1. In a nutshell: Wind is HIGHLY seasonal in medium latitudes and in low latitudes does not exist at all other than in form of...

  2. https://yoshinopower.com/ This is now a real product that ordinary people can buy.

  3. US power consumption is about 750 gigawatts in the peak hours in the middle of the summer. Divide 750,000,000,000 by 250 watts per square meter, one...

  4. Despite pandemic-induced supply chain challenges and construction delays, renewable capacity additions in 2020 expanded by more than 45% from 2019, and broke another record....

  5. One example of the often very poor justification, if not downright nonsensical argument, used to justify investment in renewables we need look no further...

  6. Unusually high March temperatures lopped weeks off Alaska’s long winter and reflect a warming climate trend, state climate experts say. March is normally reliable...

  7. Society would have to enact “unprecedented” changes to how it consumes energy, travels and builds to meet a lower global warming target or it...

  8. The learning rate of photovoltaics – the speed at which price declines accelerate with wider deployment of the technology – reached 23.5% in 2019, according to...

  9. https://news.yahoo.com/watch-teslas-hotly-anticipated-battery-132529035.html Tesla Battery Day. The first. It will reveal new technology. Watch on your computer at 3:30P Central Time. I am excited about any renewables...

  10. I hate to break up the EV love party but here is a dose of reality from Forbes. SUVs are becoming the new go...

  11. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2401171-ocean-heat-could-supply-essentially-endless-clean-energy-to-islands/   Ocean heat could supply essentially endless clean energy to islands An old idea to use ocean heat to generate clean electricity has long failed to...

  12. Over the past two years, interconnection queue data from PJM and ERCOT have shown a drastic shift away from new gas and a steep...

  13. The great climate change swindle Don't rejoice yet, climate skeptics. It's all gloom and doom but I'm posting it because that's a perspective not often...

  14. In 2022, Google has dramatically censored its search results for alternative narratives to the "official Climate Change narrative".  Many great alternative websites and information...

  15. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-29/gcl-system-plans-to-build-world-s-biggest-solar-panel-plant?srnd=premium&sref=RzXyyOXY If the US builds out 30Gw per year over the next 30 years, it would have 900Gw installed by 2050. US peak power demand on...

  16. Here is a link to the article Key passages are these. Standard home outlets generally put out about 120 volts of power at what electric vehicle...

  17. Arctic permafrost might contain 'sleeping giant' of world's carbon emissions We're doomed. Doomed-er. 

  18. https://www.ibj.com/articles/trump-orders-biofuel-boost-in-bid-to-temper-farm-state-anger Trump orders biofuel boost in bid to temper farm state anger

  19. https://www.prageru.com/video/whats-wrong-with-wind-and-solar Whats Wrong With Wind and Solar Video from Prager University Onlins Plenty is wrong. RCW  

  20. While this appears promising, I've seen a lot of storage claims be not much more than vaporware... https://formenergy.com/

  21. Jinko             75 GW Trina             75 GW JA Solar        60 GW Longi       ...

  22. Non-recycable? Say it ain't so! That's blasphemy to the true believers!  Child slave labor? It's ok as long as you are comfortable saving the...

  23. ‘Solar to be world’s largest power source by 2050 as cost halves' Okay, I'm beginning to worry we'll run out of space now. Costs are...

  24. Having written a book to be published in Australia DARK AGES: The looming destruction of the Australian power grid I wondered how I might share it...

  25. BlackRock’s Plan for an Additional $4 Trillion in Climate Investment By Charles Kennedy - Nov 28, 2023, 11:30 AM CST https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/BlackRocks-Plan-for-an-Additional-4-Trillion-in-Climate-Investment.html https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/blackrocks-plan-additional-4-trillion-climate-investment The world’s biggest asset manager, BlackRock,...

  26. I meant to add this item from the Manhattan Contrarian in another thread, but the moment passed. One poster was doubting that renewables caused...

  27.   https://cleantechnica.com/2020/09/26/its-official-consumer-reports-confirms-ev-owners-spend-half-as-much-on-maintenance/  

  28. Ya think ! ? ! ?   Once again, ordinary people are not going along with the narrative being forcibly shoved down their throats by...

  29. Excellent story of Reuters Nestled between icy peaks and lapped in frozen ocean waters, the tiny town of Tasiilaq in southeastern Greenland is home to...

  30. These guys are coming on strong having just over a year ago performing a publicly displayed test flight in Singapore, they are now in...

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