1. photo is all over msm.  Trump standing, St John's Church for his prop, holding a Bible, UPSIDE DOWN. The symbolism here is stark. So is...

  2.   These numbers even when Biden' handlers have (1) kept him out of the public, (2) limited his very few video appearances to less than...

  3. Talk about mind games. I don't actually believe that he's taking it, but, you know...

  4. Records are made to be broken, but 2016 will get to keep its crown of hottest year on record. NASA scientists are finished analyzing...

  5. https://www.foxnews.com/world/germany-russia-pipeline-project-navalny-poisoning How many Red Lines can the Reds cross before the E.U. acts? Germany suggests halt to Russia pipeline project, seeks cooperation with Navalny poisoning investigation Prime...

  6. Supposed to start first week in January. Everything said today ( and probably tomorrow during Impeachment vote) looks like a precurser for Republican's Motion...

  7. In an effort to foster debate, I would like to make some comments in regards to the ongoing rioting and protests, not only in...

  8. 120 Million ?  That's 1/3 of U.S. population  🤔 THESE ARE NO LONGER SILLY "GAFFES". IT IS EARLY ONSET OF DIMENTIA.  Everyone knows that.  June 2nd Zogby...

  9. Im am confused and not an American, but try to follow the current circus act playing out in Washington. Is the general idea behind the current...

  10. The herd immunity starts to take affect when the population infection rate reaches approximately 30% . At one point I remember hearing a newscast that...

  11. Okay, this is a stretch in relation to the the demand destruction due to the alleged pandemic, but... Masks seem to be a hot topic...

  12. "American intelligence officials say that a Russian assassination unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing American troops in Afghanistan. The Trump Administration...

  13. FACT1: In March this year Iraqi parliament, democratically elected parliament, voted for US military to leave Iraqi territory. FACT2: Various Iraqi political factions are actively...

  14. I have written rather extensively about how China forces IP transfer, or outright steals it, from its foreign "partners".  In this case, a government...

  15. As always, EUphiles are free to disagree, no hard feelings. Bonus points if EUphiles were unaware that there was already a Trade War between U.S....

  16. IN my previous Post on Venezuela, we looked at the collapse of a society.  Here, Der Spiegel takes a look at what is happening...

  17.     .

  18. In an effort to get the world’s economy back on a secure footing by resolving the US-China trade dispute, I think we should try...

  19. Climate change or coronavirus? 'Pick your evil', protesters say Protesters at a rally led by climate activist Greta Thunberg on Friday denounced governments for taking...

  20. https://www.theepochtimes.com/russian-officials-voice-concerns-about-chinese-funded-rail_2753913.html?ea_src=ai&ea_med=search Russian Officials Voice Concerns About Chinese-Funded Rail Line Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov chat during a meeting of the Supreme...

  21. U.S. MSM apparently doesn't want to report much about this news; the only newsworthy events as far as CNN is concerned are Orange Man Bad...

  22. https://www.theepochtimes.com/ccp-forces-chinese-banks-and-its-investors-to-sacrifice-212-billion_3404104.html How often has this happened in other countries? Could this happen in America? RCW   Chinese Regime Forces Chinese Banks, Their Investors to Sacrifice $212 Billion BY FAN...

  23. https://www.scmp.com/comment/opinion/article/3048762/chinas-dreams-world-leadership-are-fading-its-belt-and-road China’s dreams of world leadership are fading as its belt and road projects start to sour The Belt and Road Initiative, hailed for promoting development,...

  24. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/15894/european-union-dead?utm_source=whatfinger The European Union is Dead but Does Not Yet Know It

  25. Trump plans to press our Allies that host US bases to pay for the cost of running the bases plus 50%. It’s called cost...


  27. .

  28. I know the article is from the controversial RT. However, I would like to note that if this is true, it puts the results...