, are responsible for emissions. Oil companies extract and refine fossil fuels, but consumers—individuals, businesses, and governments—burn them (while deriving benefit from doing so). A handful of Western corporations should be punished despite accounting for only a fraction of global fossil fuel production. The vast majority of oil and gas production comes from national oil companies, such as those in Saudi Arabia, Russia, and China. According to the Statistical Review of World Energy, the U.S. was responsible for 13.2% of global fossil fuel emissions in 2023. When accounting for all the carbon dioxide emissions of the past 60 years—before Asia-Pacific’s rapid industrialization—the U.S. share rises to 24.5%. Even if one were to irrationally blame oil companies alone, their share of total emissions is a small fraction of that number." "If lawsuits against oil companies are justified, then logically, every consumer, airline, shipping company, and government that relied on fossil fuels for economic growth should be held accountable. The state of California profited enormously over the past 100 years from fossil fuel extraction. But such an approach would be impractical and economically disastrous. Suing oil companies won’t slow carbon emissions. It may score political points, but it does nothing to address the underlying issue. Instead of lawsuits, we need practical solutions that recognize the shared responsibility of producers, consumers, and policymakers alike."
  26. 1 point
    Times have changed, Trump has been elected and the age of spouting "NET ZERO" is a thing of the past, a curious black hole in human history. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Is-the-Era-of-Net-Zero-Pledges-Coming-to-an-End.html "BP is experiencing a profit slump and is being pressured by investors to reconsider its Net Zero strategy, potentially shifting focus back to oil and gas. The debate around Net Zero is intensifying, with political parties and investors questioning its economic viability and impact. The UK government remains committed to Net Zero, but faces challenges and policy adjustments that raise concerns about achieving its climate goals." "Meanwhile in the UK, the government continues to insist that Net Zero is both vitally important and eminently achievable – but its biggest cheerleader, Ed Miliband, is being forced to swallow policies that rub up against this commitment – not least the expansion of Heathrow which has climate activists up in arms or up trees or doubtless, before too long, sitting in the middle of motorways again. Politically, Nigel Farage and Reform UK sense a major opportunity to make the pursuit of Net Zero a huge wedge issue and at a speech in the City earlier this week the insurgent party – which now tops the polls – said they would scrap Net Zero, calling the objective “stupid” and pledging to tax wind and solar farms out of existence. They said they were “serving notice” on the renewables industry." Hurray!
  27. 1 point
    Oil prices are soaring as Trump unwinds and removes the assault on oil from the bad old Biden era, refilling the strategic reserves and removing the heavy tax burdens from the oil industry A new era has arrived. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Oil-Prices-Climb-as-Trump-Pledges-to-Refill-Strategic-Petroleum-Reserve.html "President Trump stated the Strategic Petroleum Reserve would be filled up quickly, as it is currently at a low level. The Biden administration previously released substantial amounts of oil from the SPR to manage gasoline prices. Trump also promised tax cuts for oil and gas producers, but drillers are hesitant to increase production without higher global prices."
  28. 1 point
    It looks like global warming supposedly caused by increasing atmospheric CO2 will end up instigating another ice age in the northern hemisphere, according to our brilliant climate scientists. That's right, global warming brings about a new ice age, the same guff that many of the climate science folk were attempting to pedal about twenty years ago. https://oilprice.com/The-Environment/Global-Warming/Scientists-Warn-Gulf-Stream-Slowdown-Could-Begin-as-Early-as-2025.html "Potential slowdown or collapse of the Gulf Stream could plunge Northern Europe into a colder climate." "...temperatures might go in the opposite direction in one area of the globe as a direct result of the warming of the Greenland ice sheet, increased rainfall attributed to climate change, and dropping salinity in the tropical waters where the Gulf Stream arises. The Gulf Stream, also known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), moves heat from the tropics, along the U.S. coast, then across the Atlantic to the British Isles and turns back and north to Iceland and Greenland. There, having lost much of its heat, it turns downward into the Atlantic depths to between 6,000 to 9,000 feet and begins a journey back to the equator and along South America. Just how much heat does the Gulf Stream move? Some 50 times the energy used by all of human civilization. This explains why Northern Europe—a branch of the AMOC flows toward Scandanavia as well—and Iceland are much warmer than their high latitudes would suggest. If the energy transfer were to slow dramatically or stop, it would almost certainly plunge these areas into a much colder climate regime, one for which they are not currently prepared. Scientists have been tracking the AMOC since 2004 and believe it is slowing. When researchers discovered in their calculations and modeling that the AMOC might start its next collapse as early as 2025, they couldn't believe it. They rechecked the results, and the conclusion was confirmed. Their model suggests that the current could begin collapsing anywhere from 2025 to 2095."
