1. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  2. Experts question how attacks were so precise.  They knew exactly what to hit.  Saudis need to explain  https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/17/saudi-arabia-has-to-explain-how-its-oil-assets-in-abqaiq-were-attacked-says-ex-us-diplomat.html Also, If you overlay GoogleMap on dramatic photo of billowing smoke...

  3. Canada may hold the world’s third-largest crude reserves, but that’s little help to its largest refinery after a weekend attack disrupted production in Saudi...

  4. You sometimes see someone say some want war with Iran, or that the USA does. I can see why trump would. Gets to play...

  5. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/oil-markets-held-hostage-by-alleged-iranian-attack-on-saudi-facility-201736171.html https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-iran-saudi-oil-attacks-responsible-white-house Starting.   [Note to myself: stop being a f-ing day trader and buy oil and hold.  Back into UCO]

  6. ExxonMobil reports oil discovery offshore Guyana at Tripletail ExxonMobil Corp. reported making an oil discovery offshore Guyana with the Tripletail-1 well in the Turbot area...

  7. SABIC, ExxonMobil break ground on US Gulf Coast petrochemical project     A joint venture of Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corp. and ExxonMobil Corp. has started construction...

  8. The oil owned by Equinor the Norwegian company in my opinion needed a set back in shifting the markets of oil to favor USA...

  9. Trump acts as if he knows all and often mistates.  He is easily manipulated by the Washington Pro's.  Saudi MBS used Trump son-in-law by being...

  10.  by Tyler Durden, Mon, 09/16/2019 - 08:30 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/houthis-say-its-not-over-saudi-facilities-still-within-range-iraq-denies-its-territory                 FULL ARTICLE   - Despite US officials repeatedly over the weekend claiming they were...

  11. Ex- Saudi Oil Minister said in August , OPEC will consider all options. Only option that works is a conflict.  Real or contrived. Only picture of...

  12. Clearly, we are all going to die.  We are all going to die a horrible death from Climate Panic.  And it is all Trump's...

  13. Saudi say 15 buildings hit .  Not if look at this picture it's outside complex and mostly desert. Your U.S. military said the first drone...

  14.       Yesterday's drone air attacks on Saudi Arabia's oil facilities are threatening to disrupt the status quo of the world's oil markets and push the...

  15. https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/aramco-could-face-weeks-restoring-full-production-capacity-specter-100-oil-looms                 - Full Article   With the Saudis now racing to restore full oil production to normal levels as...

  16. How will the recent drone attack at Dubai refinery affect gold price

  17. https://www.wsj.com/articles/saudi-oil-attack-this-is-the-big-one-11568480576

  18. Here is a fascinating article that describes how a hedge fund has purchased a shuttered refinery in the US Virgin Islands and will re-start...

  19. So about that Saudi Aramco IPO... Drone attacks cause fire at two Saudi Aramco facilities, blaze now under control Saturday, 14 September 2019 Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of...

  20. Does the world agree with Iran's oil sanctions ??? Oil exporting countries are seeking to stabilize high oil prices and importing countries are trying to...

  21. China's One Belt, One Road bribe diplomacy in action.  Will wait to see if Duterte can successfully be bribed by Xi, or if Hotheaded Duterte will...

  22. Current oil price is $55 - $60 at current level ? Does this cost include cost of transportation OR does it represent cost of production only...

  23. Pioneer CEO says fracking ban would cut US oil output by 60%     US oil production would sink back to 2008 levels of 5 million b/d...

  24. Greenpeace protest closes part of Houston Ship Channel   A portion of the Houston Ship Channel closed early Thursday morning local time because of Greenpeace activists...

  25. House Votes to Bar Arctic Drilling     The House voted Thursday to again bar oil and gas drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, as Democrats...

  26. James Carville famously coined the phrase, "It's the economy, Stupid" to cut into George Bush's (the first) almost insurmountable lead. What millennials don't realize is...

  27. USGS Estimates Alaska North Slope Holds Nearly 54 Tcf Of Natural Gas Hydrate   The Alaska North Slope could hold an estimated 58.8 trillion cubic feet...

  28. Chevron Fires Warning To Oil, Gas Independents Speaking at Offshore Europe, John O’Brien, deepwater focus manager at Chevron, explained how a change in attitude and...

  29. "One of the basic assumptions or “Paradigms” that is keeping a lid on the price of oil is the belief that U.S. oil production...

  30. Iraqi oil production has surged by 400,000 BPD to reach 4.9MBPD in 2019 August compared to the average levels of 2018 of 4.5MBPD. Such...