1. Is China’s plan to use a nuclear bomb detonator to release shale gas in earthquake-prone Sichuan crazy or brilliant?

  2. The robots at the Enjoy Budapest Cafe can do it all - they can serve up food and drink, tell jokes, dance with the...

  3. Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Energy is looking to potentially extract large amounts of lithium from its Salton Sea geothermal plants and Tesla is reportedly...

  4. NASA’s Opportunity rover is silently marking the 15th anniversary of its touchdown on Mars. The spacecraft hasn’t been heard from since a global dust...

  5. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-bp-m-a-powershare/bp-invests-in-chinese-electric-vehicle-charging-platform-idUSKCN1PI0Z4 Better late than never, I suppose. Also, they're launching their first major ad campaign since 2010, portraying themselves as an "all-energy" company. Seriously, what's...

  6. It appears the reality of the EV "Dream" has come to an end.  Authoritarian and Totalitarian Regimes CAN produce almost anything at a "PROFIT."  Maybe the...

  7. Electric car use may be growing exponentially, but they are doing little to curb rising carbon emissions and oil demand, IEA said. According to...

  8. It was only a matter of time! Is Tesla Business model devolving to DeLorean?  Back to the Future? “Higher volume and manufacturing design improvements are crucial for...

  9. Facebook removed hundreds of pages on Thursday it said posed as independent news sites in eastern Europe and elsewhere but were actually run by...

  10. Chevron, Total and Reliance join oil blockchain platform Vakt I remember reading a few days ago about a blockchain hack... I don't want to be...

  11. There is new diagrams and explanation about a new engine design call central compression piston engine. It compress the charge(air) and expand it in a...

  12. London residents who use Uber will have to pay an extra 15 pence ($0.19) per mile under the ride-hail company’s new Clean Air plan....

  13. Will Musk (Tesla China), Gates (Templeton Dragon Fund), Buffet (BYD) and other western billionaires reset their priorities toward the Free World?  https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/15/chinese-foreign-direct-investment-to-the-us-falls-in-2018-data.html 2016-2018, FDI dropped 90%. In 2015,...

  14. Huawei’s [HWT.UL] founder Ren Zhengfei on Tuesday rejected claims his company is used by the Chinese government to spy and said he missed his...

  15. How Algorithms Are Taking Over Big Oil Apparently, algorithms = AI. It's exasperating.

  16. This is a great article addressing the overcapacity of the American auto industry. Sedans are blamed for the collapse in sales, jobs loss, and recession.  However,...

  17. Reuters analysis of 29 global automakers found that they are investing at least $300 billion in electric vehicles technology over the next 5-10 years,...

  18. Why does the WORLD use the United States Dollar?  Does it make sense to the People's Republic of China that the Renminbi is ready to...

  19. See this current example of Chinese technology theft and abuse (Spying).  What impact will Hauwei's case have on social networking companies and technology as a...

  20. The day after the Shanghai Gigafactory groundbreaking, Musk halts American production of low-end Teslas! Tesla will now make the autos in China. Mark Zuckerberg, whose wife...

  21. I thought this was very interesting. Are there intractable U.S. production problems that can only be cured utilizing China's communist system and socialist coerced labor...

  22. Any favourites yet? I saw a new Nissan Leaf, pretty cute, IBM's releasing a quantum computer, and a company's disputing the ban of its...

  23. Sounds like a horrible time to compete with China's SOEs on auto sales. Who do you think the Chinese public support, Chinese automakers, or...

  24. Journey to the future: How Samsung is creating a TV that can be controlled by your brain Why, why would anyone need this?

  25. Unless you are getting your car in for service regularly for a full check-up, you are generally waiting for something to break in order...

  26. Well worth listening to this, Munro tells it as it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVnRQRdePp4  

  27. ExxonMobil, Certain Research Labs Join IBM Q Network For Quantum Computing Saw this today and wondered: is quantum computing even working at all yet?

  28. Not quite there yet. Good overview from Bloomberg amid so much EV hype.

  29. Tesla has placed a request with the Trump administration to get an exemption from the new 25 percent tariffs on some Chinese-made products for...

  30. Willfully Gullible? Greedy? Naive? Entrepreneurial? Or, just too trusting of China's communists?  What can one say of the "Oracles" of America's Free-Enterprise system?  Buffet, Gates, and...

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