  29. 1 point
    And whom do I bash? Your just another profane keyboard warrior whose life is shallow and notsosmart. 2 lib-tards on here and i have restrained from calling you names like you call others.
  30. 1 point
    You don't know me at all boy. I choose to work because I like it! I have no plans on retiring. It's not about the money! I have 6 diesel burners, 2 gasoline. So you just keep your guessing Boy, you obviously haven't lived life yet. " You know I'm smart and that is what annoys you so much." If you have to tell the world you're smart, maybe you missed the boat.
  31. 1 point
    Why do you say so? X-axis = time in year Y-axis = oil price ( real price, not in log) Why uninterpretable?
  32. 1 point
    "That graph is actual at the time what oil cost since 1945" is more garbage English. "The graph presented demonstrates the consumer price of oil since 1945" has a better ring to it, no? Were you alive in 1945? Is that time-frame important to a young investor? Think you are more educated than me? I can pull out a degree, I doubt you can. You know I'm smart and that is what annoys you so much.
  33. 1 point
    "Short-sight" - you meant short-sighted. Garbage English, garbage brain. Do you know "a lot" is two words? Secondly, one year time frames are not short term. Oil is down on relevant time-frames We are not talking about generational long trends. Down is down, you up-vote a moron who says down is up. You can choose your path; side with a moron or don't - just try not to get sad when you look stupid yet again.
  34. 1 point
    Your short-sight look at the trends makes you really scientifically smart. You'll notice that oil tends to fluctuate like alot of commodities. Education in actual science. I think not!! Just another keyboard warrior like notsosmart. Both of whom drive ICE vehicles, but going to save the planet.
  35. 1 point
    Ron is an idiot. Try to remember I am the one trying to spoon feed you science. I gave you links to education. Learn the material before attempting rebuttal. If you choose to "learn" from morons like Ecocharger, old Ruffy, or nursing home Ron go ahead. Do not try to educate me. Some people just commit to being wrong. Down is not up. I enjoy your curiosity sometimes but you are fucking stupid if you listen to Ron or Ecocharger for anything. What level of ignorance does it take to think that some old man on oil price knows how to solve any energy problem other than burning fossil fuels. There is no free energy. Little "steam" engines using poisonous solvents is not a good idea. It is also nothing like the reverse laser you were mentioning. Choose your path. Listen to the always wrong old folks, or someone who has actual science education.
  36. 1 point
    Soaring oil prices you say? Look at numbers, year over year loss and downward trend of spike prices.
  37. 1 point
    Speak for yourself, not everyone is as disconnected to reality as the anti-CO2 gang. They do not know if it is freezing or heating. After days of using the snow blower and the shovel, I discovered that here we have what explains this freeze in climate, completely unpredicted by the standard climate change charts. https://watchers.news/2025/02/04/rare-polar-vortex-split-forecast-for-february-2025-could-bring-prolonged-cold-to-north-america/ "A significant Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) event is forecast for mid-February, potentially disrupting the polar vortex, and bringing prolonged cold outbreaks to much of the United States. While North America is expected to experience a cold outbreak, the effects on Europe remain uncertain due to the polar vortex’s less direct influence in the region." The polar vortex is a large, persistent circulation of cold air located in the stratosphere over the Arctic. It is strongest in winter and helps to contain frigid air within the polar region. When the vortex weakens or splits due to stratospheric warming, the disrupted air masses can move southward, impacting mid-latitude weather patterns." Many climate forecasters are just guessing about the changes in temperature, and all the wild Green Goblin agitators are relying on guesswork. Here is one popular view of climate change showing how climate change brings about a short hot period followed by an extended ice age.That was one understanding in 2002-2003 when the film was made, and the basic plot was how climate scientists are ignored by politicians and governments as the world enters helplessly into an ice age caused by high levels of CO2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7vRDT19Ghw This film expressed the views of many climate scientists at the time, including the U.S. government research. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2004/feb/22/usnews.theobserver "Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters.. A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020". My, my. Talk about wild panic and terror.
  38. 1 point
    Trump Reverses Biden's Environmental Policies With Assessment Freeze | OilPrice.com Tell the liberal bitch that wrote this story she needs find another platform to write in. Leftish C**t!!!
  39. 1 point
    Grok Answers What can be done to harness the heat energy in motor vehicles and all vehicles and machinery. To harness the heat energy in motor vehicles, machinery, and other types of vehicles, here are several practical approaches: 1. Thermoelectric Generators (TEGs) Function: Convert heat directly into electrical energy via the Seebeck effect, where a temperature difference across a material generates voltage. Application: TEGs can be installed near the exhaust or engine where temperatures are high. The generated electricity can be used to power vehicle accessories or even fed back into the battery system. Challenges: Efficiency is relatively low, around 5-8% conversion rate from heat to electricity, but improvements are being researched. 2. Waste Heat Recovery Systems Rankine Cycle Systems: Similar to how steam turbines work, these systems use the heat from the engine exhaust to boil a working fluid, which then drives a turbine connected to an electric generator. Application: Common in heavy-duty vehicles like trucks where waste heat from the engine can be significant. Challenges: Adds complexity and weight to the vehicle design, which can impact fuel efficiency if not designed well. 3. Phase Change Materials (PCMs) Function: Store thermal energy during one phase (liquid or solid) and release it when changing back to the original phase. Application: PCMs can be integrated into parts of the vehicle that get hot, like seats or engine compartments, capturing excess heat and potentially using it for cabin heating or other thermal management needs. Challenges: The efficiency of heat storage and release can vary, and space for these materials might be limited. 4. Heat Exchangers Function: Transfer heat from one fluid to another without mixing them. Application: An advanced heat exchanger can capture heat from engine coolant or exhaust gases and use it to heat the cabin, reducing the load on traditional heating systems. Challenges: The design must balance between capturing enough heat and not overheating. 5. Innovative Engine Designs Hybrid Systems: Some hybrid vehicles use the engine's heat to improve overall efficiency, like in regenerative braking systems where energy is captured and stored. Application: Not just for cars but also in industrial machinery where engines run for long periods. Challenges: Requires significant redesign of existing vehicle architecture. Additional Suggestions: Research and Development: Continuous R&D into materials science for better thermoelectric materials or more efficient heat transfer methods. Legislation and Incentives: Governments could provide incentives for adopting these technologies, reducing the financial burden on manufacturers. Public Awareness: Educating consumers about the benefits of such systems in terms of efficiency and environmental impact can increase demand. Harnessing waste heat not only improves fuel efficiency but also contributes to reducing the environmental footprint of vehicles and machinery. Each method has its niche based on the type of vehicle or machinery, the scale of operation, and the specific heat sources available. Post Thermoelectric Generators
  40. 1 point
    These are myths--the starters are more robust in these vehicles, and there isn't any evidence that there is more wear on the engine either. Batteries may wear out faster, but you can balance that out with the fuel savings (and the reduction in emissions is an added bonus). Now if you drive an EV...
  41. 1 point
    The cost of replacing the starter on most vehicles will cost more than to save a few gallons of gas it's lifetime. Constant re-starts isn't healthy on any engine. You bitch about pollution, Canadian wildfires made out skys orange here in Central Illinois. Lib-tard with TDS.
  42. 1 point
    Things are really moving in Washington, with a dismantling of the wasted trillions of dollars on a foolish climate program for no good reason. Rationality has returned. https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Renewable-Energy/Over-60-of-IRA-Investments-Now-At-Trumps-Mercy.html "The Biden administration signed the historic Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in 2022. Trump has repeatedly lambasted the IRA, describing it as the “biggest tax hike in history”. The IRA has so far survived Republican-led attempts to repeal major parts, but could be under serious threat under a second Trump administration." "Politico estimates that companies have announced plans to build or expand an estimated 555 manufacturing facilities thanks to generous IRA benefits. But here’s the kicker: less than half of the 230 facilities that were slated to commence by the end of 2024 beat the deadline, meaning that over 60% of IRA investments are now at the mercy of the Trump administration. Trump has never hidden his disdain for clean energy (especially ‘windmills’). He has repeatedly lambasted the IRA, describing it as the “biggest tax hike in history”. Trump pledged to rescind any “unspent” funds under the IRA should he ascend to the Oval Office, again." “To further defeat inflation, my plan will terminate the Green New Deal" "Trump may lack the power to unilaterally roll back the climate law, but all bets are off with the GOP having a majority both in the House and Senate. Even without approval by Congress, Trump can certainly make its "implementation more difficult", as Shannon Rinehart, portfolio manager at Threadneedle, has pointed out. His administration could hobble the climate law through executive action by revising treasury department rules yet to be finalized, holding back some of its loans and grants and/or tightening limits on tax credits." "...one of Trump's many "Unleashing American Energy" directives recently released pledges ‘‘…to eliminate the “electric vehicle (EV) mandate” and promote true consumer choice, which is essential for economic growth and innovation, by removing regulatory barriers to motor vehicle access; by ensuring a level regulatory playing field for consumer choice in vehicles; by terminating, where appropriate, state emissions waivers that function to limit sales of gasoline-powered automobiles; and by considering the elimination of unfair subsidies and other ill-conceived government-imposed market distortions that favor EVs over other technologies and effectively mandate their purchase by individuals, private businesses, and government entities alike by rendering other types of vehicles unaffordable.’’ "
  43. 1 point
    Why is everyone ditching EV's? They aren't stupid If you cannot buy the car outright with cash on hand, you have to get a loan. A loan requires car insurance instead of just liability insurance. Liability insurance is ~$400/year. Comprehensive car insurance is at minimum $1500/year or MUCH MUCH higher and therefore the cost benefits of cheaper "fuel" via electricity and oil changes/brakes over fuel instead and more oil changes is MORE than swallowed whole by astronomical insurance rates as not one single car manufacturer makes their batteries maintainable/swappable if damage occurs and therefore the car is totaled. Why used EV's are selling more than 11% below market value compared to used ICE and the gap is increasing every quarter. They used to be 12% above ICE https://www.carpro.com/blog/used-electric-vehicle-prices-continue-to-plummet So, until an EV manufacturer makes batteries that can be worked on due to road damage or water damage, EV's are a dead end without government gargantuan subsidies such as the fools in Norway and China.
  44. 1 point
    Outside of government mandates via massive taxes/regulations/subsidies NO ONE wants an EV Why? They aren't stupid. EV's are worse in ~every way unless you live in a VERY sunny portion of the world and you have a gigantic solar array and home battery setup/charger and can afford to have 2 cars where one of them is an ICE which you can take trips in or drive in the winter without worry you will lose half your range if it decides to get cold and you can "charge" in 5minutes or less instead of hours, or heaven help you all of your nations compatriots decided to go skiing with you and the charger is swamped and a half hour under warm sunny conditions turns into 8 hours of hell.
  45. 1 point
    You do not read your own links. EV market growth over %50. Tesla will suffer now that Musk is a known Nazi. Do not confuse Musk, Tesla, and EVs. They are not the same things.
  46. 1 point
    EVs are now entering history as another massive fail...no surprise. A foolish idea to begin with, now being exposed as another massive scam and a waste of Green energy. Not much left to do but pick up the garbage and turn to investments in fossil fuel cars. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Tesla-Sales-Fell-59-In-Germany-In-January.html "Sales of Tesla fell in Europe to start the year, falling 59% in Germany in January, as reported by the Financial Times. And, at least for now, as the report notes, the trend appears to be following suit throughout the rest of Europe. In January, Tesla's new car registrations in Germany plunged 59.5% to 1,277, despite hosting its sole European factory. Sales also fell sharply in France (down 63%), Norway (38%), and the UK (8%) year-over-year, FT writes. EV sales "slowed sharply in Germany and France" last year after subsidy cuts but have recently started to rebound. Despite this, Tesla’s January sales fell, dropping its German market share from 14% to 4%, even as the overall EV market grew over 50%"
  47. 1 point
    Old-shit in the pants (Trumps) energy revolution is going great.........for the green agenda Nat gas getting hammered once again $3.34 and dropping love the latest news that just came out right here on Oilprice..................... China has imposed a 15% tariff on U.S. LNG in retaliation for U.S. tariffs. The tariff could disrupt final investment decisions for upcoming U.S. LNG projects. Developers rely on long-term contracts to secure financing.1 hour ago China's Tariff Moves Could Derail U.S. LNG Expansion
  48. 1 point
    Production increases, inventories swell...got it ..an oversupplied market and as a result....falling oil prices you did catch the latest headline .......US crude inventories swell, ( posted it below...cause you are one slow challenged individual ) WTI still dropping Less than $71 now............Oh my it keeps dropping this morning...... maybe you will get lucky tomorrow.....then again most likely you will see dropping prices again....... $100 crude..........you been waiting for 2 years now............keep waiting...Loser Must be that great demand you keep babbling about.....ha ha ha let me see price dropping is an indication of Increasing demand or decreasing demand?????? you tell us all ...... with your big Econ degree..............ha ha ha......... where do you work at these days using your Econ degree????????? Trump is finished with his energy revolution?????? destroying the oil market..........yes he is doing a bang up job China just slapped a 15 percent tariff on US oil.......at the same time China has expanded its cash for clunkers program Glad to see Trump doing his part to further the Green Agenda.......Trumps helps kill the market for US oil......Kudos....and the price for WTI gets creamed............... Reuters Oil down as US crude inventories swell, traders worry about China-US trade Oil prices fell more than 2% on Wednesday as a large build in U.S. crude and gasoline stockpiles signaled weaker demand, while worries about... . 22 hours ago
  49. 1 point
    The most important Tesla news is that Elon's Roadster that he shot into space has completed its' journey around the sun and was mistaken for an asteroid. "Look, up in the sky." "It's an alien!" "It's an asteroid!" "It's Elon's Tesla Roadster!!!" 🤣🤣🤣
  50. 1 point
    Your time frames are not clear, there was a slowdown in North American EV sales, and German EV sales dropped by 27% on the year. That is a collapse compared to the official government plans.